The Cyber Galaxy of Cultivation

Chapter 16 Escape in an unexpected way

"They're still chasing us."

Auntie Brain suddenly reminded me.

Nan Ling's sense of crisis was so strong that he couldn't help but ask: "Is OB7561c the only one in this galaxy that can help us enter hyperspace?"

His mind said faintly: "Of course not, there is another celestial body that can do it, and it can even be faster and more stable."

Nan Ling suddenly looked in another direction, where the stars in the entire galaxy were located!

"Yes, it's OB7561a. We don't need to get too close to it. It can send us into hyperspace with the help of its huge gravitational field. The only problem is that it must withstand strong radiation."

"At that location, I'm afraid the outer shell of this broken spacecraft can't withstand that kind of radiation. It will be very dangerous for you and me to be in it."

Auntie Brain reminded.

Nan Ling confirmed: "I still have three anti-radiation needles, which should be enough for us to use by then."

After hearing this, Auntie Naoinao said helplessly: "You have such a sense of worry, do you need to be like this?"

Nan Ling said: "Let's just treat them as a false shot and tactical deception to make ourselves safer."

There was no rejection in her mind. She didn't agree with Nan Ling's judgment, but she chose to obey it.

This is not about obedience, but Nan Ling is right, it may be safer this way.

The plunderers actually chased them instead of fleeing even though they knew they couldn't catch up. The problem here was too questionable.

Let's assume the worst case scenario, what if someone is ambushing them near OB7561c?

In contrast, facing the radiation brought by OB7561a, the star in this solar system, this is at least a foreseeable danger for them, and it is controllable.

Between controllable dangers and unknown possible dangers, Nan Ling and Nao Nao chose the controllable dangers that would inevitably exist.

So the spacecraft turned around, changed its course, and headed straight for the star.

This choice obviously exceeded those people's expectations. When they had completed the course change, the Marauder spacecraft chasing them reacted belatedly, and then suddenly became chaotic.

Some continued to catch up, some stopped in place, and some were running around like headless flies.

When the brain saw this, he said "haha": "It seems that our actions exceeded their plan, then our bet is right, then OB7561c must be a trap!"

She was about to say a few more flirtatious words, but suddenly fell silent.

Because they saw the huge starship emerging from the shadow behind OB7561c...

An interstellar frigate belonging to the Wind Consortium!

It suddenly emerged from the shadow of the huge gaseous planet. Even though there was still a long distance between the two, Nan Ling and Nao Nao felt an extremely huge pressure.

"Someone is guarding and stealing!"

The brain said firmly.

Nan Ling thought further and said, "We are now the target of their silence. This is very bad."

"Is there a way to bring them down?"

The brain also realized the seriousness of the problem.

At this moment, the frigate had opened its cannon and fired at them!

Unfortunately, their broken ship doesn't even have a shield, and it can basically become space dust after being hit once.

Fortunately, their previous risk for insurance was successful. At this time, they were far enough away from the frigate that the opponent's energy attack could only roughly cover the area where they were located, but could not produce precise damage.

But the opponent's firepower was too dense, and Nan Ling felt like he was being covered in a hail of bullets.

At this time, they also entered the gravitational range of the star of the OB7561 galaxy, and the first thing they felt was the terrible radiation.

This radiation made Nan Ling feel that the spacecraft he was in was no different from paper. Even the outer layer of the spacecraft seemed to be transparent, unable to prevent those terrible rays from entering.

He felt very bad. He felt as if his body was suddenly riddled with holes, and his whole body was rapidly weakening.

The spiritual power in his body was able to block the radiation for him, but under the influence of the powerful radiation, that little spiritual power soon lost its activity as his body weakened, and became lifeless.

In fact, Nan Ling had wondered before whether this radiation could give him some particularly great mutation or something.

Like the Fantastic Four.

It's a pity that he was just thinking about it. When he was really exposed to the radiation, he felt like his body was about to collapse. He only felt itchy all over his body, and his whole body was filled with a sense of abnormality.

At this time Nan Ling said: "I remember that there was a White Feather Legion fleet stationed near Chenyuan 06?"

The brain said: "You are crazy, we will be blown to pieces!"

Nan Ling said: "Send identification information promptly. We are all residents of Chenyuan 06. We are all citizens of the Wind Domain. I don't believe they can even corrupt the White Feather Legion."

Her mind paused for a moment, allowing herself to think calmly, and she said: "Yes, it is the best solution to go to the White Feather Legion for help at this time."

"And although the White Feather Legion receives two-thirds of its military expenses from the Feng Consortium, the two are actually in a parallel relationship, not subordinate."

"Have the opportunity!"

The brain immediately began to operate the equipment on the spacecraft that had begun to skip frames to recalculate the course, and then used the gravitational field of the star to perform a hyperspace jump.

At the same time, the frigate behind them also began to prepare for a hyperspace jump.

What they used was naturally the gravitational field of OB7561c.

Even larger spacecraft do not need to use the gravitational field of celestial bodies. Because of their huge bodies and mass, they can create a strong enough gravitational field to perform hyperspace jumps.


Nan Ling only felt a muffled sound, and he felt as if the spacecraft he was on was suddenly ejected from a bowstring and disappeared.

At the same time, the frigate behind them suddenly entered hyperspace flight.

Obviously the other party has no intention of letting them go.

Unfortunately, they only thought that Nan Ling and the others would return to the Chenyuan 06 space station, so they went directly to the hyperspace jump there.

But they didn't expect that Nan Ling and the others were going to the White Feather Army's station in a similar direction!


Nan Ling and Nao Nao escaped from hyperspace flight.

At just this moment, various piercing equipment alarms sounded around them.

Then a hole suddenly ripped open in the middle of the spacecraft, and then the entire spacecraft disintegrated on the spot.

Nan Ling was completely confused.

Then he remembered that when he was approaching the radiation-filled star OB7561a, he was unable to control his spiritual power and magic because his body was severely irradiated.

And their ship's hull had already been damaged when it broke through OB7561b's planet atmosphere, and it was all thanks to his wind pressure technique to block the breach!

Using such a dilapidated ship to perform a hyperspace jump, it is normal for the ship to disintegrate in minutes for you to see.

For today's White Feather Legion, it is a very confusing feeling.

One moment, everyone was on combat alert because of the detection of an illegal hyperspace jump. The next moment, they saw a mass of garbage coming towards their faces...

Is this a new strategy?

Ms. Feng Ye, the commander of Baiyu’s Sixth Fleet, is drinking coffee in her captain’s seat. She is young, beautiful and talented, and the most important thing is that her last name is ‘Feng’!

This was when she was so confident that even the urgent warning could not move her.

As a result, she suddenly saw a man wearing Feng Consortium work clothes standing in front of her bridge window with his teeth and claws open.

That sip of coffee almost spurted it out.

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