The Death Knell

Chapter 360 Pursuit

After hearing what Deathstroke said, Diana realized that the smell she thought was the forest was different from usual.

Sometimes the forest smells rancid after rain. This is probably because the leaves are rotting or fungi are proliferating.

However, if the eyepiece in Deathstroke's helmet has already given the analysis results, then the problem is different.

Diana directly pulled out her sword and shield, and struck the door with her sword. The brass door handle flew out in a spin, and the door burst with a sound.

A fireball flew toward the door, and Diana used her shield to swat it away.

In the firelight, both of them saw a puddle of something indescribable lying in front of the full-length mirror in the darkness in front of the door.

It still vaguely looks like a human being, but the whole body is completely twisted and deformed, and the bones and muscles of the whole body are stretched into slender noodles.

It breaks, melts, time and scavenging insects turn him into a gray puddle.

Su Ming shook his head, and Diana's face became even more ugly.

This is the result of magic.

This is a wizard who likes to use a disguise magic on himself before going out to become younger or more handsome. However, something went wrong with the magic.

Turning him into a ball of demonic excrement.

The reason why Diana looked ugly was that she was worried about her friend Zatanna. If she continued to use her irony magic, she would definitely not have good luck every time, and a similar fate would probably befall her.

"Now it seems that the first choice in your mind is gone. Is there a second choice?"

Su Ming asked calmly, let Zheng Lian handle the problem here. Such elderly mages generally don't have many family members, so the responsibility of collecting the corpses is left to the heroes.

Diana sighed, stepped over the body and searched for clues in the room, but found nothing.

"He is a good man and is very good at changing all kinds of ice cream. I wanted to bring you here..."

"The sorcerer is still a human being. He just ushered in his own end. He relied on magic and ended up with magic." Su Ming shrugged. The power of magic is like the Speed ​​Force. It is easy to become addicted, but it will always cause accidents. .

"We don't have time to hold a funeral for him." Diana pulled up the tablecloth on the dining table, covered the body, put on the hood again and walked out: "Follow me, let's find the second person."

Su Ming took off after her: "Is your list ranked based on the deliciousness of the ice cream you conjured?"

The heroine stared at him fiercely. Could it be that she only knows about ice cream?

Because they were in an emergency, both of them flew very fast, but no matter how fast they were, they still couldn't catch up with their fate.

On the list of magical advisors in Diana's heart, a series of wizards died violently, and it was obvious that it happened a few days ago, and the bodies were basically highly corrupted at this time.

But the cause of death can still be seen, and there are all kinds of indescribable ways of death. Only magic can cause such effects.

Wonder Woman took out a mobile phone with a red metal shell from nowhere. She was hesitant to dial the number. After thinking for a long time, she still set her sights on Deathstroke.

"I don't really want to call Constantine, but now I don't know who else can provide the answers."

Su Ming reached out and gently pressed the power button on the phone in her hand: "Then don't call. Just because you can't do anything, doesn't mean I can't do anything."

"I wonder if you know any other wizards outside of the Justice League Dark, Shazam? He has been fighting fiercely with Black Adam recently and has not been to the Hall of Justice for a long time."

Diana tilted her head and thought for a moment. She didn't think the mercenaries from another world had any connection with the sorcerers from the main world.

This is true for common sense, but it does not apply to special people like Su Ming.

"This is Los Angeles, and as long as you have a hundred dollars, you can enjoy the best exorcism service on the West Coast." Su Ming took Diana and took off towards the city. He wanted to find a public phone booth.

"Uh...sounds like Constantine, I didn't know he had a business on the west coast."

"Although it sounds like it, the person I'm looking for is much more reliable than Constantine. At least I don't have to worry about her sacrificing us to the devil without our knowledge, so that we have to fight our way out of hell. "

While flying, Su Ming introduced Diana in a brisk tone. What he was looking for now was another hired magic wizard.

Alberta Queen, the most beautiful devil worshiper in the world.

If the source of Constantine's magic is blood, it is the demon blood in his body that plays a role. Then Alberta is completely different.

She casually watched three nonsensical magic courses on YouTube. It turned out that it was Constantine's trick to make money.

Zha Kang had heard for some time that it was easy to make money on the Internet. With the help of his driver friend, he also recorded some paid courses and put them online.

In fact, they are all deceptive. The summoning magic he teaches will all summon some disgusting devils from hell. People who watch the video will definitely come to him to exorcise demons.

At that time, Constantine would wake up laughing in his dreams when he thought of that 'beautiful money scene'.

But Alberta's focus was different from others. She imitated Constantine's dress and appearance in the video and bought an identical outfit such as a yellow trench coat, white shirt and black tie.

She cut her long hair short, held a cigarette in her mouth, turned into the female version of Zha Kang, and performed the specious demon summoning ceremony.

The demons in hell thought she was Constantine. In order to answer the call, they sought revenge on Constantine, and hell literally broke their heads.

The one who won in the end was the Prince of Hell, Lucifer Morningstar, who was very curious about why Constantine turned into a beautiful girl.

Lucifer came to this world and found it very interesting after listening to Alberta's words. He wanted to see what Zha Kang would think when he saw a female version of himself...

So the playful Lucifer signed a contract with Alberta, and she obtained powerful dark magic that could directly mobilize the energy of hell.

As long as she casts a spell, the devil who Constantine had to use trickery to deceive will be turned into a roast duck by her.

Of course Lucifer also has a condition, that is, she must also be in the exorcism business like Constantine.

When doing business, you must have a business card.

Constantine’s business card says ‘Master of the Dark Arts’ and hers says ‘Licensed Demonology and Divorce Specialist’…

She does not have much exorcism business. There are a lot of magicians in Los Angeles who are willing to do good things for free. In the past, the people who came to her were basically people who regarded their wives or husbands as demons and couldn't wait to separate.

If Su Ming is looking for a magic consultant, it would be better to have a strong one, and Alberta is a super beauty.

From the age of four to eighteen, she held the title of 'Miss Colorado' for fourteen consecutive years. She was always the winner of beauty pageants when she competed.

It wasn't until he became a powerful sorcerer that he came to Los Angeles from his hometown and opened an office.

Of course, she is also a person who knows that magic has a price, a user of demonic power, and she knows this very well.

Like Constantine, she was addicted to tobacco, alcohol and poverty, which were all the price in disguise.

But she won't sacrifice her friends, because Hell will pay the cost of casting spells for her. She just needs to wait for herself to die and give her soul to the Prince of Hell.

Not long after signing the contract with her, Lucifer left hell and came to Los Angeles to open a bar. What's the point of needing a soul?

So as a 'historical legacy' issue, the agreement between him and Alberta is still valid, but let her keep the soul by herself, and she can give it to her whenever she wants, or forget it if she doesn't.

Now Su Ming thought of her, a stronger female version of the Hell Detective. At this time, using the reason for Lucifer's disappearance, she would definitely be able to convince her to take action.

Other mages are now useless because the source of their magical power is unknown. They are not as good as users of demonic power. At least the source of their power is clear.

Just like when you were looking for Constantine, you only need to find a public phone booth, flip through the phone book, and look for the small advertisement in the yellow pages to find her.

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