County magistrate Tao panicked when he saw Xie Linlang!

This, how is this possible? !

He obviously sent two hundred people to guard the city gate, and waited for Xie Linlang to come and take her down. There were only fifty people around her, and she was only as old as the prince, and she didn't look like a martial arts master. Why did she come in like this? What?

Also, didn't he have fifty arresters stationed outside the government office! Can't even stop a teenager, are they trash? !

It seemed to be responding to County Magistrate Tao's question. The next second, the ground seemed to tremble, and hundreds, oh no, thousands of workers rushed in with their workers!

They rushed and shouted! The momentum is shocking and the crowd is passionate!

Obviously before, they were like slaves who did not dare to breathe in front of Tao County magistrate, but today, they are like taking gall medicine. As long as Tao County magistrate dares to show their heads, they will rush over and beat them up!

That posture, let alone 200 officers and soldiers, 50 fast arresters, even if there are 500 more, they will definitely not be able to resist!

Among them, several young men in police clothes were dragged aside by their parents and scolded!

"Stinky boy! Are you stupid? When the new county magistrate said that he would give your father a wage increase and reduce his work, how could you help that evil county magistrate! You are trying to piss your parents off!"

Those arresters were so stupid, and some of them talked back, they were dragged aside by their parents, and if they didn't say anything, they were beaten by a mixture of men and women, scolding while beating!

"If you are still facing that corrupt official, don't come back! I will pretend that I never gave birth to your son!"

Even Tao County Magistrate's confidants were pulled aside by the children who rushed in, speaking earnestly.

"Dad! Hurry up and turn to the light! The new county magistrate said that he will only hold Tao County magistrate and Mr. Liu accountable, and the others will not be held accountable! Then what else are you thinking? Do you really want to kill imperial envoys like Tao County magistrate?" , Desperate to the end of the world? Tao county magistrate is such a vicious person, who knows if he will attack people around him in the future? There is no future in following him!"

As for the other parents who didn't come forward, other people will "discipline" them on their behalf.

All in all, County Magistrate Tao was stunned when he saw this group of ordinary people who were more ferocious than the robbers!

It never occurred to him that the person who used to kneel at his feet, whom he could step on with his feet, would one day dare to turn against him!

And it's not just one or two, it's very likely that the whole city will be reversed!

Otherwise, his confidant's family members would not have run over... Even the policemen, not to mention the officers and soldiers who guarded the city before, most of them were children from poor families in the villages outside the city, and Xie Linlang was from From outside the city.

When she entered the city, she directly invited the parents of the officers and soldiers to her side to help out. How could those officers and soldiers dare to stop her? I'm afraid that their fingers will be chopped off by their parents before they touch Xie Linlang! Can't stop it at all?

And after those people entered the city, they called for people to help out, especially those workers who went out of their homes to work before dawn, which was an encouragement to them.

Humans are creatures that are easy to be incited, and they like to follow the crowd, especially the various benefits that Xie Linlang promised, and Tao County Magistrate is really unpopular, so a fire of resistance instantly started a prairie fire, and now there is this scene!

All of a sudden, magistrate Tao hid back, feeling that the situation was over!

Originally, although he was afraid of rebellion, he still had the chance to win. After all, all the soldiers and horses in Xiangcheng listened to him, and he was the absolute authority!

But he never thought that his soldiers were also raised by their parents, even if they listened to him, they would not be able to abandon their parents, even if they had no father or mother, they would not be able to defeat the grievances of the people!

And the benefits that Xie Linlang promised with empty teeth are actually exploiting him!

Why reduce working hours and double the monthly salary? Is that tin workshop hers? That's obviously his!

In the end, Xie Linlang used his things to sell favors and made the parents of his subordinates turn against him. What's the reason for this?

Are scholars so black and shameless?

After a forceful persuasion, Tao county magistrate gradually had no one around him to protect him. In the end, those confidantes also put down their weapons and succumbed to the shovels in the hands of the workers.

Seeing the courtyard gradually quiet down, Xie Linlang walked out calmly. She looked at County Magistrate Tao shivering in the corner, and couldn't help shaking her head and sighing.

"Tsk tsk, it's so pitiful, don't worry, after you leave, Xiangcheng will definitely prosper under my management..."

As she said that, she leaned over and whispered in County Magistrate Tao's ear, "As for the money you saved... I've already found it, and it's quite a lot! Don't worry, I'll spend it for you, and I promise not to spend a single penny. waste!"

Originally, County Magistrate Tao was already numb, but when he talked about his hard-earned money, he became excited!

He shouted, "You won't succeed! Even if all my money is copied to the imperial court, it won't be given to you!"

When Xie Linlang heard this, while having someone tie up County Magistrate Tao, he glanced at the imperial envoy by the wall whose legs were so weak that he needed Xiaoxi's help to stand up, waving his fan and squinting with a smile.

"Don't worry, all the money in Xiangcheng is my money, even if it is an imperial envoy, he can't take any of it away."

After finishing speaking, she strode towards the imperial envoy regardless of Magistrate Tao's wailing as she was being dragged away.

In fact, Xiaoxi had sent him a letter before saying that the county magistrate Tao was not imprisoned, but was under house arrest in the government office, so she knew something was going to happen.

However, she did not rush over there in a hurry, but continued to clean up the river while sending people to investigate the situation.

After the river was cleared and the investigators returned, she took people to the village and knocked on doors from house to house.

Before outside the city, the news of County Magistrate Tao's arrest and the benefits she promised to the common people spread in every household, but it hadn't reached the city yet.

Originally, the ordinary people, who were so happy that they couldn't sleep, heard that the poisonous county magistrate dared to rebel and wanted to kill the imperial envoy and Xie Linlang. How could this be possible?

If Xie Linlang was killed, not only would they not be able to get the benefits she promised, but they would also continue to be exploited by Tao County Magistrate. How could they bear this gap?

So under Xie Linlang's lead and encouragement, they quietly picked up the thing and went out.

In the dark night, the torches in their hands gradually formed a row from dots, and finally merged into a long dragon, heading for the gate of the city mightily!

The officers and soldiers who had heard the news and knew that there was an ambush at the gate of the city still didn't understand Xie Linlang's approach.

Although these people in front of her are capable and strong, most of them are old and weak women and children, and they don't even dare to breathe when they see officials. Can such a group of mobs help her deal with Tao County Magistrate's soldiers?

Knowing their concerns, Xie Linlang smiled "ha" and pointed at herself.

"Don't forget, I'm also an official!"

The common people are afraid of officials and dare not have the heart of rebellion, but when one official beats another, they only need to choose to stand in line.

As for whoever stands, the torch in the dark night is the best proof. If the people's will, they will be invincible and invincible!

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