The Death Knell

Chapter 4831 History after transformation

"On the eve of the device automatically starting up and killing me, I thought about a lot of things that had nothing to do with my life or death, and what kind of life I would have had if I had not been trapped in this experimental cabin."

"I will marry Jenny, she will wear the most beautiful wedding dress, and I will book the largest ballroom in the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. We will have many children in the future, and we will continue to be happy until we are old, until we are here Fall into eternal sleep under the setting sun.”

"In that short period of time, I had spent a lifetime with her in my mind...I suddenly understood that if I could choose, I would rather choose an ordinary life than what the teacher said , leaving his name and voice in the world."

"At least that's what I thought at the time, but just when we said goodbye to each other in despair, things changed. A stranger wearing black and yellow armor suddenly appeared next to me."

"No one knows how he came in or who he is, but he seems to know me. His voice seems to come from a dry well in the desert, a hoarse but low laughter."

"Doctor, it seems that you have made your choice, the weirdo said so, but I was frightened, my mind went blank, and I had no idea what he was talking about."

"But the next thing I know, I'm outside the hatch, hugging Jenny, and the teacher has my arm."

"When I turned my head to look, I could only see that the figure had a strange phenomenon in the strong blue light. His body was like a black hole, spewing out black smoke. After 11 minutes and 57 seconds, the cabin The door was opened again by the timer, but the man disappeared."

"The teacher checked the experimental data at that time. He believed that the weirdo was knocked into a quantum form by the particle flow under our observation, experienced an energy level jump, and became a high-dimensional creature."

"I don't know if what he said is right, but how can a human exist in a quantum form? Can it still be considered a human? This is impossible."

"But those have nothing to do with us. I don't want to think about quantum physics theory, at least not today. The equipment had an accident and it needed to be overhauled in all aspects. I have a long vacation, and I decided to propose to Janet tomorrow. , I want to be with her, I don’t care about other things, I don’t want to face the fear of today again, the regret of dying but having unfulfilled wishes.”

"That's it for today, come on tomorrow, Jonathan, good night."

After reading this day's diary, Harley, who still had sparkling rhinestones on her nail polish, rubbed her nose. She raised her head, turned around and sat on Deathstroke's lap, and reached out to hook his neck:

"So, this is your solution? Replace Jonathan as Dr. Manhattan? Then shouldn't you take off your clothes now? Hehe! However, you don't seem to have turned blue, or have you turned blue? Show it to me?"

"Actually, I almost became Doctor Manhattan, but I felt something else."

After taking a puff of cigarette, Su Ming took away Harry's hand to untie the belt in an annoyed manner. Now that she was talking about serious business, she went to play again:

“The moment I was bombed, I discovered that a quantum reality would split into countless parts centered on itself, and I would be excluded from the material world and become an observer at the quantum level, just like boarding a plane. The highest mountain, and all other mountains are below me.”

"Uh... I don't understand." Little Tangdou blinked, still holding the diary in his hand.

I understand every word and sentence, but what exactly it means cannot be guessed through psychoanalysis, right?

"What the Sheriff means is that he almost turned into a person like Dr. Manhattan, a spectator who has lost all emotions and is only left with logic and absolute rationality." The deputy made a voice at this time, and she stretched out her hand to massage Deathstroke's shoulders: "Things The result will only appear if it is observed, otherwise it will be unsteady, so the observer's position can only be absolutely neutral. Is this clear explanation?"

The super AI girl adjutant understood. After all, as a former Cybertronian, she could easily understand what the so-called absolute sanity felt like.

"I understand, it doesn't sound like a good thing." Harley nodded, and then began to look at the man up and down, frowning a little worriedly: "You seem to still have feelings and hormones, so we can still be normal in the future." It’s bang bang bang, right?”

Anyway, she felt that Little Bee was already strong enough. If she had to give up her sexual happiness in order to become stronger, she would be in trouble. Her boring life after retirement would be all about having fun to pass the time.

"I had two choices at that time, either to acquire the quantum concept, give up human emotions and identity, and become... a dimensional demon, let's put it that way." The mercenary put his arms around Harley, touched her hair, and said Looking at the tall golden dome from the throne: "The other way is to use the concept of darkness to activate the swallowing method, swallowing the quantum concept and transforming it into more darkness, while retaining my human emotions."

"So...?" Harley rubbed against him, as if she wanted to check something.

"As you can see, I haven't turned blue." Su Ming smiled, kissed her on the forehead, and replied: "If nothing else, I won't accept the fact that becoming the embodiment of quantum concepts will cause hair loss. Yes! So don’t worry, I haven’t gotten rid of the low-level pleasures of flesh and blood yet.”

"Hehe! I feel relieved now. If Carla calls me secretly in the middle of the night, I will ask the adjutant to pick her up and we can play together." Harley received a satisfactory answer, and she lowered her head again I started to read the diary, but the following content was relatively monotonous.

Jenny agreed to propose, and the date was set a month later. On the wedding day, the President of the United States came, and Pharaoh, a member of the Watchmen, seemed to have sensed something was wrong, and he showed up at the wedding uninvited.

But the Pharaoh didn't say anything. Instead, he seemed to feel relaxed and left quickly. disgrace

Next, Jonathan, like those who have walked on the edge of death once, loves life even more and cherishes the people around him.

This also caused his diary to become a weekly diary and a monthly diary. This man's habits have changed. Sometimes he only writes a little something in the diary for several months. He probably thinks that having a wife is more fun than writing a diary.

One year after they got married, they had their first child; in the third year, there was a little princess in the family.

Jonathan turned to another research direction in physics, that is, spacecraft manufacturing. After the death of his teacher, he officially became the top leader of the laboratory. However, the focus of his life is no longer on scientific research, but more on his own. family.

Competing with the Soviets to see who could build a manned spaceship faster was a bit of a confrontation, but the Cuban Missile Crisis did not really trigger a nuclear war, and he and Jenny's children also started families.

Although the frequency of his diary writing is getting less and less, Harley can feel that he is always happy. Through the very limited description of the social environment, it can be seen that the story of the Watcher universe is infinitely closer to the story of Earth 0.

Because the description of the Justice Society appeared in the diary, followed by Superman, Batman, Dai and the others, everything seemed to be back on track. disgrace

It's just the 'normal' that Deathstroke and Dr. Manhattan transformed before his death.

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