The Death Knell

Chapter 4915 Jumping Thoughts

Then, under Su Ming's expectant gaze, the owl flew away, turning its head to look behind it from time to time as it flew back, as if it was running for its life.

"She ran away." The adjutant's voice of suppressed laughter was in her mind, but she immediately added: "Do you want me to catch her back?"

"No need, this Drew Yin is probably an old antique who came out of the Emerald Dream to investigate Ai-chan's current situation. The era they lived in determined that the other party could only speak Elvish and not the common language of the alliance, because there was no alliance at that time."

Speechlessly, Su Ming lit another cigarette for himself, and watched the owl quickly fly out of the city wall and disappear into the rolling mountains and forests:

"I have never learned Elvish, and I have no intention of killing him. It will be difficult to even communicate smoothly after he is captured, so let's forget it. If she comes back to report a message, it won't be long before someone who can speak human language comes to her. He and I are not the ones leaving traces in the city, so we should find someone else."

Yes, Su Ming determined that this Dru Yin did not escape the attack, but that he was not even in Azeroth when the attack occurred, but in a special dimension like the Emerald Dream.

Perhaps the ancient trees of Azeroth sent them news, and this led to the scene of sending people to investigate.

As for the relationship between the ancient night elves and humans... it doesn't matter. Humans are a too young race. In the era when the elves ruled Azeroth, the only old enemies were the trolls. Now in the eyes of some ancient elves, Here, humans may be hairless monkeys.

"Okay, Sheriff, but do you have any inspiration?" The deputy became serious. She projected a map of Stormwind City in the Sheriff's mind, still using parchment as a carrier: "If you think there is someone capable of hiding, If someone kidnaps someone from heaven, where will he hide?"

As a young adult, she wanted to learn more about the police chief's leaping thinking, which was something she had never been able to understand before.

Although she has followed Deathstroke for almost a hundred years, to this day, she still does not fully understand her own police chief.

Cybertron's thinking mode is a logical linear thinking. For example, when breaking the news, you can deduce B from A, and then deduce C from B. With powerful computing power, you can perform multiple possible calculations at the same time, step by step. Come to the step-by-step conclusion of DEFG.

But the police chief is different. After learning the information about A and B, he often jumps directly to the conclusion, especially the conclusion may be a weird answer like "obtuse angle".

This puzzled her. She used to think that this was a talent of primates. Because Batman and Constantine can do this, and so can Detective Chimp.

But after she became a human, she found that her thinking mode had not changed at all. Although she learned to smoke and drink, and also liked going to night markets, it was obviously of no use to her.

What she needs to learn now is the kind of dark thinking that a police chief should have.

Through the observation of humans, she found that the first two years of human life are called infancy. During this period, humans have no unique thinking patterns and are more just imitating their parents and acquaintances in the social environment.

But as the child learns almost everything that can be imitated, the child will begin to show innovation. She feels that she has just become a human and is still at this stage.

"I was thinking about this issue before, whether it would be Stormwind Fortress or Mage Tower." Deathstroke exhaled a puff of smoke and looked at the sky. Hermione's laughter came from behind him. He continued to communicate silently with the adjutant: "Stormwind Fortress Defense The strongest, there is a mysterious side of power in the magic tower, but after carefully analyzing your investigation report, I think if there is a living person, it should be in the hunter's guild."

"Huh? Why?"

The deputy had seen the entire process of those investigations herself, and she didn't understand how the chief came to this answer.

"Because you have detected signs of intelligent life activity in Stormwind City, but no one can be found anywhere; combined with the fact that animals will not be captured before, the person we are looking for should look like an animal at this time. And if you want to make people look less human, the easiest way is not to transform into Dru Yin, but to put on a leather suit."

"Well, that's the idea."

The deputy knew what a holster was, and she had some knowledge of tokusatsu dramas, but she didn't understand why the chief would think of Ultraman in Azeroth.

She herself lacks this impulse to associate, as if she doesn't have the thread in her brain.

Humans may be accustomed to the ability to associate, but as a former Cybertronian Autobot, the adjutant is very envious.

"Leather sheaths are not popular in Azeroth, but there are still game specimens. Animal specimens are too small to fit adults, so larger specimens are needed. I recalled it based on my memory. There are only two bears in Stormwind City. specimen."

At this time, he couldn't see the adjutant's expression, but he could probably guess what she was thinking. Su Ming simply clapped his fingers and continued thinking:

"One is on the second floor of the gold-encrusted Rose Hotel less than twenty meters away from us, and the other is in the Hunters Guild Hall in the old city. If someone is hiding in the hollow cavity of the bear specimen, then it must be There, because capable people generally don’t come to the trade area where we are, it’s too noisy and chaotic.”

Su Ming's own reasoning was also logical, but a lot of information and clues came from his knowledge of his previous life, so sometimes, in the eyes of the adjutant, there was an illusion of 'immortal guiding the way'.

Strangler knows all the host's memories, so it doesn't have these problems.


The symbiote black bean sprout rubbed against the host's face. When the man was just communicating this matter, it had already stretched out its tentacles to check the second floor of the hotel. It was confirmed that there were no hidden bears among the stuffed bears there.

Yes, even though the reasoning results are available, we still need to search in order to rule out even the slightest possibility.

"Hermione, pick something fun and go. I'll take you to choose a mount. Do you want to ride an armored night saber?" Su Ming shouted towards the vault behind him.

But it was obviously no longer needed. Although she had ten light rings, the witch was not affected by greed. When she came out, she dragged the small toys with her wand and floated behind her. At this time, the little girl's eyes seemed to be filled with tears. Braving my heart.

"Nightsaber sounds like a type of leopard? Can it really ride a big cat?"

As a cat lover, she couldn't resist this temptation at all. Although the professor gave her a pony when she was in school and she kept it well, but if there was an opportunity to ride a big cat, why not?

"Yes, originally you needed honor points to exchange for it, but now it's free of charge. Come on, I'll take you to the old city and choose slowly."

The smiling death knell pulled the witch into the cloak that was already in place, and then the two figures flashed to the place where the quartermaster should have been in the past, but now the people were gone, only the mounts in the stables not far away were left. They seemed happy to see someone coming.

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