The Death Knell

Chapter 161 Industry

It's still too early to come up with something that's too good all at once, but the current craftsmanship of some things can keep up, and they look good when compared horizontally.

For example, the 98k rifle appeared ten years earlier than in history, and the m24 grenade also appeared ten years earlier. If you use them to fight World War II, there is no problem at all. They were all products of World War II. .

As for the Springfield rifle originally equipped by American soldiers, although the .30 bullet is also of 7.62mm caliber, it is not versatile. The bullet body is too short and the charge is small, resulting in insufficient chamber pressure. Su Ming plans to swallow up the defense orders during World War II, and even Other factories can be authorized to produce under license, so in order for the future gun family to form a standard, its rifle bullets only need to be 7.62mmnato standard bullets and 5.56mmnato standard bullets.

What .233, 2mm, this rifle caliber is better for hunting.

The designs of these things are relatively simple, and Su Ming can explain the principles clearly. He only needs to draw the drawings and let the designers at the military factory try them a few more times.

As for whether there will be weapons of other calibers coming out to compete? Su Ming is not worried. As long as he comes up with the two killer weapons AK47 and M16 in the future, no weapon can compete with him.

Of course, other acquired factories also play a role. The chemical factory will conduct research on chemical fibers and strive to develop nylon technology as soon as possible.

In this regard, Su Ming only roughly knew that it was discovered by a doctor named Carothers. It was first published in 1938. This is not a problem. Just let Gin look for it and wave the check to poach people.

As long as the talents are willing to come, their salary will be doubled, the position of factory chief engineer, and the most advanced scientific research environment will be provided.

Nylon is one of the most widely used chemical materials in the military, and can be used to make cables, parachutes, carrying gear and other things.

During World War II, except for the military uniforms of American soldiers, which were made of cotton, everything else on their bodies was made of nylon. This was a golden job. Even in the future peacetime, nylon can still be used to make stockings and other daily necessities.

The shipyard needs to carry out technical reserves and recruit talents. At least before 1941, it must be able to launch a cargo ship with a displacement of 30,000 tons. That thing can be converted into an aircraft carrier during the war. If it can be converted, it can be built with more efforts. By then, there will be multiple slipways. If construction starts at the same time, naval military expenses will flow into Su Ming's pocket.

Aircraft manufacturers can now make money. Although the aircraft during World War I are a little behind, they only need to add metal skins, package them, convert the cargo planes into passenger planes, build them, and then go to the Middle East to find kings and sheikhs in exchange for oil. The local An airline can also be established here and develop slowly.

The main thing is engine technology. With engine technology, fighters and bombers can be easily developed. Su Ming only needs to draw the appearance of those famous models, describe some of the aerodynamic principles he knows, and let experts infer the actual objects.

The tractor factory immediately stopped production and switched to tank research. They bought some World War I junk from the UK and came back to study the design concept. Then Su Ming drew pictures and asked them to magically modify some future tanks. With those protective capabilities and firepower, the soldiers must have agreed. , at least much better than the future Sherman.

Finally, there are the acquired pastures and farms. In World War II, American soldiers drank Coke, ate canned goods and chocolate and defeated Germany.

Canned food puts too much pressure on logistics. Su Ming has a better way. He can directly build a large factory to produce compressed biscuits using materials from his own farm. Eat one when you are hungry, and drink a bottle of Feizhai Happy Water. I'm afraid it won't be the case. The soldiers will roll their eyes.

When the time comes, this eating method will be drawn on the packaging as a recommended method of use.

If you want to change your taste, try dehydrated vegetable packets and beef jerky. Anyway, canned food is too heavy and not as convenient as Su Ming’s.

The general layout is like this. This is the first batch of products prepared for future wars. In the future, better products will be produced one after another until the group can get rid of Su Ming for independent research and development, and then Su Ming can do his own thing.

As for the pre-military procurement tender, Su Ming is not worried. When World War II comes, Britain will not have much choice.

British production capacity cannot keep up with consumption. Historically, they have relied on US support. During World War II, Su Ming would definitely make money from them first.

By the time the United States enters the war at the end of 41, Su Ming's weapons have already proven their effectiveness on the battlefield. By then, if you just use the gold and yuan offensive a few times, the military generals will definitely follow suit.


A month later, Su Ming launched a large-scale recruitment in New York during the most difficult period, which secretly caused a sensation.

After all, the president's bailout failed, and various companies were laying off employees and filing for bankruptcy. However, Su Ming did the opposite and expanded production capacity. For a while, insiders in New York seemed to see a life-saving straw.

And these insiders are basically consumers of Skywalker brand drinks, which gives them a different kind of pride.

The products that I have supported over the years have given me a helping hand when I was in trouble, which has brought tears to many people's eyes.

At this time, two middle-aged men were drinking secretly on the dock in Hudson. They were neighbors and good friends. They hid the wine in their lunch baskets and took it to the place where they used to work.

This is the place where Su Ming arrived in the United States. It was once an extremely prosperous port, but now there are no ships coming and going at all. The Great Depression has made everything seem to have stopped.

Hiding in the lee of the dock, they could only see the Statue of Liberty in the distance with her back to them, ignoring them.

There was no snow this winter, but the cool air from the seaside kept pouring in through the gaps in their clothes. From time to time, they would rub their hands together and exhale hot air.

They couldn't sit down, they were too hungry, and if they sat down they would probably never stand up again in the cold winter.

A circle of seagulls hovered above their heads, making crow-like cries, as if they would fly down to eat their corpses in the next second. Many people jumped into the sea and died during these days, and the seabirds have changed one after another. recipe.

But they didn't come to die together.

They were just workers, and they didn't trade in stocks at all. They couldn't understand the complicated number game, so they didn't suffer any direct losses.

However, the Great Depression still affected them, because they were both dock workers, one was a statistician responsible for piecework, and the other was responsible for planning and arranging vehicle dispatch.

Their boss was the fattest among the first batch of people to jump off the building. It is said that his grease is still stuck on the windows on the second floor of the stock exchange and cannot be wiped off no matter how hard he wipes it.

So both of them lost their jobs.

Without income, the food at home has been running low for more than a month. It is difficult to obtain food because farmers do not have money to hire workers to pick or harvest. Drivers do not have money to refuel their cars. The circulation of the market is interrupted. .

Seeing that their wife and children were suffering from hunger, they had no choice but to look for a way out in the city. Unfortunately, they encountered obstacles everywhere and could not find a new job at all.

The black-haired man looked around, snickered and took out a bottle of golden liquor from the lunch basket. He wiped the label of the bottle, which was covered with thin frost caused by the temperature difference.

He took out another bottle and handed it to the blond man next to him. Compared to him, the blond middle-aged man looked more depressed, or not as optimistic as he was.

"Here you go, drink it quickly and keep it warm. If you don't drink it, I'll finish it all."

The black-haired man smiled and nudged him with his shoulder. Seeing that his friend was too preoccupied and did not accept the drink, he opened both bottles of wine, put one bottle into the blond man's hand, and tilted his neck to take a big sip.

The blond man could only shake his head helplessly at his friend's appearance. What else could he do now besides drinking?

He lowered his head and looked at the wine bottle in his hand. There was a small helmet with wings painted on the yellow and black fashionable sign. This was taken from Hermes, the messenger in Greek mythology. Legend has it that he could fly in the sky. Walking in the middle, the speed is unimaginable.

Skywalker brand. Fortunately, after the stock market crash, the prices of Skywalker drinks were also reduced across the board, otherwise it would be really unaffordable.

It must be that the winery has stocked up on raw materials in advance, but when other drinks have increased in price, they have lowered their prices, which is really generous.

But none of this had anything to do with him. All he could do was exhale, clink bottles with his friends as a toast, and take a sip.

Although Skywalker's whiskey still tasted the same after all these years, with an excellent taste and the aroma of wooden barrels, his mouth now only felt bitter, and the heavy burden on his heart made it difficult for him to enjoy it with peace of mind.

At this time, the black-haired man next to him threw a stone and drove away the seabirds flying overhead. He looked like he had some good news with a smile on his face.

"The man who delivered the wine at midnight last night told me some good news. Do you want to hear it?"

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