The Death Knell

Chapter 656 Hunter

The sun fell quietly on the desk, and Su Ming quietly watched the dust in the air moving up and down, while the adjutant still stood in the corner like a statue, with only his eyes shining with blue light.

Su Ming placed the Newton that he had received from the colonel on his desk, gently picked up a small ball and let it move on its own. The crisp and faint sound injected some life into the office.

He picked up the crystal wine bottle on the corner of his desk, poured it into the glass, and brought it to his mouth.

"Boss, Dr. Holloway's report is out." Gin walked in from outside the door. She was still wearing a black windbreaker, a masculine dress. Paired with her beautiful face and capable short hair, she had a unique look. Some heroic spirit.

The wine glass was put down and a stack of documents was handed into his hand.

The report was in standard Holloway style and was comprehensive. The bodies of the two gunmen last night were fully examined by him overnight.

Su Ming originally wanted to invite him to work at Zhongsi Academy, but in the end he refused, not as a doctor, but as an avenging angel who was unwilling to leave the neighborhood.

Su Ming took a step back. He injected capital into the nursing home in Holloway and promised to develop it into a chain of nursing homes.

Holloway's refusal is understandable. Once you put a mask on, you can never take it off again.

Running through the streets at night, jumping over the gaps between tall buildings, and fighting crime is more addictive than taking drugs for some people.

The Avenging Angel is Captain America's teammate and made contributions in World War II. This identity has earned him more respect.

In the current superhero community in New York, most people are willing to sell the face of the Avenging Angel. Whenever he appears, they will directly gain command of the action.

Although Holloway did not have any superpowers, he was smart enough and thoughtful. In the days after the war, he defeated many emerging black forces.

Su Ming's winery has been cleaned up, and only some informants are left on the streets. Most of the other dark work will gradually be handed over to professional intelligence agencies like Spider Web.

This is also the only way to go. With the development of the times, some things require more and more cover-up and professionalization, and the gang's methods gradually cannot keep up with the times.

The most important thing is that New York needs chaos. Without enough chaos, there will not be so many heroes in the future.

The withdrawal of wineries from the streets created a vacuum of control. Countless gangs, big and small, sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. The prosperity of post-war New York brought a lot of evil.

Now the heroes have found the meaning of their existence. They are very happy, and Su Ming is also very happy.

The sanatorium in Holloway now has a completely new look. Not only is the vague smell of urine gone before, but a lot of equipment and equipment have also been replaced after getting money.

Although it is not as professional as SSR's laboratory, in this era, it is enough for Holloway to use to get the information Su Ming wants.

Su Ming looked at the physical and chemical data. He quickly turned over the sheets of paper filled with data. He wanted to see what the gunman's cause of death was.

Analysis revealed that they died of suicide and that the unknown poison that burned all their internal organs was actually water.

'The teeth don't show any signs of wear. They don't need to eat, or eat liquid food for a long time. All tissues in the body, including bones, are photophobic and will quickly turn to ashes under sunlight or ultraviolet light. ’

'Their blood is completely different from humans, and the number of mitochondria in their cell structure is much higher than that of humans. Each of them can be said to be a super soldier. ’

Holloway called them 'humanoids', but at the end of the autopsy report, he couldn't help but leave a digression: "Are these vampires?"

The report was thrown on the desk and the wine was picked up again.

"Inform Holloway to dispose of the body and pay attention to safety. I will leave a blood sample here."

Gin nodded, she sat sideways on the desk, picked up the wine bottle and poured herself some wine: "I also took a look at the report. The cause of death was water?"

"It's not what you think. God never works in our world." Su Ming patted the back of her hand on the table: "That was not holy water, but high-concentration garlic essence."

"Oh, it seems that the components of garlic reacted with the vampires. When the internal organs were burned, the garlic components were also consumed, so Holloway only detected ordinary water."

Gin raised her neck and drank a glass of wine. She held the glass with lipstick marks in her hand.

"It's just a guess. Now I need to dig out information about strangers from the mouths of vampires, and this requires some professional advice." Su Ming poured her wine with a smile, and the two of them clinked glasses.

"What do I need to do?" Gin looked into his eyes.

"Activate your contacts and investigate the blood banks and hospitals in New York City to see if a large amount of blood has 'disappeared' inexplicably. The vegetarian pie is relatively easy to communicate with. You are the Valkyrie, more than enough to deal with them."

"But without Pegasus, I won't be able to display much of my abilities."

Gin's shoulders slumped, and she thought of her dead horse again.

Although her sisters were rescued, they are now basically in the chaotic period after their resurrection, and each of them is unconscious.

The animals are not under the control of Hela, and the soul of the war horse is gone. Even if it wants to be resurrected, it cannot be resurrected.

"The existence of the Nine Realms must be kept secret. Are you going to go out on business wearing silver armor and riding a Pegasus? Everyone can think of the Valkyrie. I will ask Howard to build you a hover motorcycle later."

Howard's hover car still doesn't work, so Su Ming thinks he can start with a hover bike or a hover motorcycle.

A motorcycle is easier to use than a horse. You don’t need to take care of it or invest your emotions in it.

Ginjiu smiled, shook Su Ming's hand hard, and left. Su Ming looked at her back, then at the wine glass with lip marks, and picked up the phone.

"Hamil, help me contact the 'Dracula Hunter' and bring it to me."

"As you wish, Master." His reply was as curt as ever.

Su Ming went to the Blood Food Sect to look for clues, and Gin worked from two aspects at the same time. The information obtained could also confirm the authenticity of each other, which was the safest course of action.

Heimdall's eyes are not always useful. He cannot see many things. Magic can obscure his vision. Aliens, mutants, and vampires all have their own methods to deal with surveillance. What he calls monitoring the nine realms is actually They are just ordinary people monitoring the Nine Realms.

So now Su Ming has to use the old method of asking professionals about vampire traces to find out who the vampire leader is on the east coast of the United States.

The Dracula Hunters are a team of vampire hunters, each of whom has a blood feud with Dracula.

There are many vampire hunters, and there are also many werewolf hunters. They either act alone or in teams. Their fate is often tragic, and even if they die, no one will know.

Su Ming never told Xili about this, because she was worried that if she got mixed up with these people, these people would live in tragedy forever, which was too unlucky.

The origin of vampires in the Marvel Universe involves many forces, including the Old Gods, Demons, Lord Vishan, and Sithorne.

Tens of thousands of years ago, before the Celestials destroyed Atlantis, a magic book left by Sithorne was used to create vampires.

The name of that book is "Darkhold" (Darkhold), which is one of the most famous black magic books. The power of the spells recorded in it is on par with the "Book of Weishan Emperor".

The first vampire was Varnae, an ancestral vampire transformed by an Atlantean sorcerer.

He used the magic recorded in the Dark Grasp to pray to Sithorne for eternal life, and the Great Shadow happily granted his wish.

Of course, black magic always comes with a price.

Varnai gained the power of immortality, but he became a beast-like monster, looking like a combination of a porcupine and an orangutan walking upright. He must feed on blood and live in darkness forever.

But in this way, even though the Atlantis civilization was destroyed by a blow from the Celestials, he still managed to survive.

He ruled the vampire clan until 1459. Tired of his never-ending life, he appointed Dracula as his successor and passed all his powers to his successor.

And he himself, on a cliff overlooking the place where Atlantis sank, quietly waited until the sun rose and turned into ashes.

The ancestor of the current vampire family is Dracula, who is also regarded as the most powerful vampire. Vampires all over the world are logically descended from him.

Because vampires are born from black magic, vampire hunters are more or less related to the magical world.

Many of them are ordinary people. If they want to defeat the Vampires, they need a lot of props. Not to mention rune silver bullets and other magic props, even simple things like garlic essence require alchemists to refine them in this era.

Hamill could easily find them, and no vampire hunter would be able to refuse the Sorcerer Supreme's invitation.

Things were just as he thought. Before the second glass of wine was finished, the golden portal opened in the office and a group of people walked out.

Hamill walked at the front, followed by a group of people dressed like cowboys.

Wearing short windbreakers and cowboy hats, they carried various long and short firearms on their backs. Their boots were still stained with mud, and they didn't know where they were before.

"Master, the people are here." Hamil bowed and saluted. His actions showed that he still trusted these people, and maybe he had known them before.

"Very good, you go and have a rest, I'll chat with them." Su Ming smiled and threw him a box of cigars. Recently, he was cultivating more of Hamil's hobbies.

The original guardian in history was the same as the Ancient One, with a pure heart and no personal interests. He was like a puppet with a huge mission.

Is this life interesting? He needs to be turned around, and he must be able to smoke, drink, and perm his hair at least the same.

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