The Death Knell

Chapter 158 Opening Business

As Su Ming's business gradually got on track, some news began to spread in the streets of Manhattan, New York. There were always people who were familiar with him and would gather together in pairs to whisper.

"I discovered a good place recently. My aunt's cousin's son's cousin took me there. That place... tsk tsk."

A fat middle-aged man licked his lips, as if he was reminiscing about something, and the thin neighbor who was talking to him suddenly understood. He smelled a faint smell of alcohol on the fat man's body.

The two men were mowing the lawn at home. They talked together through the fence. Children on bicycles were shouting and fighting on the street. The postman's blue van was parked at the intersection.

Someone's pet dog passed by the entrance of the courtyard, turned to look at them with dark eyes, and ran away.

The thin man instantly became excited. The two of them were not only neighbors, but also drinking buddies. Unfortunately, after Prohibition, all the wine stored in the house was finished a few years ago: "Really? God, you mean... A place that sells alcohol?”

The fat man grabbed his neck and almost pulled the thin man over from the other side of the fence. While covering his mouth, he looked around to see if there was anyone outside.

"Shh, keep your voice down. It's a membership-only place. Everyone's introducer must be registered. If you expose the secret, even I will be unlucky. Who can do this business these days? The gang will sink us all." To the bottom of the Hudson River.”

The thin man struggled, and after escaping from the palm-like palm of the fat man, he panted violently like a fish out of water: "Uh...cough, I know, I promise to keep the secret with my life, can you take me there? "

The fat man smiled and turned to look at his wife wearing a sweater at home through the window: "Of course, we are best friends, but..."

The fat man patted his belly and smiled without saying a word.

The thin man sighed, knowing that his friend had finally succeeded.

"Okay, you've been thinking about my family's secret recipe for making apple pie for decades, right? I'll write it to you right now."

"Haha, that's fine. Let's meet secretly in the garden at 12 o'clock tonight. We won't come back until we get drunk today."


Su Ming's bar has been open for two months, and he feels more and more that he is a pyramid scheme. He promotes the bar by recruiting people and sells health products.

Moreover, Gin is really smart. He actually came up with a member introduction system similar to that of later generations without any teacher, which not only made the business more upscale, but also greatly enhanced the confidentiality.

But this rule is not absolutely safe, so Su Ming broke the rules and took gin like a gangster to visit the police chief, as well as the council members and managers.

Of course, they went at night, Su Ming was wearing his full gear, and Gin was carrying a small box, which Su Ming called the Skywalker gift bag.

Inside were gift boxes of four types of drinks: whiskey, vodka, rum and tequila, as well as a small stack of U.S. dollars.

Climb walls, break down doors, knock out bodyguards and unrelated people, and then give these officials a choice.

If you become friends, you will receive a box of good wine like this every Christmas, Independence Day and other festivals in the future. If they become enemies, then they will have no future. The Night Sword and the God Slayer will cut them into pieces and kill them to scare the monkeys.

Corrupt officials, like gangsters, can never finish killing them, so it is better to bribe them for their own use. If there was no one to hire him, Su Ming was not willing to kill anyone. He just wanted to kill a few angry people during the holidays to satisfy his bloodlust.

Su Ming was very efficient, so in just two or three nights, the two of them visited everyone they could talk to in New York.

Except for a few staunch Puritans who were uncooperative and Su Ming tied them to stones and threw them into New York Harbor, most of the congressmen and judges chose to accept the good wine.

New York is the most prosperous place in the United States, and it also has the greatest resistance to Prohibition. Now that gangsters are visiting us with alcohol and weapons, it means that there is only one choice.

Live or die.

They were not fools. They already knew from the outside how terrifying the man in black and yellow armor was. He was a ruthless man who could sink a whole family, bodyguards, and pets into the sea.

However, the attack was extremely clean, leaving no clues at all. The law was of no use at all, and those who played evil could not play well. The best way was to be friends.

So Su Ming quickly formed a 'friendship' with these smart people and gained a certain degree of protection.

As long as he doesn't take the wine and sell it on the street, both the police station and the inspector will turn a blind eye.

Of course, the official situation was over, and Su Ming went to deal with other gangster neighbors on his own, and unknowingly gained a large piece of territory.

Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I just let Gin take care of it. He is indeed very capable, and he really has the ruthlessness of the Irish in this era.

He's less like Killer Gin and more like a darker version of Jarvis.

Su Ming doesn't charge any protection fees. He just needs underground order. Drug trafficking and abduction of women and children are not allowed in his territory, which gives him a better image in the hearts of the masses.

Ordinary people have no idea who he is, but his black and yellow armor and code name Deathstroke have become famous during this time.

Su Ming held Ginjiu in front of him and asked him to deal with various things while he was free. He spends most of his time sitting in the corner of his bar, drinking his own wine and listening to the jazz played by the pianist. He is happy every day.

When necessary, go out hunting, fishing, and live a life like retirement.

On the inner wall of the bar, there is a light sign hanging, which is the name of the bar. Su Ming named it Peace Hotel in a bad way.

But no one complained about the strange name, because bars have never been a place with serious names. Names such as Dead Horse, Dead Head, and Pigskin King can be used. In comparison, Peace Hotel seems normal.


Gin appeared next to him and asked him for instructions in a low voice. Two months later, he still looked like the thin man with glasses, but the people around him were obviously starting to fear him.

As the second-in-command of a large gang, he is indeed quite intimidating now.

But he is still an ordinary person after all, and he feels that his boss is the strongest person.

Although the boss seems harmless now, joking and joking with the bar guests, he knows that once Su Ming gets serious, he can kill even the president in the White House.

Su Ming didn't know what he had in mind. If he knew about it, he would definitely spit on his face.

Only a lunatic would kill Hoover. If he hadn't been a fool like him as president and appointed a bunch of idiots to form a cabinet to manage, how could the United States have experienced the stock market crash and the Great Depression? How can isolationism be allowed to prevail? More importantly, whether you can become rich overnight depends on the stock market crash.

It is still 1925, but the stock market has shown some signs of starting. The money Su Ming earned in the past two months, while expanding production capacity again, began to gradually invest in the stock market, buying shares of General Motors and some oil companies.

The stock market would rise like a mad bull in the past few years until October 29, 1929, Black Tuesday.

As long as he leaves the market before that, sells the stock and goes short, Su Ming's establishment of a large arms company will be done instantly.

At that time, it was possible to directly acquire several companies. The stock market crash triggered the Great Depression and massive unemployment. During the Great Depression, the market value of the Colt Company, which "made God equal to all mankind", shrank extremely, and you could buy it with only a few million dollars. , Remington Company, which has been making guns since 1700, was about the same by then.

The current stock price of General Motors is only US$10 per share, but at its peak before Black Tuesday it was US$262. If Su Ming used the funds to mortgage loans from banks and added stock market leverage, his stable income in the past few years would reach thousands. times.

If you go short after the stock market crash, it will be a huge sum.

This is a very scary number, and it is equivalent to the advantage brought by the reborn.

If you don’t know the exact time of the stock market crash, you will definitely not dare to play like this, because in history, most people who have made money have lost all their pants in the end. After Black Tuesday, you have to queue up to jump off a building in New York.

Wednesday's paper said - 'It's raining people in New York today'.

Of course, there are smart people, such as President John F. Kennedy’s father, Joseph, who successfully retreated before the stock market crash.

His famous saying is: "When all the shoe shiners start speculating in stocks, it's time for me to leave."

He made billions of dollars during the boom of the stock market, and it was this money that helped his son successfully be elected President of the United States in the future.

Su Ming was like a fisherman, waiting with peace of mind.

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