The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 100 A little expert in sowing discord

In Stark's laboratory, a mecha took out a steaming pizza from the oven and placed it in front of Peter. Next to him, Stark snapped his fingers and said, "My latest invention, I finally made it." In order to let the robot help me heat the pizza, it uses the same intelligent calculation circuit as the oven, and the oven will transmit the temperature data to it in real time..."

Peter opened his mouth, took a deep breath, and then said, "Why use a mecha worth hundreds of millions of dollars instead of buying oven mitts that cost a few dollars?"

Stark waved his hand and said, "You don't understand. The data on the oven is too complicated. How do I know how long it takes to bake it without burning it? It's a complete mystery. I hate these mystical things. It’s much more convenient to use mechas and smart programs.”

Peter looked at the pizza and felt that there was nothing wrong with the pizza and it was still edible. Then he reached out to take it, and was burned. He let out an "ouch" and said, "But I still need a pair of gloves, it's too hot!"

"Then you wait until it's cool before eating. We can chat first or something."

Peter said, "Well, it just so happens that I haven't finished my homework yet."

As he spoke, he took out a stack of books from his schoolbag. Stark glanced at it and said, "What's there to write about this kind of thing? This is a complete insult to your IQ."

"No, I'm a good student. I've never turned in my homework late since I was a child."

"Okay, you can write if you like." Stark stretched his neck across the table to watch Peter do his homework. He seemed to want to say something, but he hesitated.

Peter concentrated on writing for a while, then looked up and found Stark staring at him. He and Stark stared at each other. Peter said, "What's wrong, Mr. Stark? Is there anything wrong with what I wrote?"

"Uh... there's nothing wrong with it. I mean, it would be nice if your handwriting could be more beautiful. Why don't you try to practice calligraphy or something? You know, the kind of cursive style that draws circles back and forth... "

"That won't work. We don't allow cursive writing in exams, at least in this state. Mr. Stark, do you know cursive writing?"

"Of course I will."

"Wearing a mecha doesn't count..."

Stark pursed his lips and said, "Actually, I have a question to ask you..."

"What's the question? I'd be happy to answer it."

"I... forget it, the pizza is almost cold, you can eat it first."

Peter picked up the pizza and stuffed it into his mouth with some confusion. It was made by the Italian chef yesterday. It was frozen and could be eaten the next day by just heating it. It tasted really good.

Peter was a little hungry and devoured a whole piece of pizza. Stark sat opposite him and put his elbows on the table to support his head. While eating, Peter asked: "Don't you want to eat it? It's quite delicious." "

"No, I'm not hungry."

But Peter ate really delicious food. He always took a big bite and chewed it in his mouth until his cheeks were bulging like a hamster. Stark looked a little hungry, so He also got a pizza.

While eating, he asked: "If, I mean if, you wanted to help someone, what would you do?"

"Help someone? Then help. Is there any difficulty? If there is any difficulty, then solve it. Once it is solved, help again."

"But... just... I'm a little worried..."

"What concerns do you have?" Peter looked up at Stark strangely and found that his expression was a little tangled. Peter said, "Of course I will help if I want to. If you have concerns, maybe you don't want to help."

Stark's chewing movement stopped. Obviously, Peter pointed out the problem to the point. He said: "It's not that I don't want to help, I want to help him because he... In short, this is a good thing and he wants to do it." A good thing, but if he does it himself, it may take a long, long time..."

"Since it's a good thing, then help him, what else? Isn't it enough to do good things?"

"But this makes me a little bit... just... a bit shameless, you know..." Stark turned over his hands and said: "I'm Stark! I can't go up to him and say, 'Hey, Now the great Stark is here to do you a favor, will you?'"

"You will be beaten to death." Peter said. He took another bite of pizza and asked vaguely: "So if you say that, will he be willing?"

"It's just because he probably doesn't know how to do it that I'm a little confused."

"He doesn't want you to help, but you insist on helping. Is that what he means?"

"I don't have to help!" Stark raised his voice and said, "There is no one or anything in this world that Stark has to help!"

"Then don't help. Others don't need your help, and you don't have to want to help. Then everyone can do their own thing."

Stark covered his forehead and said: "No! I mean... I want to help him, I just want to... but it doesn't have to be... Forget it, I knew it was useless, Schiller actually asked me to ask You stupid boy, this damn vampire doctor, he charged me millions of dollars for just two words, I should have seen through his true colors long ago..."

"Dr. Schiller asked you to ask me? Why? Is there anything difficult about this question? If you want to help, help. If you don't want to help, don't. If others ask you to help, just help. If you don't want to, don't help."

"Forget it, you are just a child, you don't understand the rules of adults..."

"Oh, I understand, actually you want him to beg you to help him, right?"

"Nonsense, I didn't think so!"

Peter said while chewing pizza: "You want to help him, but you are unwilling to lower your dignity. It would be best for him to come and beg you, so that you can do good things without losing face?"

Stark buried his head in his pizza and didn't answer.

Peter said: "When I do good things, I just want to do good things, not for the sake of face. In fact, I don't like some reporters always chasing after me. They think they are reporting on a good person and good deeds, but I just It is not impossible to worry that the aftermath of the battle will affect them."

"Anyway, if you ask me, there is nothing shameful about doing good deeds and helping others. There is nothing shameful about just going up to the person and saying, I want to help you. Even if you can't help in the end, at least you have good intentions. "

Peter paused and continued: "Some people may not really want your help. As long as you tell them that you stand with them and that they are not fighting alone, that is enough."

"You're not alone..." Stark said softly.

Peter said "Yeah, it actually matters, sometimes like you did to me."

"When I want to find someone, I always find him, which makes me feel confident in whatever I do. It feels really good."

"Just like before, the teacher asked me for my parents' phone numbers. I couldn't give them my uncle and aunt's phone numbers, but I could think of several people's names just by thinking about it, and I knew these people would definitely come. "

"Then why did you choose me? Why didn't you choose them?"

"I don't know. The first thing that came to my mind was the phone number of Stark Tower. Maybe it's because it's easier to remember."

"It's better to say it's because I'm the best to you, kid! Those people will never let you eat so much pizza. They will only tell you how many calories are in the cheese on it. If you eat a whole piece, it is equivalent to eating a pizza." Run some kilometers!”

Peter's swallowing movement suddenly stopped, and he said: "It's over, I just made a fitness plan yesterday, and I ate so much, I will become as fat as that Pikachu!"

He wailed: "My period of strength growth has passed. I must control my diet, otherwise no matter how tough the spider silk is, it will not be able to pull my body!"

Stark swallowed the last piece of pizza and said, "Let's go, you know what activity will make you burn the most calories? That is saving the world, especially saving the world with Stark."

In the psychological clinic, Schiller was talking to Nick on the phone. He said: "...I know nothing about this. How do I know how far their serum has been developed?"

"Last time, I wanted to enter Connors and Peter's laboratory. Within three minutes of entering, I violated more than 200 experimental regulations. They kicked me out directly. I didn't even see the test tube..."

"...Indeed, I studied medicine, psychology and neuromedicine, but that was all when I was in college. Who can still remember? We just learned the theoretical knowledge in the textbooks and didn't need to enter the laboratory at all... …”

"You can't expect a psychiatrist to crack your skull open or prepare some hallucinogenic drugs..."

"...I don't know about this, but I heard Dr. Connors' recent know, he and Stark have a bad relationship. With Stark's mouth, who can stand him?"

"Connors also said two days ago that when it comes to biotechnology, of course the Osborne Group is stronger. Of course, he said this behind Stark's back. It's normal that he doesn't know."

"I think it's similar. If I were Connors, I would also choose the Osborne Group. The Osborne Group and the Stark Group will not deal with each other. If he helped the Osborne Group get the healing serum, then Stark would definitely Furious.”

"...The cooperation between the military and the Osborne Group? Then I don't know. You should have more intelligence on the military than me, right?"

"But even if Dr. Connors cooperates with the Osborne Group, their results may not flow into the hands of the military. I think you are worried too much. Besides, a small healing serum will never be able to Let the military take back the city?"

"Nip it in the bud?" Schiller changed the phone's ear and said in a relaxed tone: "I think you are worrying in vain, but this matter has nothing to do with me. Even if the military's power is strengthened, the unlucky one will not me……"

"Salary deduction? You're going too far! I get a basic salary..."

"Those shares? Okay, okay, you stingy, if you ask me, if the Osborne Group gets that serum, he and the military will be evenly matched, and they will no longer worry about Osborne being infiltrated and controlled by the military. Our group will definitely use the healing serum as a bargaining chip to carry out more in-depth and comprehensive cooperation with the military..."

"Although I don't know much about those biotechnology, most of them should be quite useful. The military's power has been strengthened. If it bites back at the final negotiation table, SHIELD will be in pain for a few days..."

"...Let me persuade Connors? How should I persuade him? Why don't you persuade Stark? If he sends an invitation to Connors first, maybe Connors will agree? Compared to Osborn , Stark is more biased towards SHIELD. If SHIELD has both Stark and the healing serum, the military will definitely be completely defeated."

"But it's really troublesome. You know, those Tartu lunatics can do anything. They can create such a big monster. What if they kidnap Dr. Connors? How much leverage will a genius scientist who can develop a healing serum add to their bargaining table?"

Suddenly, there was a burst of noise on Nick's phone, and then Schiller heard Nick roar: "What do you think of this person??? Why is Dr. Connors still missing?"

"Damn it! Don't think that I don't know what those people from Tartu did! Go tell them, don't think that SHIELD knows nothing about their damn plans! We have plenty of evidence! If they really dare to do it Order something and I will report it to the Security Council immediately!!!"

Sorry for being late, I’m sending out 10,000 words today, please vote!

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