The Death Knell

Chapter 228 The Magic Prince

Su Ming didn't think so. After seeing the hat on the other person's head and the elegant gentleman's appearance, he probably guessed who it was.

This middle-aged mage is called Monaco, codenamed 'Prince of Magic'. The fact that he dares to take such a codename and is accepted by the magic world shows his strength.

He doesn't have much to do with Karma Taj, he is a black magician.

His father was an English missionary who took his family to India before 1620. Unfortunately, they were not very lucky. In the rain forest, they were attacked by a primitive tribe that worshiped the evil god.

Monaco's parents were sacrificed to the evil god, but he was still a baby at the time and there was no shortage of meat as a sacrifice, so the tribal chief kept him.

It is best to train an orphan as a die-hard loyalist.

But as he grew up, his magical talent became more and more obvious. The chief was good at voodoo and black magic, but he gradually became inferior to Monaco.

So he gradually came to the idea of ​​passing the position to Monaco. After all, the more powerful the magician who served the gods, the better, and the tribe could receive more gifts.

Monaco grew up and survived in a rainforest tribe. He learned a lot of occult knowledge, dealt with countless black magic, and even learned some voodoo.

Because he often had to rob homes and fight with witch doctors from other tribes, his actual combat ability was very high. He could destroy the most enemies and steal the most loot. The people in the tribe gradually began to obey his orders.

However, on the eve of his taking over as chief, a god secretly told him the truth in his dream. His biological parents were killed by the chief, and he was not an orphan. Everything was a lie.

He is a pawn and a tool of the evil god.

But he has grown up in the tribe for decades, and he has great affection for the people of the tribe. They are just trying to survive, and the same is true for other tribes in this rain forest.

The elders in the tribe regard him as their own child, while his peers regard him as a brother. He couldn't avenge his parents, and he couldn't ignore it completely. He couldn't accept the cruel reality and didn't know what to do, so he ran away from the tribe.

With nowhere to go, he began to travel around the world and saw a lot of things. He gradually understood what was right and wrong, and felt guilty for the previous actions of himself and his tribe.

Many things cannot be learned in the rainforest. Human beings need a complete society. Getting out of the rainforest and integrating into society is what we should do.

So he decided to return to the tribe, take over the position of chief, no longer believe in evil gods, but to lead them on the right path.

However, he returned late, and the evil god had already noticed his thoughts and was several steps ahead.

After Monaco left, his tribe was disappointed but wanted to continue living, so they went out to rob the road. However, by some mistake, they chose the colonial expeditionary force sent by the British to India.

Although the old chief had good strength, he could not fight against a professional army of up to 70,000 people.

So when Monaco returned to the rainforest, he was greeted only by ashes and everyone died.

The old chief finally paid his price for using black magic for many years, and at the same time, he also made everyone in the tribe become the evil god's 'loan interest'.

The evil god's projection appeared in front of Moloch and asked him to work for it and help it invade the earth, otherwise he would be killed.

Moloch would rather die than obey, but at the critical moment Ancient One arrived and rescued him. She drove the evil god out of the earth, and at the same time thought about how to deal with these uninvited and mysterious threats from other dimensions.

So after London was invaded by Dormammu in 1666, Ancient One learned from the painful experience and began to build three major sanctuaries, using Kama Taj as the center of the formation to build a protective array covering the entire earth.

But that was what happened later. Moloch only stayed in Kama Taj for a short period of time and did not become a disciple of the Ancient One. He wanted to atone for the mistakes he and his tribe had made, so he traveled around the world and began to Help others as a wandering mage.

He has mastered more black magic. After all, his talent and experience are limited to black magic, but he has the confidence to use this terrifying power to do the right thing.

After untying his heart knot, his strength soared, and he soon gained a long and boundless life through a series of battles and opportunities.

Although he looks like he is only in his early thirties now, he is actually an old monster over three hundred years old.


This is the information in the comics. The situation in reality still needs to be observed, but at least Su Ming can be sure that the source of the stench is not a corpse.

But the rabbits raised by Moloch.

The price of black magic was too high. He had to find sacrifices to pass on the burden. It was no longer possible to kill people to sacrifice, so he thought of using animals to pass on part of the burden.

It's not easy, ordinary rabbits don't satisfy the evil gods.

He must devote his emotions and efforts to the rabbits, hypnotize himself, raise the rabbits as his own children, take care of them and fall in love with them, and then after releasing the black magic, drown several rabbits in the water with his own hands... ....

This slowly dying rabbit is entrusted with Monaco's feelings like raising a child. In addition, after Monaco hypnotized himself, killing the rabbit was as painful as killing his own child, and he felt heartbreaking misery and sadness. It was a sacrifice that the evil gods were barely satisfied with.

The evil gods love flesh and soul, but a little spice of human emotion is nice every once in a while.

That's why Moloch has persisted until now, and will continue to do so, but this also has a consequence: his mental state is not particularly stable.

Extremely emotional, prone to joy and sorrow, just like schizophrenia.

In this house, only the living room should be able to receive guests. Although the doors of the other rooms are closed, they should be full of rabbits. Judging from the size of the room, there are at least hundreds of them, and each one has Monaco's hard work poured into it.

If it were Su Ming himself, he would not be able to do this and still continue to do good deeds, so he still admired Monaco a little, and he deserved the title of Prince of Magic.

In addition, he is also a mage who has lived for hundreds of years and is also a black magician. He is very useful in battle. There are not many spellcasters on the earth who can stabilize him.

Of course, these thoughts just went around in Su Ming's head, and he didn't mention anything about the rabbit.

"Thank you for your hospitality, Master Monaco." Su Ming took the wine glass he handed over. The bottle should be Skywalker's whiskey, but unfortunately he couldn't smell anything: "Master Gu Yi must have told us our purpose of coming. .”

Monaco thought it was Su Ming who knew his name from Ancient One, so he smiled and toasted with him. British people don't like to go directly to the topic. They chat about the weather first, and then talk about the business after a round of drinks. when.

But there is indeed something important now, and Monaco understands it.

"Just call me Monaco. The Supreme Mage has sent news, and I am very happy to help you." He paused, arranged his clothes, checked the magic items he carried, with a gentle smile on his face: "The Nazi war is unjust. Their warlocks are also hunting civilians as sacrifices and touching forbidden knowledge. So look at me, I'm ready to dress up."

Very good, a powerful black mage has joined the team. The iron triangle of warrior mage and healer has the power to face any enemy, but the equipment for healer is weak...

Su Ming also smiled and nodded: "Thank you. I am Slade, codenamed Deathstroke, and this person next to me is Holloway, codenamed Avenging Angel."

During Su Ming's introduction, Holloway also took off his blindfold and greeted Moloch, but they were both looking at each other's mustache.

Holloway's beard is an American style. The upper edge of the mustache needs to be shaved off a little, leaving a distance from the nose. Moloch's mustache is a traditional British style, like a bush, thick and dense.

But this does not affect the two people who hit it off immediately, cherish each other, and confirmed that the beard is the right person.

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