The Death Knell

Chapter 513 Red House

Compared to Hydra, Leviathan is easier to find.

They will usher in the peak of development after the war, and now they are mainly parasitic in the government, and there are not many external branches.

For example, Comrade Steel knew about the 'Red Room' used to train Black Widows, and within the system, senior officials who had reached a certain position also knew about it.

And there is probably a leech potion inside.

Although the Red House is nominally managed by kgb, in fact the real bosses behind it are Vasili Dassaiev and Viktor Uvarov.

After the Holy Shield Brotherhood split, they parted ways with others and came to this vast land of ice and snow to establish a secret organization codenamed after the mythical beast.


Just as the SSR chose the United States, Hydra chose Germany, and the Hand chose Japan, Leviathan, like its brother organizations, chose the Furry Bear.

Drawing nourishment from a country, strengthening oneself, and confronting former teammates, every agent organization will do such things.

There is a big advantage in choosing Mao Xiong, that is, there are enough soldiers.

Russians generally have good physical fitness. Regardless of men or women, the toughness factor is like being imprinted on their souls.

Vasily and Victor are not stupid. Hydra is now at its peak, and SSR is not far behind. Now that the two powers are fighting, one of them will be injured in the end.

If Leviathan intervenes in the world's disputes now, the situation will become a tripartite confrontation. It is better to wait for the SSR and Hydra to decide the winner, and Leviathan will come out to deal with the weak two.

Therefore, Leviathan's current course of action is to first succumb to the country, develop in a low-key manner, penetrate into every aspect of this huge country, and then use the power of the country to incubate itself.

They are now accumulating strength, whether it is soldiers, materials, or money.

In the comics, Natasha mentioned that the Red House was somewhere in Siberia, but Su Ming didn't know the specific location.

But that's not a problem.

The Red House is an underground base. In addition to hundreds of girls undergoing training, there are also a large number of scientists, logistics personnel, and even troops stationed inside.

With so many people, supplies must be needed.

Whether it is food, bullets and grenades for training, or chemical raw materials needed by scientists, they all need to be replenished regularly.

Some things can be hoarded, such as sheets and bedding, which can be replenished once a year.

Su Ming also considered this issue, but there was one thing that couldn't be stored too much, and that was prisoners.

Humans are expendable in the Red Room, and the little girls will use various prisoners sent to practice their killing skills.

It is necessary to practice shooting, it is also necessary to practice fighting, and it is also necessary to practice anatomy.

An agent trainee will consume at least several prisoners every day. After all, Leviathan trains assassins and killers. If they want them to be proficient in this area, they need to practice a lot.

At least Deathstroke has never heard of someone who can teach himself to be a top killer by reading books.

And prisoners store too much and have to ensure that they are active before class. This not only wastes food, but also poses a safety hazard.

Therefore, the supply cycle for prisoners in the Red House will not be too long, and Su Ming can wait.

It's only February, and you want to use cars and oxcarts to transport various supplies into Siberia? Don't even think about it, the snow on the ground can reach the chest of a grown man.

The only reliable transportation to Siberia in early spring is the Trans-Siberian Railway built in 1891.

It is said that it takes seven days to take the luxury special train "Golden Eagle" from Moscow to Vladivostok. Passengers often can't even walk when they get off the train.

Now, because kgb is a confidential organization, the materials sent to the Red House should be transported by a special train, and this special train should not be on the transportation department's timetable, or simply a dedicated line.

What Su Ming needs is this timetable. He can memorize the running times of all trains to Siberia, and then go and stay along the railway line.

If a train showed up at a time that was not on the timetable, he would climb into the car to check.

If food, prisoners, chemicals, brainwashing equipment, dresses, and cosmetics appear on a certain train, then that's probably the train you should ride on.

In the era without satellites, we had to rely on stupid methods. Fortunately, Su Ming also saw the railway guerrillas. Stepping on a speeding train was like riding a galloping horse.

Somewhere in Siberia, in a heavily guarded prison-like place, the barbed wire fences and guard towers were covered with snow.

The indifferent-looking soldiers continued to patrol around the barbed wire fence, and the military dogs followed silently with their mouths closed.

In the center of the barbed wire fence, there was a small house that looked like an ordinary radar station, maybe with only a few signal soldiers and a stove inside.

In fact, more of the buildings are underground, and the insides of all their walls are all red.

At this time, in a large classroom deep underground, teachers were teaching a group of girls. The content of the class was to organize watching movies.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

However, it is a modified version. The Snow White here is wearing a white tight-fitting leather dress, with the front and back curved, and just looking at it is full of sensual hints.

The hours-long video shows how she manipulates the men around her to work for her through deception, conspiracy, and sexual relations.

The actors of The Seven Dwarfs specially selected dwarfs with hideous faces, not to mention fat brains and appendixes, and their faces were made up to look like monsters. But the princess still took turns having sex with them with a smile on her face, and all the details of her actions were captured very clearly by the camera.

The subtitles below will also promptly type out the name of this position and use various force-generating techniques to make men feel happy.

The instructor would pause the playback from time to time and explain how to kill the target silently while the target is at the peak of happiness in the current state.

Some girls will be too shy to look, and then an extremely strong adult female warrior will come over, beat the girl up, then fix the girl's head, open her eyelids and force her to look.

But this will still lower the girl's score. If the score is lower than level 5, she is worthless, and her fate is to be killed by other girls and become 'nourished'.

In short, at the end of the movie, the princess killed the seven dwarfs, the prince, the hunter, and the queen. She became the final winner.

The last scene was her covered in white turbidity, standing on the pile of corpses of a country's people, with sand in one hand and vodka in the other, laughing and cheering 'Ula'!


The instructor turned on the lights in the classroom and turned off the projector. She was an expressionless old woman, as skinny as a skeleton, but her eyes shone with an unusual light.

There is an inconspicuous decoration hanging on the collar on her chest, which is the zodiac sign of Capricorn.

"Girls, was the movie good?"

This is not a question, because the answer has already been prescribed. This is just a process.

She asked if it looked good, and the girls had to answer that it looked good. If they said any other irrelevant answer, they would have to receive electrotherapy or be thrown into ice water.

The surrounding Leviathan warriors will ensure that everyone answers the instructor seriously.


The girls answered her numbly.

The instructor laughed like a witch, "Very good, now let me ask, what did you learn from the movie? Dottie, you go first."

A blond girl stood up. Her eyes were a little dazed, but she still said the answer, "Sex is a very useful weapon. The enemy will relax when releasing the life essence, and we can take the opportunity to bite off their aorta."

However, the old female instructor shook her head dissatisfied and yelled at her, "It's too superficial. Your understanding is too superficial. Get out and get 30 whips!"

In fact, there was no need for Dotty to get out of here. Two strong female Leviathan warriors dragged her out by her hair. Soon, screams could be heard in the corridor.

"You screamed too loud. Why are you so angry? Hit her again! Knock her out until she's unconscious!"

The instructor roared and chased out the door, issuing new orders.

She unbuttoned her collar, spit on the floor, and returned to the classroom.

"I am very disappointed with Dottie's answer. The next person who answers should think carefully. What I want is not the appearance, but the essence of the whole thing."

The girls were even more confused. Is there really any deep meaning in this movie?

"Anya, you are Dottie's best friend, you answer." The instructor directly called her name.

"I learned the joy that can be brought by dominating men, controlling people's hearts, and instilling pain." Another girl with braids stood up and answered.

"Although it is incomplete, I agree with this answer. You can get an extra piece of bread today and sit down!"

The other girls all breathed a sigh of relief silently. At least now they have a general answer and they don't have to die today.

"Classmate Romanov, stand up and add to Anya's speech."

The instructor ordered another younger red-haired girl. She and some other girls were in a class later than Dottie and Anya. They were just observing today.

Anyway, some girls were punished with dinner, and some were rewarded, but at least today, they could be locked in bed to sleep again at night.

Instead of being thrown into the snow to feed the wolves, or directly put into the crematorium

The instructor controlled everyone's destiny like a queen, and had the girls at her mercy. She motioned for the person to pack up the projector, and played with the riding crop in her hand.

"My lesson ends here today. You will be taken to the corral by Teacher Sharapova. There, you will learn how to kill the enemy with any props at hand. The prisoners in the corral are all our enemies. No. , they are not humans, but pigs!”

"Yes! Teacher." the little girls replied immediately.

"The pigs will be unchained and told that if they kill you they will be free. Each of you must rip out ten hearts with your bare hands. This is your goal today. I don't care if you rip the pigs' or yourselves." Yes, but I have to check during class tomorrow. Those who have not completed their homework will be cut into pieces by military dogs, and everyone will watch, just like last time, do you understand?"

"I understand, teacher."

"Very good. Let's watch another movie in class tomorrow, Alibaba and the Forty Thieves. get out of class is over now!"

The soldiers left with the girls, but after the instructor saw everyone leaving, he asked the guards outside the door to drag Dottie back.

"Dottie, you are about to graduate, and today is your final assessment."

Dotty, who was beaten to death, lay on the ground, and the ground seemed to smell of rust.

She didn't know what her mission was. Was she to go to Moscow to assassinate some big shot? Or sleeping with some high-ranking official to steal information?

"Dottie Underwood awaits orders," she replied breathlessly, her injuries making it almost impossible to think.

"Very well, your task is to kill your roommate Anya tonight." The instructor replied calmly, sharpening his nails with a riding crop. "If you don't have a weapon, just rely on your hands."

"What?! Anya is my best friend!"

"Of course, of course I know, but she has also received an order to kill you tonight. You regard her as a friend and are not willing to kill her, but is she not willing to kill you either?" The instructor showed a ferocious smile, "You know , you are very weak now, if you don’t strike first, you will be the one who dies.”

Doty fell silent, but the instructor would not show any mercy.

"Drag her back to the room and have someone guard their door. Only one of them will come out alive tomorrow."

The instructor waved his hand and let the guards drag Dottie away as if brushing away dust.

Anya did not receive any tasks.

Just because the instructor chose Doty as the seed contestant because she is more beautiful than Anya.

The reason was indeed so superficial. Dottie's previous answer was actually correct. The instructor only beat her to make her hurt, lose her sense of security, and fall into delusions of being persecuted.

This is the Red Room, where Leviathan trains female killers.

Appearance is a woman's most important weapon, and leech medicine was created to maintain this weapon. Even the instructors were not qualified to receive the serum and could only watch themselves grow old.

She was filled with jealousy of the little girls, so she tortured them in different ways.

But the graduation ceremony in the Red Room was just like that. It came from superiors and was not her invention.

Kill his best friend, and then there will be a fight among all the graduates of the same period. Only one person can survive, and then he will undergo sterilization surgery and receive precious leeches.

That person is this year's 'Black Widow', the most vicious and ruthless one among the Gu insects.


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