After complaining with the system, Xiao Xiao curiously asked the system, "What are you busy with these days?"

Now Xiao Yan, the puppet, is not in an inhuman state like when the system used it to find things, so Xiao Xiao did not notice any abnormality.

At the same time as Xiao Xiao asked, the system also used Xiao Yan to touch the space mustard seeds that Xiao Xiao had made. I am very interested in why the space created by Xiao Xiao can have such a long lifespan.

"Busy building bridges... That's right!"

After being reminded by Xiao Xiao, the system rushed back to the space, so Xiao Yan stopped there in a strange posture, not moving.

With a curious attitude, Xiao Xiao tried to tap into her own mental power—as far as she wanted to come, she had already manipulated Xiao Yan so many times, so there shouldn't be any problems.

However, when entering Xiao Yan's brain, Xiao Xiao felt a completely different vision from what she had seen before!

Most of the objects that can be seen with the naked eye are colored and shaped objects, such as cars, houses, cats and dogs, and even mutant beasts and zombies. .

But now, Xiao Xiao realizes that she seems to have entered a very strange world. This world has no black, no white, no color, no shape, only different dots and lines in it.

Suddenly, she found that there was a strange point 'directly in front' of her, and there were many strange lines extending out of that point to reach 'her' - she understood, it belonged to her own body!

In addition, she moved the 'viewing angle' again to check for nearby objects.

However, what should have been an abandoned building, only a rectangle surrounded by a very thin line is displayed, and all the houses and buildings behind are the same, Xiao Xiao does not know how to describe it at this moment.

Normally, human beings have the concept of 'front' and 'back', and the things in the back should be blocked by the objects in front - well, this is due to the relationship between the refraction and reflection of light. Flip through the optics to find out.

However, at this moment, she can directly see through a very long distance. In this distance, there are many square lines of different sizes overlapping each other, but she can understand which one is the first building and the next one. What the second building is, the third building, the fourth building, and the last building are all clear--it's like having a perspective.

In addition, there are a lot of very faint lines and dots inside. Xiao Xiao knows that those lines and dots represent the sundries placed in the house.

Then, after she looked at the ground curiously, she found a different scene.

What she 'saw' this time was not like the light-colored square lines she saw earlier, but felt that in a very, very distant place, there was a 'red' dot that kept flashing, and that dot was in the middle The tint lines and dots she should have seen were covered!

right! It was a world without color at all, but she knew that it was a red dot!

'That's the Earth's core! ’

Inexplicably, Xiao Xiao, who had already thrown it back to the teacher, jumped out, letting her understand what the point was.

Under this novel experience, Xiao Xiao kept looking around with great interest, not even knowing that he and his body were drifting apart.

It wasn't until after an unknown amount of time, the system returned to Xiao Yan's place that it was stopped from this act of death.

'What are you doing you idiot! go back! ’

It wasn't until the system ship reached the last thought of 'going' that Xiao Xiao suddenly realized, and then his eyes went black, and he returned to his body again.

However, chaos has consequences - now Xiao Xiao feels the feeling of lack of spiritual power again, but fortunately this feeling of exhaustion will disappear soon after.

"You, this, stupid, bastard! Look what you have done!"

Xiao Yan, who was re-operated by the system, ran back from all the way, and cursed Xiao Xiao for a while.

"If this system hadn't come back in real time, would you have messed up the layout of this system again! Ah?"

Although he was swearing, unfortunately Xiao Yan didn't have any expression on his face, so Xiao Xiao couldn't feel the anger of the system at all, instead he wanted to laugh - but at this time, he really couldn't laugh, and he would die if he laughed!

"...Sorry, that was really too novel just now, I couldn't help it." Seeing that the system seemed to be on fire, Xiao Xiao quickly bowed and apologized very formally.

This time, she owes it to her, and she apologizes!

Seeing Xiao Xiao's sincerity, the system that understands that it can't really punish Xiao Xiao can only forgive her this time.

"Forget it." The system gave up communicating with this silly big sister. Anyway, she was going to go back soon, so she won't have to put up with this idiot anymore!

Although Xiao Xiao is the most suitable candidate based on systematic analysis, it is true that he is stupid and forgets to take 'human nature' into account. Like Xiao Xiao, it is a personality that comes out when he thinks about it, if it hadn't been for his desperate rescue , has already died hundreds of times.

"Hey, don't be so ruthless... what was that just now?"

Xiao Xiao misses the feeling of being a little omnipotent and omnipotent just now - in that case, she really has the illusion that she is a 'God'.

"That's the dnkj-dimensional perspective... I can't pronounce it in human words. Anyway, it's the main perspective used in the spiritual civilization... What? You seem to be able to adapt to it just now?"

At this time, the system realized that something was wrong. It had tried to pull the individual of the silicon-based civilization into this perspective, but in less than three seconds, the little animal couldn't hold back and directly burned its brain, but Xiao Xiao's appearance was like Don't feel the same at all?

"So, that's how you see things?" Xiao Xiao asked excitedly when he saw that he seemed to have touched the mysterious veil of spiritual civilization.

"That's right... Huh? Your mental power has only lost so much?" After careful analysis of the system, it was discovered that Xiao Xiao didn't feel completely indifferent, it really made no difference!

"Yeah... After I just came back, it just hurt a little... What? Otherwise, what should I do? It's only been such a short time..."

Xiao Xiao looked puzzled, he just manipulated Xiao Yan for a short time, how could he lose so much mental power?

"A little while?" Seeing that Xiao Xiao couldn't understand the situation, the system pointed to the terminal in her hand and said, "You can see the time clearly!"

"Huh?" Xiao Xiao raised his hand strangely, and only then did he realize that a whole day had already passed after a **** short time!

And fortunately, it happened to be 24 hours, so Xiao Xiao didn't realize that the time was wrong at all.

"How is that possible?" Xiao Xiao was stunned for a moment, carefully recalling what he had done in that strange state just now, but suddenly realized - she... She couldn't even remember how much time she spent!

At first she 'sees' herself, then the building, and then the center of the earth, and then she slowly walked out, walking out with a novel mentality along the way.

"Do you think that this system said before that time is meaningless to the spiritual body, is it a lie? Let's put it this way, according to human beings, the most obvious thing for you to understand is that different universes are different. The flow rate of ours, one second of ours, may be your year! Do you understand?"

Seeing what the system said so clearly, Xiao Xiaocai came over.

"So this is ah…"

No wonder it said before that there was a silicon-based life that wanted to live forever, but in the end it returned to nothingness. Think about it carefully and you will understand.

If human beings have been concentrating on a few seconds before one breath passes, after two breaths, they will feel empty - because all you care about, what you care about, is just a matter of snapping your fingers. .

'Emperor Heaven and Houtu, life is alive, such as mayflies, such as morning dew' - this sentence is used to describe the spiritual body civilization and human beings are the most suitable, if the spiritual body is human, then the silicon-based human beings are just mayflies that die in the blink of an eye Just in general.

"What? You don't want to be a spiritual body, do you?"

Seeing Xiao Xiao's thoughtful look, the system was somewhat tempted by unkindness.

To tell the truth, this time, it is a redemption to make up for the series of consequences of this accident, but if it can bring a new member back, it means that the merits outweigh the demerits, not only there is no punishment but also a reward!

Xiao Xiao is the most suitable silicon-based life it has ever seen to become a spiritual body. It would be great if it could be turned back!

It's like discovering a new continent, and then the system has been harassing Xiao Xiao for this point, but unfortunately Xiao Xiao doesn't want to become that kind of strange existence.

After all, the meaning of life all comes from death—if the person lives forever, is this 'person' really alive?

This question is a bit philosophical, so I won’t discuss it in depth here. Anyway, Xiao Xiao is a vulgar who is greedy for the beauty of the world. She still has so many delicious foods and so many games she hasn’t played yet, how can she give up easily?

Just when the two, or one person and one system, were joking with each other, a sudden accident happened.


'Boom! ’

In the distance, a shocking sound suddenly came, and then, the entire Z city began to shake.

'earthquake? ’ Xiao Xiao didn’t react at first, thinking it was just an ordinary earthquake, but unfortunately, the system realized that the situation was not good.

'Damn! ’ Xiao Yan, manipulated by the system, disappeared in front of Xiao Xiao’s eyes.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Xiao was still talking, but the disappearance of the system made her hurriedly use her mental tentacles to contact it.

'What's wrong? ’

'It's awake! ' The somewhat messy thoughts of the system came to Xiao Xiao, which made her somewhat affected.

'woke up? ’ Xiao Xiao didn’t understand—who woke up? What is awake? When did you wake up?

Then, she remembered the goal of her trip, so her face began to turn pale.

'You shouldn't mean... the one inside? ' Holding the last glimmer of hope, Xiao Xiao asked the system.

'That's it... It should be the existence that the strange element connected to it realized that it was wrong, so it planned to forcibly wake up, although this early arrival would make its strength less than 1, but for the earth, and even the entire universe. say, that 1 is enough to destroy everything...'

Of course, this is just a metaphor, why do people want to destroy the world when they have nothing to do? It is natural to have a new site that is rare, and it is natural to take it down and rule it well!

However, human beings would definitely not be willing to accept this kind of enslavement, so if that 'one' thought it was troublesome for human beings and directly took action to exterminate human beings, it would be no different from exterminating the world.

'This system wants to speed up the opening of the dimension channel, you...' The system originally wanted Xiao Xiao to go up and give it a shot, but when he thought of Xiao Xiao's force, it was also when he went up to deliver food, so he had to change his mouth.

'You hurry up and escape... Get out of here, the farther away the better, but this time is probably the last chance for you and me to meet. ’

'escape? ’

Hearing that the system did not ask her to join, but to 'escape', it was only then that she understood what kind of existence the 'monster' that she didn't care about originally was.

'Where are you fleeing? ’ Xiao Xiao smiled wryly when he saw that the surroundings had changed.

How to escape? Is there any way to escape now?

I saw that the high-rise buildings that were originally reinforced concrete and intricately razed to the ground after the earthquake were replaced by thorns with hideous appearance.

'...Take out the spear, choose a direction and open the way! Hurry up, don't hurry if you don't go! ’

Seeing that the situation is getting more and more serious, the system hastened to let Xiao Xiao leave here.

'Don't run away... I ran away once half a year ago, but this time I won't run away. ’

It turned out that Xiao Xiao didn’t make up his mind to go back when he arrived in Z City half a year ago. In fact, it was her ‘spiritual power’ that warned her to leave here, leave this place of death, and escape quickly to survive!

Only in that kind of hypnotized situation would Xiao Xiao make that kind of escaping action.

But now, behind her is a good human being. Seeing the end of the apocalypse, if this 'bit' is allowed to come out to make trouble, wouldn't the human race return to the pre-liberation period?

'Do not be silly! You can't last a few seconds, and those few seconds can't change anything! move! ’

Seeing that Xiao Xiao had a tendency to do stupid things, the system accelerated the opening of the channel while persuading him. Unfortunately, the channel that originally took a day to open, no matter how accelerated it was, it still took time to open!

'How many seconds? ’

Xiao Xiao quietly pulled out his spear and stood on the spot, but what she looked on was not the way back, but right in front of her—the origin of the movement!

'No, not just for a few seconds... After I saw that world, I knew that as long as I could let go of everything, I could become a **** too! ’

Xiao Xiao stared at that place, the sound of persuasion beside her ears was moving away from her.

Hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch gradually disappeared at the same time—she turned off the simulation system without the assistance of the system!

'Let me see... where is my ability! ’

Xiao Xiao squatted down slightly and regarded herself as a leopard ready to slaughter its prey. In front of her eyes was no longer a world of colorful light and shapes, but instead was what she saw when she entered Xiao Yan. that horizon.


The roar suddenly felt a new threat, so after a short pause, the sound rang again, and this time the frequency was faster and louder!

'who I am? ’

Xiao Xiao didn't know that her eyes at the moment were no longer the original black and white, and now her eyes were only black, with a white dot in the middle - just like the eyes of the legendary aliens.

'...No, that doesn't matter, what matters is, stop it! ’

After really abandoning everything, Xiao Xiao became a perfect weapon and rushed straight to where the monster was.

'Anyway, stop it! ’


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