The Cyber Galaxy of Cultivation

Chapter 76 Candidates left behind

Nan Ling breathed in the relatively fresh air here and recalled that when she fell, she saw that there was even a river here.

His three-dimensional projection appeared on the bridge and asked, "Is there life on this planet?"

"There is water and air here. Even the air is suitable for us humans. Maybe life will appear."

Xiaoxia immediately replied: "This ship cannot conduct long-distance and penetrating detection on Pluto, so it can only conduct ground reconnaissance within a hundred kilometers of the ship."

"Judging from the soil composition of Pluto within the scope of exploration, it contains a large amount of organic matter and active bacterial flora. There is obviously life here."

"And it can be judged that life here should be very prosperous."

Ai Xiaoxia gave an analysis from its perspective.

Then the question arises. If Xiaoxia's analysis is correct, then why is the planet they see at this time a barren scene?

Nan Ling felt very strange.

But then Xiaoxia reported the situation again, but it was projected on the bridge in the form of a map.

This is a stratigraphic map.

Because of the existence of dark matter, the detector on Zhuoxia can only detect things within a kilometer underground.

Within this kilometer range, it is enough to detect the location of some mineral veins.

It's just a pity that at least within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, no shallow veins that are easy to mine have been found.

Some of them are just sporadic barren mineral veins, which cannot support the use of Zhuoxia at all.

"Unlucky dark matter, why is this thing so disruptive? It would be great if the characteristics of this dark matter could be discovered."

Fanny said something distressed, because this means that this planet cannot be explored in the simplest way, and must rely on people to measure it on foot.

The so-called ‘dark matter’ is a general term for substances that cannot be detected by humans.

This type of material is even difficult to observe, which is limited by human observation methods.

Therefore, the detection of every kind of dark matter is actually a huge breakthrough in a new field for mankind.

The same goes for ‘dark energy’.

Spiritual power is actually the general term for the various dark energies discovered by humans during the middle stages of the Locust Disaster.

At that time, all human advancement directions encountered the underworld locusts, which were equivalent to being trapped in the narrow star field around the mother galaxy.

In order to continue civilization, we can only do crazy involution.

Some ancient families found descriptions of spiritual practice from their library, and through the discoveries of some pioneers, they accidentally found ways to observe spiritual power through technological means.

This is the origin of today’s hodgepodge system of cultivation and technology.

Under the crazy involution, he finally found a way out.

And now the big forces and wealthy families in the entire human race are the winners of that involution, so it is not wrong to say that they are born noble.

Fanny had already given the order at this time: "The information that can be obtained by staying on the ship is limited, so I decided to conduct the operation in two ways."

"One group is responsible for exploring this planet, and the other group is staying here on Zhuoxia to repair the hull and handle logistics matters."

After hearing this, Nan Ling knew that she would definitely stay behind this time.

Sure enough, Fanny said: "Xiaonan, you should prepare what you need for the exploration first. We will decide on the internal and external personnel later."

This directly acquiesces to his logistics position.

But that doesn't matter, he really prefers to do things by himself rather than working outside.

He nodded and said nothing more.

Then it was time to listen to Aunt Liji's report on her interrogation.

She said: "You must not have imagined that I was able to complete the interrogation so quickly just because I found such a small extra chip on his prosthetic body."

Everyone was surprised, and Fanny immediately reacted: "C.K. is being manipulated!"

Li Ji nodded: "It should be the so-called death weapon hypnosis."

She was now a three-dimensional projection appearing on the bridge, but she still had a complete body.

The so-called "death machine hypnosis" is that through the loading of certain remote programs or certain chips embedded in the body, a highly prosthetic person begins to think that he is a machine.

The key point is that 'death machine hypnosis' first appeared in some sweatshops. People at the bottom had to bear huge debts to work in those dark factories, which would make those who have highly cheap prosthetics feel that they are already cold and mechanical. illusion.

If this illusion continues to deepen, you will really regard yourself as a machine that only knows how to obey orders without any self-awareness.

Moreover, this kind of 'mental illness' can actually be 'contagious'. As long as there is one case of the disease in a factory, it won't take long for the entire factory to be filled with such people.

At first people thought it was really a disease, but later they found out that it was actually a 'little trick' of the company bosses.

Some bosses who are too lazy to pay meager wages and don't like workers to go off work will choose to use a jamming device to interfere with the weak intelligence of workers' prosthetics.

Those workers themselves are numb from the torture of life, and they are easily affected by this kind of interference, thinking that they are really a machine that does not need rest or pay.

This is the origin of ‘Death Machine Hypnosis’.

Fanny and Mo both shook their heads and smiled bitterly: "It's really ironic. It only takes a small chip, or even a chip that anyone can make by themselves as long as they have completed basic education, to control a veteran warrior."

She then shook off these feelings and asked: "Then C.K. Can you tell me who is trying to take advantage of us?"

Li Ji said: "The Death Star Bandits, you must not have imagined that the Death Star Bandits are actually composed of highly cyborg raiders, and many of them have even completely uploaded their consciousness to the super brain!"

Fanny curled her lips disdainfully and said, "A group of patients with severe mechanical syndrome."

Mo Ze held his chin with one hand and muttered: "This does explain why that ship was able to attack us in hyperspace."

"If it all relies on the digital intelligence that exists in the super brain, then it can indeed be done."

"Only this further illustrates the seriousness of the matter. That is, forces of this level are not just plunderers. There must be someone behind the scenes."

Fanny patted Mo's shoulder and said, "Don't think so wildly. Since they are hiding in the dark, it means they must be the kind who will die in the light."

"Don't be afraid of them, just cut off all their outstretched claws."

I have to say that Fanny's idea is really simple and straightforward.

Nan Ling admired this very much and liked this refreshing power.

Next, he started busy preparing various things.

The ground exploration team must not be composed entirely of humans. He would have to equip the exploration team with combat robots.

In addition, in order to light up the 'fog' of the entire planet, he had to urgently work on making a repeater, so that he could amplify the various signals on the Zhuoxia and complete the comprehensive monitoring of the entire Pluto.

At least comprehensive surveillance of the surface.

Combat robots have been in stock for a long time and were quickly prepared, and there are also many backup repeaters.

What surprised Nan Ling was that Mo would stay with him on the Zhuoxia.

He didn't think it was a distrust of him, he was simply happy.

Sister Mo is very generous and is very happy to give money. This is a rare opportunity and he must perform well.

PS: It will be on the shelves tomorrow. To be honest, if I hadn’t looked at the date, I would have forgotten about it... Before it goes on the shelves, please allow me to solemnly recommend the book: "Dou Po Writes a Diary: The Female Protagonist Collapses", hehe .

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