The Cyber Galaxy of Cultivation

Chapter 89 Loves eating apples and fish

After spending three days, Nan Ling finally found all the hidden points in his body and started warming.

In this way, he can be regarded as officially entering the tenth level of Qi refining, but after these opened acupoints are warmed and nourished, he still has to continue to accumulate.

Because according to the normal steps, he must first accumulate enough before he can try to open these acupoints. In that way, once the acupoints are opened, his accumulation will be in place, and it won't be long before he can start trying to build the foundation.

But now he uses his own operation to open the acupoints first. If he doesn't accumulate enough, it is not enough. If he breaks through the realm first, he has to go back and continue to accumulate.

But now, even if it is only in the warm-up stage, its effects have already been reflected.

With the opening of the acupoints all over his body, the spiritual energy can move according to the most perfect operating channel in the Qi refining period of "Xuanfeng Jue", greatly increasing the speed of refining his spiritual power.

This can be regarded as getting twice the result with half the effort.

Nan Ling always thought that if his intelligence and intelligence were placed in ancient times, he would be a genius in cultivation!

It's a pity that he came to this era, and he was always beaten by rich people using technological resources.

No matter how smart you are, you can only catch up but cannot widen the gap.

No matter what, we are about to build the foundation. By then, we can barely catch up with Mo’s cultivation level, right?

Nan Ling thought in her heart that she would be able to get out of seclusion.

At the same time, he posted a message in the ‘Hyperspace Active Group’: “I’m out of seclusion. Has anything interesting happened recently?”

Li Ji was always the first to answer him: "No big deal, just daily ship repairs. Ever since we caught that 'white pig', everything has been peaceful."

Nan Ling asked: "White pig?"

Mo said faintly: "That's the name Fanny gave to the king insect. It was clearly stated that she would be caught for research? Why do I feel like she is being kept as a pet?"

She suspected that she had been scumbag.

Nan Ling immediately played a group prompt. When he saw the group name, why was it called "Tigress Doesn't Show Her Power"?

Wait, this group used to be called ‘Mom’s Not Here’, right?

Well, now you know who sent the message without even looking.

When he clicked in, he saw Fanny exclaiming: "Oops, Mo is going to be angry. Please help me quickly and think of a way!"

Nan Yan was silent. He felt that this kind of thing was on the boss. You asked Sister Mo to get angry. He couldn't always help the boss, otherwise Sister Mo would be sad.

However, Li Ji changed the topic for Fanny at this time.

She said: "Regardless of Fanny's original intentions, we did make some very interesting discoveries."

As expected, Mo's attention was diverted, and she said: "Sister Liji, you have been leading the team to investigate, but have you made any special discoveries?"

Li Ji nodded and said: "I found the body of the two-headed worm, and it's not the only one."

Mo said, "How did they die?"

Li Ji said: "My detection equipment shows that their bodies are in a state of hormone imbalance, and their physiological state is at an extremely low level before death. It can be judged that they died of disease or starvation."

As she spoke, she uploaded an entire data package to the 'Hyperspace Active Group'.

Now this group has completely replaced the previous 'work group' and has become a place for four people to talk business.

Nan Ling also loaded the data package and immediately read all the information given by Li Ji.

Then he said: "These two-headed worms are getting weaker, not just physically but psychologically."

Mo said: "Obviously, they relied on the existence of the king worm to survive. Now that the king worm has been captured and completely sealed by us, it means that these two-headed worms have completely lost their main brain."

"They are losing their resilience, just like the locusts that our ancestors encountered when they explored the stars tens of thousands of years ago."

Fanny interrupted at this time: "Does that mean that in a while we will be the only ones left on this planet?"

Mo confirmed: "The two-headed worm will destroy itself, and we will become the true masters of this planet."

"It's a pity that all traces of the original civilization on this planet have been erased, otherwise it would be another harvest."

"What about this planet, Fanny?"

This is the correct answer. The value of this planet is extremely high.

Not only can it be easily transformed into an administrative star or a tourist planet, it can also be used to conduct research on a brand new dark matter, and its price can definitely exceed that of the colorful galaxy.

Fanny said nonchalantly: "Do you have any comments?"

Mo obviously had an idea, she said: "There are two options, one is to continue to leave it to Miss Feng Ye to operate, and the other is to directly list it for sale online."

After hearing this, Fanny almost said without thinking: "Feng Manchuan has already had a hard time eating a Caipan Galaxy, and another Pluto Galaxy... With her dilly-dallying nature, when will she be able to get back to where she started?" ah?"

"Anyway, if we want to completely own the Pluto Galaxy, we must upload its detailed information to the Star Network for registration. By then, we will definitely attract the attention of others."

"It's better to simply connect to the Star Network and get both money and goods."

This is indeed Fanny's character.

Mo also agreed with this. The value of such a planet was definitely beyond Feng Ye's ability to bear, and because of the current feud with Chenyuan 06, a branch of the Feng family, it was obviously inappropriate to approach them directly for a deal.

The only problem is that this planet is not far from Chen Yuan 06. Wouldn't it be provocative to complete the deal like this?

Mo Cai wouldn't care about this situation. She was also angry, so what if she was provocative?

Whoever caused you to fall in love with 06 in this world is being unkind.

Nan Ling looked to see if there was any work he needed to do.

It turned out that everything was on track. Under the control of the Zhuoxia AI Xiaoxia, all the robots in the dock area were constructing on their own according to the project plan set by Mo.

Only when an unexpected situation occurs will the human brain be required to intervene and make judgments. The entire process is smooth and efficient, and the progress of the repair is carried out in full accordance with the set construction period.

Because the damage to the hull was too severe, the internal structure of the hull, which was repaired first, would be completed in half a year, while the repair of the outer shell was faster, adding up to a total construction period of about eight months.

After working on it for a long time, there was no need for Fanny to give him a holiday, and now he had nothing to do.

Nan Ling felt a little helpless, but then she felt that this was a good way to accumulate some time.

So he quickly rummaged through the inventory on the spaceship, exchanged it for a large bottle of juice, and then inflated it to turn it into sparkling juice.

He already felt happy.

However, he felt that it was a bit monotonous to always have sparkling juice. It was a pity that Miss Fanny did not like alcoholic drinks, otherwise he could also enjoy the delicious food along with him.

However, when taking inventory of supplies, he found some fruits in their original size.

Well, it's Apple.

He looked at the record and found that Mo specifically asked to add it to the shopping list, so Mo still likes apples?

Thinking of this, he looked at the empty wasteland outside the porthole of his room, and suddenly had a bold idea...

It would be a shame not to plant something on such a good land!

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