The Death Knell

Chapter 4828 Dessert after meal

Of course, the Super Investigation Department will not monitor Superman in normal times, because Superman's performance in the past has been very 'stable', and they don't want to offend Luther, the local gangster of Metropolis, for this. Lan

Superman has a bottom line when it comes to doing things, but Luthor doesn't. In a way, the threshold for getting around in Metropolis is higher than in Gotham.

Because there was an explosion in Superman's home today, there will naturally be people watching, not only people from the DEO, but also people from the Sky Eye Society, as well as some intelligence personnel from the military and FBI agents.

For ordinary people, Superman's identity is kept secret, but for those in power, is it difficult to know who Superman's disguise is?

Don’t forget that Lois’ father, Superman’s father-in-law is an American general.

"They're going too far! I'll deal with it."

Diana also discovered those people, such as those who had nothing to do and were lying on the rooftop basking in the sun, those who had nothing in their hands but were constantly adjusting the clothes drying rack on the balcony, those who moved chairs and read newspapers under the bright sun... Not necessarily all people, but these people look like ghosts at first glance.

She stood up on the ground and took off the noose around her waist to talk to those people. She was still feeling guilty because she had spoiled the food. Didn't she see an opportunity to make amends now? Lan

"Don't go, Diana, I'm fine. If they want to see it, let them see it. I don't have anything shameful to do." Superman stopped her and held down his son who was also aggrieved: "My ability It is indeed dangerous, and they are worried that I will lose control, which is a normal concern."

"Humph!" Joe stuffed a piece of bread into his mouth, took the plate and returned to his room, obviously feeling that his father was a little aggrieved.

He shed blood and sweat to protect everyone, but the politicians behind these intelligence organizations are expecting him to make mistakes, which is really chilling.

Yes, Jonathan is not stupid either. He knows that the agents outside are all outcasts, in order to anger his father through surveillance and suspicion, causing him to make some overreactions, so that the politicians behind the scenes can catch him.

This is not the first time, and it will not be the last, so Wonder Woman said she was coming. She has Paradise Island as a backing and a diplomatic agreement with the United States. Even if she takes action, she can claim diplomatic immunity.

Understanding this intellectually, it can be seen that Joe still feels a little suffocated when his father persuades the heroine. He wants to go back to his room to contact his good friend Damian to chat and complain.

Seeing him running away, Superman sighed: Lan

"I'm sorry, friends, I usually spoil this kid. It's really rude to leave in the middle of the meal. I apologize to you."

"It's okay, Clark. Maybe in a few years, Jonathan will move out and live with his girlfriend." Su Ming comforted him with a smile, but it could be seen from his funny expression that he didn't mean to say anything nice. , and sure enough, he added the last half of the sentence: "Or is it your boyfriend? In short, you may not have much time to be angry about your child."

It's a pity that Superman is not an ordinary person, and his brain circuit is different from ordinary people. He just smiled, as if he thought that as long as the children lived happily, there would be no problem if the Al family bloodline was cut off.


"It doesn't taste good. Diana's cooking really doesn't taste good. Hey, my stomach hurts. The fish may be undercooked. It's over. I'm going to have my internal organs eaten by deep-sea parasites!" Harry said with difficulty, holding his belly. Walking on the road made of black metal, complaints kept coming out of my mouth: "You should take out more good food from your pocket."

"That's going to someone else's house for dinner. Bringing a bottle of wine can be regarded as a gift for visiting. What does it matter if I just cover the whole banquet? Doesn't Louise want to lose face?" Su Ming hugged her and stretched out his hand to rub her Stomach: "The doctor is already waiting. It's just a few steps away. Besides, your stomachache has nothing to do with Xiao Dai. It's purely because you ate the powder I mixed at random."

Sepurk is still the same as before. Except for the black metal building and the red lights, this fortress in the ghost universe is still performing its duties. Lan

After Superman's family dinner broke up, Diana was going to find her mother. Because Hippolyta was 'ousted' by her boyfriend and deprived of the throne, he bought her a house in London to live in. Xiao Dai needed to communicate more. .

Kara will stay at Superman's house today and chat with her cousin about the past on Krypton, so she won't leave with Deathstroke.

So Su Ming still took Harley out. The original plan was to go to the Hall of Justice to find Bobo, but she said she wanted to come to Sepulk to play with the adjutant, but she complained of a stomachache as soon as she arrived.

"For ordinary people, directly organizing the banquet may be suspected of being too much, but Superman won't care." Harley lay on the man's chest, looking weak, but her voice was almost screaming: "I want to eat Cake! Eat cake! Eat cake!”

"I have a stomachache and I still want to eat cake? Is that medicine?" Su Ming knocked her head wordlessly and carried her into the door of the medical department: "Holloway, come here to help and give her a comprehensive examination. .”

The old teammate looked helpless, but he still waved his hand to signal the android behind him to take over and send him to the inspection room. He sighed and touched his mustache:

"You know I'm a cardiac surgeon, right?" Lan

"It's more reliable than Strange's hand neurosurgery. The stomach and intestines are still closer to the heart." Su Ming watched Harley being dragged for examination. He took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth, then put it in his mouth. Looking at the glass, the fully automatic equipment began to check: "The doctor I trust most is you."

Holloway smiled. He walked to the side wall to operate the equipment and observed the parameters in the projection. The conclusion was:

"Her brain waves are very active, and there is nothing wrong with her. Is there a possibility that she just wants to eat cake? I just heard her screaming at an unforgettable volume."

"I know, but I'd be more at ease after seeing a doctor. After all, I'm not a professional." Su Ming lit up the cigarette in his mouth and said with a smile, "No matter where you feel uncomfortable, ask the adjutant to check the symptoms online. Those are the beginnings of cancer, which makes people panic."

"Haha, the Internet has its good and bad aspects. In the past, although it was more difficult to acquire knowledge, at least there were not so many wrong answers."

Holloway smiled. The doctor patted his white coat and put his hands in his pockets:

"Okay, take me back. I'm still waiting for a meeting at the First Charity Hospital." Lan

"Now that the great voyage of space has begun, there is little point in saving those people who are still on Earth 40K." Su Ming didn't speak, and the adjutant would not initiate the teleportation: "I can guess it with my toes. The content of your meeting should be to discuss how to deal with the increasing number of violently injured patients recently, right?"

Although he is no longer in 40K, Su Ming is not blind. The adjutant has been reporting on the situation there.

Zero-dollar shopping has become very popular in New York recently. Nine out of ten people who go to the hospital now have gunshot wounds. Wouldn't it be better to go home and take some anti-inflammatory medicine and bandage it with socks? It's really a waste of medical resources. so annoying.

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