The Death Knell

Chapter 601 Dungeon

As the pages of the book turned rapidly, the names on the list in his heart were crossed out one by one. The mage looked at the fire quietly, while Gin held Ciri's hand and whispered to her.

Shirley's expression was still a little strange. Although she was smiling, it was still difficult to accept that Gin suddenly changed from a kind old man to a beautiful girl. Doesn't this look younger than her?

At this moment, Su Ming closed the book.

"Have you finished reading?" Ciri took her hand out of Gin's and smiled sheepishly.

"Well, the rest is just gibberish and graffiti that I don't know why. The story only records that I got into the belly of a bug."

Su Ming put the storybook into the space bag and looked at the fire to answer.

"Did you find anything?" Gin took Ciri's little hand back and pressed his fingers like a toy.

"I discovered a lot. For example, the future Loki is very familiar with Wade. There is no record of Kama Taj in his book. Thor was played by him to death. Odin is also an outsider but can use the information. not much."

"How about asking Master Gu Yi for help?"

Monaco made a suggestion. If there is a problem with the timeline, Ancient One, who has the Eye of Agamotto, is the best person to solve it.

"She knows, but she allowed the situation to develop. If you ask her for help, you have to act according to her script. Do you want me to be the Supreme Mage?"

Su Ming knocked on the armor on his chest, and the alloyed strangle made a banging sound. He pointed back at the two weapons behind his back.

From now on, when there are meetings in the mage world, everyone else is wearing robes and holding staffs. Su Ming walks into the meeting in a tin can, and others have to bow to him. Don't you think it's against the rules?

“Nothing bad at all”

Monaco turned his head, seemed to be looking at the pebbles on the ground attentively, and whispered.

"You can say such things against your will. What benefits has Master Gu Yi given you?"

Su Ming raised his head and took a deep breath. Monaco seemed to be an insider as well. Gu Yi must have told him something.

Monaco's face flushed, and his mustache curled up: "How could you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air? I didn't get any benefits."

"Forget it, hand over Beard, you are in the story. You can go home and rest. Help me bring the gin back, and call Hamil here by the way."

Monaco is the person who appears in the story. Although his role will be covered up by graffiti later, a mage from the Karma Taj system must be replaced now.

As for using this excuse to drive him back, Su Ming guessed that he would report to Gu Yi, so this was also a tentative move to see Gu Yi's next reaction.

Monaco sighed. He did know something, but he couldn't say it, and his physical condition was indeed not very good right now.

When a person's internal organs are all soaked in a cold and biting extradimensional liquid, no one will feel too good.

He took out a small round iron box from his pocket and threw it to Su Ming, then opened the portal leading to the New York Temple.

Gin glanced at the boss, and Su Ming nodded slightly to her. She let go of Xili's hand, stood up and walked in the door.

"Be safe, boss."

"Follow the plan."

The portal closed, leaving only Su Ming and Xili. A moment later, Hamil joined them carrying his blame.

He walked out of the portal without saying a word, and just nodded to Su Ming.

Then he put the pot directly on the fire, used magic to add boiling water to the pot, took out the prepared dumplings from somewhere, and started adding them to the pot.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but the white and plump dumplings were rolling in the water, and the white heat lingered around the edge of the pot. Su Ming seemed to see golden light emitting from the pot.

"Wait, is it time to eat now? And it's not a holiday, why are you eating dumplings?"

Su Ming quickly waved his hand to stop him. This story was still wrong. Why did he become a Chinese young master?

"Eat enough to get on the road."

Hamill took out a large colander, stirred the dumplings in the pot, added some cold water to the pot from time to time, and answered very calmly.


Which way?

Although Su Ming knew that in many places there is a saying of "getting the dumplings on the bus and then the noodles", which means that when sending your family on a long trip, you have to eat dumplings.

But why does the term ‘hitting the road’ sound so weird now?

"Okay, what's the stuffing? Let's make a deal first, I won't eat the tentacles." Su Ming thought for a moment, and the reason for lighting a fire here was to attract the enemy, and having a meal by the way wouldn't affect the business.

"Ginseng and mutton."

"Can it be eaten?"


“Would it be too supplementary to replace carrots with ginseng?”

"you will not."

"Can Ciri eat it?"


"What did Master Gu Yi tell you?"

"Follow your orders."

Hamil began to fish for dumplings. His expression remained as usual, his answers were even more precise, and the aroma of mutton gradually began to fill the air.

Su Ming pouted and didn't lie.

Hamil should also know something. He originally wanted to go around and see if he could suddenly let him out, but he was so thoughtful that even if he had just arrived on the battlefield, there was no chance for him to escape.

The guardian family has been bodyguards and housekeepers for generations, so being vigilant at all times is like an ability inherited through blood.

But it doesn’t matter if the attempt fails. Hamill’s presence shows that Kamal Taj’s position has not changed. The results of the test are in. Gu Yi is still on Su Ming's side. She just concealed some things, like the mastermind behind the scenes.

But that can be asked later.

"It's a bit bitter." Xili didn't know what the two were talking about. She ate a dumpling immediately, but it took a long time to boil it before she could say anything.

Hamill took out a few more small plates and a bottle of vinegar.

In the dungeon, the dry air seemed to be taking away the life of every cell in the body, and from the darkness outside the door, there were all kinds of crawling sounds, which made people nervous even more.

It seemed like a multi-legged animal running across the snow, or like a slug being pressed against the glass. The complex, multi-layered sound affected every nerve of the person.

Liana has met Snow, she is Russian, and after the great unbreakable alliance was broken, the lives of civilians became problematic.

Both her father and mother died of hunger and disease during the snowy winter nights.

She and her brother had no way to stop the pace of death. They could only watch their blue-faced parents tearing out their own throats and dying on the bed at home.

This is not a simple disease, almost everyone in the Rasputin family will die this way, this is called the 'Rasputin Curse'.

Liana, Piotr, and Mikhail, these are the only three living members of the Rasputin family.

They all possess some special abilities, which are secrets kept in the family for generations and no outsiders know about them.

The eldest brother, Mikhail, is the oldest and has the strongest ability. He can change the form of matter through his thoughts, such as turning ice into water, or making himself never tired.

The second brother Piotr can change his form, his whole body will become metal, and he will be invulnerable.

Liana is the youngest, and her own abilities seem to be very ordinary, but she is regarded as the hope of the whole family because her ability is immune to all diseases and infections.

The family curse will break out after reaching a certain age, manifesting as internal organ failure throughout the body. The whole person seems to start rotting from the inside, and then leads to inevitable death.

In order to support his family, Mikhail had no choice but to sign up for the army after his parents died. With the help of his superpowers, he became an astronaut.

But just after he was launched into space, the alliance suddenly disintegrated, and his manned spacecraft also encountered unknown problems and disappeared into the void of the universe.

The responsibility of supporting the family fell on Piotr's shoulders, but during this special period, the government was completely shut down, and it took several months for him to even know the news of his brother's death, let alone the settlement expenses.

With his parents and brother gone, Piotr decided to take his sister to the "free country" on the other side of the ocean. The newly elected comrade president said that the air in a democratic and free country is sweet.

But people cannot live on air, they must have work and food. It is difficult to find jobs in Russia at this time, and civilians are worried about their livelihood.

At that time, it was not difficult to smuggle to the United States. He sold his family's land and ancestral property at a low price to foreign capitalists in exchange for two smuggling tickets, and took his sister to the United States.

Piotr is usually very strong, and when activated, he can lift about 9 tons of weight. He quickly found a job working for the Wilson Group at the New York docks, because he could provide false identities there.

Wilson Enterprise straddles the two lines of black and white, and is extremely powerful. At the entrance of the nightclub called Peace Hotel, there are always well-dressed dignitaries coming in and out.

But the company treats its workers very well. It distributes rice, flour, grain and oil during holidays, provides dormitories for employees and provides education for relatives. Even if you die in an accident, the company will take care of your family.

Piotr felt that this was more of a humane gang than a money-making company, because the English he spoke was vodka-flavored, and he had false identities and other tricks. After leaving the company, he and his sister both It's hard to move around in New York.

The company controls everyone in disguise, and there are some mysterious girls who always wander around the port and factory area. They feel like kgb.

Fortunately, there was nothing illegal about his job. He simply packed and shipped loose goods, which were all works of art that were difficult to transport with machines. Therefore, he quickly saved money due to his outstanding performance.

A year later, in 1992, he bought a small farm near Long Island as his and Liana's home.

But soon, a bald man in a wheelchair came to them and said something to Piotr. Piotr joined an organization called the X-Men, codenamed Ganglishi.

Only then did Liana learn that her family were all mutants described by the bald professor. She was only seven years old at this time.

Charles actually didn't say anything to Ganglish, he just said that Xavier Academy is the home of all mutants and can provide protection and private guidance for special children like Liana.

The genetic disease of the Rasputin family is not a curse, but the instability of the special x gene causing gene collapse and systemic organ failure.

Xavier Academy's ability to better develop Liana's abilities may allow her to avoid this tragic fate.

It didn't matter to Ganglishi himself. When he was metallized, his internal organs also changed, so he didn't worry about this disease at all.

But Liana can’t do it, she’s in danger.

Therefore, he gave up the idea of ​​letting Liana go to Zhongji College for free and took her to Xavier College. Professor

Teaching at school allowed him to see his sister all the time, which was nice.

But before Liana could happily spend the next winter with her classmates, a devil accompanied by black smoke and thick fog suddenly appeared, captured Liana into a rift in time and space, and disappeared from the campus.


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