The Cyber Galaxy of Cultivation

Chapter 50 Danger is approaching

I really found the treasure. Not to mention that Fanny was not willing to go back, and the members of the exploration team who were traveling with her were not happy either.

Mo took out a detector to test and identify this gem that was full of spiritual energy.

Li Ji began to look through the database, and the super brain's computing speed quickly led her to the conclusion: "This is the original crystal!"

Mo also concluded: "Yes, only the original crystals can be condensed in the star systems in the early stages of the formation of the Milky Way."

Nan Ling also found relevant information. This original crystal was actually a condensation of lava wrapped in spiritual energy.

Because the spiritual energy itself is extremely volatile, if you want this spiritual energy to remain in the magma, it must be in an external high-pressure environment.

This situation can only be satisfied by stars formed in a high-density aura environment at the beginning of the birth of the Milky Way, and it can only be formed in the core of a giant planet or a gaseous planet with a particularly large mass.

Nan Ling said in surprise: "Is this planet still wandering from the center?"

A wandering planet born in the center of the Milky Way, after losing its original star, traveled a long distance to the nearby star field, and was finally captured by this white dwarf star.

Only a one-in-a-billion chance could have created the current situation.

Li Ji was much more realistic than him. She said: "There is no need to investigate the cause of it. Anyway, I know one thing, that is, our Miss Fanny has made a lot of money this time!"

She also said excitedly: "Fanny, if you go deeper, if you can find a mineral vein, even just a small piece, your planet can be sold for tens of billions!"

Nan Ling was frightened by the magnitude that suddenly appeared.

However, Fanny didn't seem to care about this. She just simply enjoyed the treasure hunt.

Mo rushed forward like a bolt of lightning, and at the same time left a message in the 'work group': "Help me continue to pay attention to the formation movement, I have a bad feeling."

Nan Ling responded, regardless of whether Mo could hear it or not.

After another half hour, under the leadership of Mo, the team had already penetrated deep into the ground.

And this exploration team has fallen into a carnival, because they really discovered a mineral vein!

The members of the exploration team couldn't help but move their hands up and down and began to pick the original crystals in the veins.

Their eyes were full of greed, and dangerous emotions were brewing among these rotten people.

Nan Ling took a shower and walked into the bridge with a fragrant smell.

I saw Lijimiao sitting on the captain's throne and observing the surrounding situation.

Nan Ling asked in surprise: "Aunt Liji, why are you in this state?"

Li Ji said: "The body was being maintained in the room. I also felt a little bad, so I decided to maintain my body in the best condition first."

Nan Ling agreed after hearing this.

If he hadn't had this premonition, how could he have come to the bridge?

"Xiaoxia, enlarge and display all the crustal readings. I want to know its real-time changes."

Artificial intelligence Xiaoxia responded: "Yes."

Then a three-dimensional projection appeared in front of Nan Ling, and it seemed that the situation was not bad.

This is understandable. After all, the previous landing site was not randomly selected. It was naturally verified by multiple parties to ensure a certain degree of safety.

Nan Ling just looked at it, looked at the computing power of his own intelligence core, and then said: "Show the crustal movement of the entire planet."

The picture in front of me changed again, becoming a three-dimensional perspective view of the entire planet. The movement of rock formations and the flow of magma below the surface were clearly marked.

And every detail change is actually a large amount of data calculation. This is the computing power that only the starship intelligent center can possess.

Nan Ling's intelligence core used 50% of its computing power just to receive these calculation results, which shows how large the amount of information is.

He analyzed and observed it for about half an hour. In fact, this was also a learning process for him.

Soon he discovered some patterns and shared in the 'work group': "This is a model of the movement of the entire planet's crust. I found that the planet's crust has a lot of pressure, and it moves in a roller-like manner. Pressure releases alternately erupt within the Earth’s crust.”

"Although the current crustal pressure explosion point is still some distance away from you, it is approaching your position!"

He summarized a phenomenon.

Mo, who was paying attention to the situation here, immediately reacted and said: "This has something to do with the rotation of the planet!"

Nan Ling was reminded and said to Xiaoxia: "Show the overall picture of the galaxy."

The next moment, the three-dimensional planet in front of him rapidly 'zoomed out' in front of him, and then was included in the orbit of the white dwarf galaxy.

Nan Ling looked at it and then said: "Yes, the pressure relief area in the earth's crust will be generated roughly when the planet rotates towards the white dwarf."

Mo asked directly: "How long do we have?"

Before Nan Ling could answer, Li Ji had already taken the lead and said, "Well, I think we should also take into account recent events."

Nan Ling took a closer look and immediately realized that the problem was somewhat serious.

In the orbit of this planet, it is about to pass through the perihelion point that is most affected by the gravity of the white dwarf!

At the same time, the temperature on the planet's surface began to rise rapidly, and even a thick gas disk could not stop this.

Even Nan Ling could directly see a gorgeous picture like an aurora from the bridge.

After a while, after incorporating the near sun into the calculation model, Nan Ling said: "Quick, you still have twenty minutes to leave from there!"

"Hurry up, I can't guarantee this is an accurate time, we lack a complete model of this galaxy!"

The main reason is that Fanny set off too hastily. Normally, she should have observed her for a period of time before taking action.

Mo reacted quickly and directly passed over Fanny and issued an order: "Everyone, return to the original route immediately!"

Fanny was stunned for a moment, then stood aside weakly and said nothing.

She was a little scared, feeling that Mo was so fierce now.

And the three former White Feather Legion members also immediately chose to obey.

But the rest of the rotten people recruited from the lower class areas can't do it. A huge amount of wealth is just placed in front of them. How could they just give up?

Therefore, a group of people lingered and refused to move.

Fanny finally came to her senses at this time, and she quickly said: "Mo is right, hurry up and leave, these are just free money!"

Unfortunately, Fanny, whose leadership ability has always fluctuated, obviously did not match her strong leadership ability this time. Her tone was soft and she felt like a little loser.

Of course no one paid attention to her.

Fortunately, Mo was much more decisive. Her first priority was always to ensure Fanny's safety. She immediately said: "Everyone, return to the login module immediately!"

"If you delay further, you will be responsible for the consequences."

As soon as he finished speaking, he didn't care what happened to those people. He picked up Fanny and ran away.

At this moment, Mo was really strong.

Naturally, the three retired sergeants Bai Yu followed immediately. To their surprise, Nan Ling's "acquaintance" Lao Mu, after hesitating for a while, suddenly and decisively followed with his men.

To be honest, there were only two who followed, and the remaining one was also pulling at the original crystal with red eyes.

In fact, it's not that they don't know that the situation is urgent, it's just that people always have a sense of luck and think that they can make a big fortune in time.

After all, they may not have the chance to collect the original crystals themselves next time!

From this point of view, the situation at this time was caused by Fanny's brief indulgence towards them.

She herself didn't care about the wealth, which completely aroused the greed in these people's hearts.

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