The Death Knell

Chapter 627 Qu0026A

To be honest, meeting Loki at the observatory at the end of the Rainbow Bridge is a good place.

After all, compared to the vast underworld, the area here is not large. If a typical mage like Loki is approached by two powerful warriors, it can be said that there is no room for struggle at all.

Of course, the premise is that the Reality Stone is not taken into account. As long as Loki still holds the ether particles in his hand, the two sides will be in balance at best.

But judging from his current appearance, he should have given up resistance.

Loki was obviously still thinking about what went wrong with him, because being recognized here was not what he expected. The reason why he disguised himself as Odin and Heimdall was because he originally planned to talk about something as the God King.

But at this time, I can only talk about it in my true identity.

The evil god wearing green leather armor threw the sword aside, and the key used to open the Rainbow Bridge made a crisp sound.

With lies and betrayals again and again, he could easily get anything in the Immortal Palace, but he seemed so powerless at this time.

"I was indeed peeking. When you plan to use a trap to catch birds, shouldn't you hold the string in your hand?"

"Although I can also lay traps, there is a risk of stepping into any trap myself, so I prefer to use a gun directly."

Facing Loki's question, Su Ming drew out his sword and put it on his shoulder. Several people had already blocked Loki's path from the spatial level.

"Or use a bow and arrow, or a slingshot, or a boomerang, the kind used by the Indians. Wait, are the Indians suspected of discrimination? The correct name should be the Native Americans of North America. Cut this section."

Wade immediately spoke up, but mid-sentence he turned to the invisible camera crew and made scissor gestures with his hands.

Loki leaned against the wall gently. He knew Deadpool's problems very well, but it was because of this that being evenly matched with such a person was the saddest thing.

When you have prepared all kinds of plans and plotted all kinds of strategies, but they are cracked by others in a psychotic way while laughing.

It all looks like a joke.

But that's not the key. The main problem is that there is a guy next to the psycho who seems to be crazy, but is actually more sane and darker than anyone else.

Deathstroke is a man who always has a plan. Even if Loki comes from the future, he still doesn't know what Deathstroke is planning.

The origin of this mysterious man is a mystery, but his strength seems to be very ordinary. He is a traditional warrior, with a big sword and armor, and occasionally uses thermal weapons, no different from the warriors of Asgard.

There are no energy release skills, no cosmic-level superpowers, and no high-level abilities such as divine power, magic, concepts, telekinesis, etc.

His abilities seem to lie in swordsmanship, at best his superpower as a symbiote host, and his self-healing ability that can be seen everywhere in Marvel.

But when he appears on the battlefield, it really sounds the death knell for the enemy. No matter who the enemy is or what ability he uses, the death knell will never be restrained.

Because only when he is fully prepared will he appear openly in front of everyone, otherwise he will always be lurking in the darkness, like a crocodile waiting to hunt.

This performance makes all bystanders terrified, and the omnipresent black shadow hangs over everyone. Anyone may be killed by the death knell in the next moment, just because of his deal with others, or because he inadvertently blocks his way.

As a person who is good at calculation and layout, Loki is the one who knows the power of strategy best.

Deathstroke has planned a way to die for almost everyone. For everyone in the Marvel multiverse, Loki doesn't know what is in the plan with his name on it, but the unknown is scary.

After losing Loki's whereabouts before, the most convenient and quickest way is to call Heimdall and use his ability to relocate him.

Loki knew that Deathstroke would definitely come after him after dealing with Hela, so he set a trap.

But Su Ming considered Loki's idea and used his tricks to make this happen.

Maybe Loki thought that Deathstroke would see through him, so this conversation was probably premeditated by Loki, but Su Ming considered the opposite of Loki's thinking, which was the tragic fact that he wanted to change but couldn't.

Then expose his lies directly and speak frankly.

"I thought you wouldn't think this way if you were to become two people." Loki touched his chin and expressed his confusion very frankly.

Su Ming walked to his side, sat down gently, and casually hooked Loki's shoulder to confirm that it was his real body and to prevent him from escaping.

"Even large groups of guys like that exist. The number of heads is not equal to the number of personalities. You also know this."

"You are not as strong as Odin. Although I knew you would probably see through it, I didn't expect you to really dare to test it."

Having said this, Su Ming shook his head: "Your Odin's acting skills are average, and his momentum is too strong. I have seen many beings who are stronger than Odin, but their momentum is not as good as Odin. This contradiction is obvious. Well, besides, even if it’s the real Odin, he still has weaknesses.”

"Are you telling me this because you intend to kill me?" Loki tilted his head, a smile appeared on his face, revealing his neat white teeth.

Su Ming took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth and lit it: "I won't kill you, the story is still useful, so you don't need to ask everything clearly as if you are preparing to die. Sometimes it's good to be a little confused."

"Like him?"

Loki pointed at Wade who was still talking to the sky. No matter how you looked at it, it looked like a sign of low intelligence. Especially when he recalled that Deadpool shyly exposed one side of his butt to him, Loki really couldn't help but move. Handed.

"No, my brother is pretending to be confused, but your brother is really confused." Su Ming shook his head, confusion and madness are two different concepts.

When Thor was mentioned, Loki sighed lightly, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

Seeing that he had finished asking his questions, Su Ming still had a few questions that needed Loki to answer. He took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and handed it to Loki. Loki took it without hesitation and lit it with magic.

The two sat together and smoked cigarettes like good brothers.

Wade's little hand stretched out. He also wanted one, but Su Ming slapped it away. After smoking this cigarette, he sent Rocky on his way. Do you want this kind of cigarette?

He ignored Wade's aggrieved look and focused on Loki again: "Everything was originally in order, why would you think of coming back to rewrite the story?"

"Because I discovered the ridiculousness of stories. I should not be the god of stories, but the god of jokes."

Loki's eyes lost focus, and he stared blankly at the stars outside the Rainbow Bridge, as if the countless bright spots dotted on the dark background could give him some faith.

Su Ming sighed. He did not suffer any loss from Loki's story. On the contrary, he also gained a lot of benefits, especially the Cosmic Cube, that terrible weapon was currently being hidden in a safe place.

"I probably know something about it. Are you talking about what happened to the gods after Ragnarok?" Su Ming calmly blew out a smoke ring, picked up Heimdall's sword and danced it a few times.

Too light and uncomfortable.

The evil god was still smiling, but there was something indescribable in his smile.

"After Ragnarok, I reinvented everyone's ability to pass stories." He spoke of events in the distant future in a calm voice: "It's like Ragnarok never happened, except for Odin, I resurrected everyone in disguise.”

"Then the God of the Gods came to you because you prevented Ragnarok in disguise, so you told them a story and scared them away." Su Ming continued.

Loki took a deep breath. Although he knew that Deathstroke had a lot of information, this was something that only God and himself knew.

But it’s true, that’s how everything is.

"As you said, I was very satisfied with the result at first, but gradually, I discovered something was wrong."

"It's because the time they appeared was too coincidental, right?" Deathstroke flicked the cigarette ashes on the ground and said lightly.

Loki nodded, even though he only figured it out after the fact. He didn't notice it immediately like Deathstroke, but he did see some things clearly.

"If they wanted to stop me, why did they have to appear after Ragnarok and after I wrote the story? When I just started writing, they had 10,000 ways to stop me."

"It makes some sense. Their strength should be at least the Almighty Universe level, so they won't be intimidated by you who are at the Single Universe level. Otherwise, there would be Loki in every world in the multiverse, and they would have been dead long ago."

Su Ming's views were similar to Loki's.

The appearance of God on God was just to paralyze Loki, making him think that he had really avoided Ragnarok, and made him think that he had really defeated the God of Gods.

However, in fact, perhaps the original gods have been filled into the furnace.

All the people created by Loki in the story are no longer who they were. They are just the embodiment of images that live in Loki's memory.

The story comes from the world. Without this Marvel world, the story would not exist.

In other words, the source of energy for the story Loki used to reshape the gods was the furnace fire formed by the lives of the previous gods.

When the new gods grow up again, or when the world needs energy again, the gods will appear again and let Loki repeat the story again.

If Loki feels like the story has him winning, then let him feel that way.

The world has gained energy and will continue to exist. The gods have achieved their goals. They don't care what others think about winning or losing.

It was precisely because Loki was aware of these truths that he chose to come to a point in time and tried to change the story on a large scale and create a parallel world.

The changes at the Space-Time Paradox level are too small to escape this fate. The only way is to completely separate your world from the timeline like Kang the Conqueror.

"I want to cut off time, cut off fate, and separate everything. Kang has already consciously done half of it under my layout. I will complete the other half. You have to help me. This is your world in the future. "Loki's eyes were serious, and his plan had been going on for a long time.

"It's a good idea, but it's a pity that you didn't understand one thing." Su Ming shook his head regretfully. He didn't believe Loki's last words.

Everything will not be easy. Although Su Mingzao regards the 40k universe as his own, as long as the word "Marvel" is mentioned, it is all an illusion.

"What?" Loki showed a serious expression for the first time. He wanted to use this to persuade Deathstroke to fight the God of Gods together, but Deathstroke had obviously known all this for a long time.

"Kang the Conqueror's method is to create parallel worlds through different time points. It seems that each world is independent, but do you know that these worlds are all fragile? Although they are independent of the timeline, they are His own time is still passing by, and their energy is constantly being consumed. Kang is like a snowball by conquering the new timeline to recharge the old world, so that he can ensure that his 'figure toys' will not break. You Do you really want to follow his path?”

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