The Cyber Galaxy of Cultivation

Chapter 78 Causes of Special Landforms

The Zhuoxia's power furnace was repaired and the shield was reopened, which immediately raised the entire mountainside, forming a cave large enough to serve as the Zhuoxia's repair dock.

Next, let the robot build the frame beams and columns entirely to the AI. Nan Ling returned to the bridge to watch Boss Fanny's adventure together.

Exploring the ruins of alien civilization, this is the romance of pioneers!

Nan Ling was very envious at this time, and he also wanted to participate in such an adventure.

Mo looked at his arrival and just nodded without saying anything. Strictly speaking, it was a waste of resources for the two of them to be here together. Anyone left could take charge of the Zhuoxia's repair work.

At this time, they were all paying attention to the situation on Fanny's side.

"Where are the ruins?"

What Fanny faced was an empty wasteland. It seemed that there was only blue-gray soil and nothing else.

This was completely different from the urban ruins she had imagined.

Xiaoxia had marked the target again, and Fanny took her robot centurion to get closer and take a closer look before she saw the so-called civilization ruins.

To be honest, it was just a gray stone that looked like some kind of jewelry, but it had stayed in the dust and mud for too long. When Fanny picked it up, she could only feel that it should be some kind of jewelry. of fragments.

"Indeed, these are the remnants of civilization."

"Just this fragment is enough to prove that intelligent civilization once existed on this planet, but it all died out at some point."

Nan Ling said: "Show me the soil analysis of this planet."

He quickly got a map, which contained a very high amount of information. He only needed to focus on one place, and the soil composition analysis within a minimum radius of one kilometer would appear in front of his eyes.

He took a closer look and said, "This doesn't make sense. The soil here contains sufficient organic matter and a very active bacterial population, but why don't we see any higher organism cells?"

"It feels like everything on this ground has been wiped away by some kind of existence."

Mo has already said: "Xiaoxia, use the database to match the situation here and find similar cases."

After all, this situation is a bit too scary.

Nan Ling also gave a guess: "Maybe it's the effect of the dark matter cloud?"

Mo shook his head and said: "The entire galaxy is in this dark matter cloud. If the dark matter cloud can really wipe out all life on this planet, then why are we okay?"

"I see you don't even wear a mask when you are outside, right? Isn't that okay?"

She gave Nan Ling herself an example, which also left him speechless.

At this time, Xiaoxia's comparison search had produced results, and now thousands of pictures were spread all over the bridge.

Nan Ling and Mo were both stunned, and then stared blankly at the photos in front of them and the names of the planets marked on these photos.

Nan Ling blinked and said, "If I remember correctly, these planets are now the earliest administrative stars in each star field, right?"

Mo nodded and said: "The Fengu Star from the Ancient Territory is also there. This is the capital star of our Ancient Territory."

Then she said to Fanny with an ugly face: "We are in big trouble, do you know what that means?"

Fanny said: "I understand, but there is nothing to be afraid of. After the plague of Hades, the predecessors developed the star map, and sometimes only one development ship was needed to clear a planet of Locusts. What's more, now, it's us?"

She seemed confident.

Nan Ling also got the keywords from her words and immediately started related searches.

Using Xiaoxia's database, he finally knew the origin of this planet or the similar landforms of many planets.

The origin of this creature is a mystery, and its behavior is also unpredictable.

They destroyed civilizations one after another. Anyway, before humans left the Proxima galaxy around their home galaxy, they had occupied almost every place that had ever had life.

But to be honest, with the military strength of the Human Federation at that time, it was able to fight back and forth with these locusts, at least they were not completely abused.

How could they occupy the entire galaxy?

There are so many puzzles here.

All planets occupied by the underworld locusts will be covered with some kind of highly corrosive mucus, which is the secretion of the underworld locusts when they eat.

They devour all organic matter and then secrete strong acid mucus to cover the entire planet.

Even if there are plant seeds and microorganisms in the original soil, they will be completely destroyed and killed by this mucus, and eventually become a completely dead planet.

But it is very magical. When the king insect among the underworld locusts dies, the rest of the underworld locusts will become leaderless and quickly weaken, and they will even die on their own without too many human intervention.

The corpses of dead locusts that died in batches will become the best fertility in the soil after rapid decomposition.

At this time, all life on the original planet has died, and nothing will grow as a result.

But if someone brings new seeds to sow, it will be lush again in a short time.

Mo said: "No matter what, I made a lot of money this time."

"A habitable star wrapped in unknown dark matter can be sold for a good price, whether it is used for scientific research, colonization, or as a plaything for real bosses."

Nan Ling breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and then asked in the 'Hyperspace Active Group': "In this way, the boss will have money to operate our Zhuoxia No., right?"

Fanny: "Why are you suddenly talking in this group?"

"That's right. I'll bring Sister Liji in too, and then the work group can be officially expanded to include everyone on the ship."

So Li Ji joined the group.

Li Ji said: "So there is still such a group. What were you doing when you were flying in hyperspace before?"

Fanny hesitated, a little embarrassed to admit that she was playing games.

Nan Ling already said calmly: "We have loaded a lot of learning materials, and Boss Fanni and Sister Mo will still find time to give me lessons."

Li Ji nodded repeatedly after hearing this, thinking this was very good.

Fanny breathed a sigh of relief, at least maintaining her character in front of Li Ji.

Mo looked at Nan Ling and smiled before saying, "We are indeed lucky this time, but Fanny, I think we should get in touch with the master as soon as possible after we go out."

Fanny waved her hands indifferently and said, "Don't pay too much attention to that. That old guy dared to cut off my pocket money. Don't think I'll ignore him easily in the future!"

Nan Ling felt that Fanni's father was really miserable.

But this matter has nothing to do with him. It has nothing to do with him.

It's just that Fanny's luck is a bit too weird. This kind of thing can definitely be called an 'accident', right? But this 'accident' was a good thing.

It seems that Fanny is not only a leader with quantum uncertainty, but her luck is also extremely random.

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