The Death Knell

Chapter 210 Airdrop Plan

The bark of this tree is very rough, and the knotty connective tissue makes the bark uneven. But fortunately, the tree is thick and strong, and the two of them can hide behind it, and stick their heads out to observe the scene in front of them.

All that could be heard were the sounds of sawing wood or digging, and from time to time there was the sound of insects hitting the shield with their bodies.

The front looks like a large construction site. As long as the two of them lower their voices a little, they don't have to worry about being heard by bugs when communicating.

"The number of these bugs is quite large. Although they are only a small part of the bug swarm, the bug sea battle is very unfriendly to attack types like ours."

Su Ming observed for a while. There was no obvious leader among these bugs, and they looked almost the same type, but each bug was almost larger than a pony.

The strength level of the opponent is unknown. It can only be estimated based on the size of the fragments of rock they dug out. The strength of each insect's forelimbs is about one ton, and the sharp bite force of its upper and lower jaws is enough to cut through thick trees like a chainsaw.

Su Ming's armor should be able to withstand it, but the quantity is a problem.

Even if the two big swords in his hands can make one strike per second, it basically means that he needs to chop about three hundred times. No matter how fast he moves, both hands can chop once per second and achieve fatal effects, which is required to destroy the opponent. Nearly three minutes.

The people in the cave couldn't hold on for that long, and the magic shield had begun to flicker.

There is also his own strength, with a load-bearing capacity of about 35 tons. After acquiring x-metal, he has never given up exercising, such as running fast around the city in the sewers, or tossing various equipment down there.

Over the years, he has made great progress in terms of strength.

The steady stream of gentle energy from Metal X made his training very effective, and now his strength has almost doubled compared to when he left DC.

However, the current individual weight of these bugs should be more than 500 kilograms, which means that once there are 60 bugs stacked up to suppress him, regardless of life or death, he will have no room to perform at all.

And these enhanced versions of ants always swarm when facing enemies. It depends on whether your martial arts can handle them.

"Cloak, can you throw us two into the cave entrance?" Su Ming tugged on the cloak on Holloway's head. I don't know how good this guy's weight-bearing ability is. If he can, then he will have control of the air.

Holloway's wrapped head couldn't see his expression, but Su Ming could see that his eyes were wide open.

The doctor poked his head out from behind the tree and took another look. The opening of the hole could be said to be the center of the insect swarm. This reminded him of the scene when he went to the zoo when he was a child and saw the staff feeding the hyenas in their cages.

"Deathstroke, do you know these monsters?"

"This is the first time I've seen them, but don't worry. They don't seem to have energy attack methods at the moment, otherwise they would have been used to attack the shield."

Su Ming transformed the God Killer into a giant sword, and then pulled out the Night Sword from behind. If all went well, he would only need to block the entrance of the cave and only deal with the enemies on one side. This would reduce the pressure a lot and give the people in the cave a lot of pressure. The mage finds an opportunity to cast a spell.

Speaking of which, it seems that this mage has not cast the mirror space spell. So can it be considered that this spell is defective or can only be used on humans for some reason?

However, Su Ming couldn't directly ask about the shortcomings of others' special skills, so he still kept them in mind and tried them out when he had the opportunity.

The advanced Annihilation Zerg will indeed have space capabilities and can escape from the mirror space, but that will also take time, but it takes time for the mage in the cave to escape, so why is it useless?

A lot of questions ran through my mind, but they were all secondary questions. Thinking about them was just to speculate on the strength of the bugs from the side.

Dr. Holloway peeked his head out from behind the tree to see again, but the cloak above his head had its collar raised and pointed up and down like rabbit ears, indicating that it could do it.

"Very good, let's start the tactical deployment now." Su Ming pulled Holloway over by his neck and asked him to look at his mask. In a low and hoarse voice, he began to assign tasks at the same time: "First, the cloak will throw us directly into the The center of the swarm, and then I will fight the swarm from the front, and if the situation goes bad, the cloak will also lead us to evacuate.”

Dr. Holloway thought for a moment. He was not thinking about his own future situation, but the thoughts of the people in the cave.

If the people in the cave could see the reinforcements arriving and fighting against the insects, a fire of hope would be ignited in their hearts.

But if the reinforcements withdraw again, it will be like falling from bliss to hell. How desperate must this be?

This is not his style. He would rather die than evacuate.

Su Ming saw through his thoughts at a glance. This guy's heroic heart was at work again. Don't they know the reason to keep Qingshan?

"Don't think too much, doctor, what you have to consider now is how to gain the trust of the humans in the cave in the shortest possible time, and remove the magic shield so that I can block the entrance of the cave...This problem, only now It’s your mission.”

While Su Ming and Cloak are fighting against the enemy, Holloway will communicate with the survivors so that the second step of the plan can be carried out. If those people do not open the door, several people other than Su Ming may be in danger soon.

Only then did Holloway think about his situation. Indeed, as Deathstroke said, if the people in the cave have been frightened too much or are on the verge of madness, then it is the most difficult to persuade them to open the magic shield that is regarded as a life-saving straw. of.

"what should I do?"

Su Ming shrugged. Maybe it would be easier to let the magic floating cloak knock on the door. All mages would know it, but at such a tense moment, it is more reliable to communicate with words.

"I don't know, maybe you can try shouting something like, 'You have the ability to be a mage, do you have the ability to open the door? Open the door, open the door, I know you are at home!'... like this."

Dr. Holloway's eyes turned into dead fish eyes. He would be really stupid if he couldn't understand that this was a joke.

However, Deathstroke still looked very relaxed. You must know that in the plan, he needed to stop hundreds of these ferocious strange monsters.

"Okay, I can try, but if the people in the cave have a mental breakdown, I doubt that words can achieve the effect." Holloway lowered his voice, and he seemed to lack confidence.

This is inevitable, no matter how strong his heart is, he has only been a masked hero for less than a month, and what he is facing now is somewhat beyond his level.

When Su Ming found out that he had turned into Deathstroke, even with a super brain, he was confused for a while.

"It doesn't matter. If necessary, I can use a weapon to break the magic shield, but that will cause the person inside to suffer magical backlash, such as making him vomit three liters of blood, or become unconscious on the spot."

"Uh... let me try to communicate first."

Holloway learned the "Are you kidding me" emoji without any teacher. He found that teaming up with Deathstroke was really training and made him mentally stronger.

If his thoughts were known to Su Ming, he would definitely tell him where he was at? If the Avenging Angel can live until the real big time comes, and Su Ming introduces Deadpool to him, then he will understand the goodness of Deathstroke...

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