The Death Knell

Chapter 659 Reason

Quincy touched his pricked chin. His white beard was slightly moistened by the wine. He wiped the wine away with his rough hands. There was a lot of food on the coffee table in front of him. He picked up another canned fruit.

Although he didn't understand why the Supreme Mage knew what he had done recently, he had nothing to hide from this issue.

"I heard about the existence of SSR from my friends, observed it for a while, and finally selected Dr. Richards as the target, because he is the only one who often moves alone and is relatively easy to get in touch with."

Su Ming smiled and nodded, picked up a kiwi fruit can from the table, opened it and handed it to Rachel next to him, as if everything was expected: "So you hope that the US military will end up and lead them to confront the vampires, But it's against the rules to put something occult in front of everyone, you know, the magic world's problems are solved by the magic world."

Quincy looked at him, unscrewed the orange can in his hand, pierced the fruit inside with a dagger and stuffed it into his mouth: "That is the rule of the ancient master, and as the new supreme mage, you have no idea about this. What's your attitude?"

"My attitude? Vampire exposure is within my tolerance range."

Su Ming knocked on his blindfold. He actually didn't care whether the magic side was exposed. After all, the mainstream of human society is technology, and the threshold for magic is also very high. It is not a power that anyone can master. The goals of careerists remain the same. On the mutants.

Many of the sorcerers in DC have their identities on the surface. They make a living by doing businesses such as exorcism or divination, and they still make a good living.

Vampires and werewolves are no strangers to European and American countries, and their legends have a long history.

For Su Ming and the magic world, everyone knows what the origin of the vampires is and the complex connections behind it.

But to ordinary people, the cause of vampires is Dracula spitting at the statue of God.

The myth conceals the truth, so even if the vampires are revealed to exist, it doesn't matter. People can know that they exist without knowing why they exist.

Quincy quickly finished a can of oranges, and his eyes gradually became firmer: "We are all ordinary people. Even Frank and King's power cannot be compared with Dracula. We must use the strength of the victors of World War II A powerful army to deal with the vampires lurking everywhere."

The strong man on the sofa on the other side ate loudly. He focused all his attention on the food, while everyone else looked at Quincy and Su Ming, paying attention to the changes in the situation.

If the Supreme Mage does not support this behavior, then their future will be difficult. The wizards who are willing to destroy the vampires are basically white mages. These people follow the orders of the Supreme Mage.

"When the secret war surfaces, many people will die, and the development of the situation is likely to slide out of control in a direction we cannot imagine."

Su Ming asked again, he wanted to know what prompted Quincy to make such a desperate decision.

"Dracula died again at the hands of Hydra during World War II. It was rumored that the 'Hive' defeated him. But recently, there are more and more signs that Dracula will be resurrected soon, and his descendants A big operation is being prepared to exterminate all humans and make Dracula the blood god."

Harold Harold, who was wearing glasses, interjected. He took off his glasses and wiped the sweat from his face with the back of his hand. He grinned and put the super spicy bar back on the table.

That's his name, I don't know if it's a pseudonym or his real name.

Su Ming shook his head and leaned on the sofa: "Your information is inaccurate, Mr. Harold. It is impossible for vampires to exterminate their own food, so they cannot survive."

"No, Supreme Mage, that's because they have new food." Harold immediately put his backpack on his knees and began to take things out. A notebook and a stack of photos were placed on the solid table. Pushed over.

He turned the page for Su Ming and motioned for him to take a look with a flattering smile.

The photos were of various corpses, and the cause of death was obvious. The two holes in their necks were that these were people killed by vampires.

But several special corpses caught Su Ming's attention, because the corpses in the photos did not look like humans, but died in the same way.

"Are these mutants or aliens?" Su Ming tapped several photos with his knuckles. Some of them had heads that looked like sea urchins, and some had completely different skin colors.

"We have them all, Master." Harold lifted his pants, rubbed his hands on his knees, picked up the photos and classified them: "This half are mutants, and the other half are aliens. They are the new ones discovered by the vampires." food."

Jin also confirmed Harold's words at this time. The vampire detective had been smoking silently at the far end of the sofa: "The blood in the corpse has not even been sucked out. I tasted it a little. The blood contains energy that is very useful to the vampires. Not only will you be full quickly, but it will also increase the vampire's strength."

Su Ming touched his chin. Is it because the genes of mutants and aliens are different, causing this result?

He spread out the photos, looked at the corpses carefully, and asked further:

"The earth currently has a population of 2.52 billion, but mutants and aliens combined are less than a few million. Many of them are so powerful that ordinary vampires cannot defeat them. This is not enough."

"As long as you don't kill them and raise them like livestock, it's fine. Since more than ten years ago, a surgical procedure has been used in psychiatric treatment. It is said that its inventor will win the Nobel Prize next year. This A simple surgery could turn the craziest psychopath into a person more docile than a white rabbit."

Harold answered Su Ming's questions and talked about the possibility of raising mutants and aliens. His hands were gesticulating in the air like a horned man.

"I see, you're talking about a lobotomy."

Su Ming took out a cigar, lit it and held it in his mouth. The human brain is divided into four lobes, and the one close to the face is called the frontal lobe.

This kind of surgery destroys the brain lobes of the recipients, causing them to suffer brain damage, thereby reducing their cognitive and response to the outside world. In short, they become idiots.

The inventor, Dr. Moniz, was originally just an ordinary psychiatrist in Portugal. He participated in a medical exchange conference in 1935 and saw an experiment by a professor at Yale University.

After cutting off part of a chimpanzee's brain, the chimpanzee remained alive and became non-aggressive.

As if he had found a treasure, he believed that this experiment could be replicated on humans, and immediately returned to Lisbon to start clinical experiments. Starting in 1936, he frantically performed this operation to obtain more cases and compile papers.

The patient's family members are very satisfied because their originally crazy relatives are no longer crazy and sit quietly on the chair every day, drooling and showing a charming smile.

As a result, this operation gradually became popular, and more and more psychiatrists began to use this operation. The process was quickly simplified, and it was simpler than cutting out the cecum.

Just use an iron drill to push it in from above the patient's eyeball on one side, and stir it up in the frontal lobe. Therefore, frontal lobe lobotomy is also called "ice pick therapy", which means that if the patient's family is interested, They can also use ice picks to 'treat' patients at home.

Yes, this was the most reasonable and scientific psychiatric treatment during World War II, and the United States even continued this treatment into the 1960s.

After World War II, some soldiers suffered from PTSD, which is post-traumatic stress disorder on the battlefield. It refers to a severe mental disorder caused by patients witnessing or encountering one or more deaths involving themselves or others.

It is easy for such people to feel that they are still on the battlefield, ready to fight at all times, which is very harmful to social stability. The military simply gave these people all the ice pick therapy, about 10,000 of them.

Now I feel relaxed. These people will no longer get sick or ask for support from the military. Everyone is smiling at life.

So since 1945, ice pick therapy has received a lot of publicity, and the vested interests behind it claim that it can cure all diseases.

stomachache? Cut the frontal lobe.

arthritis? Cut the frontal lobe.

Do you think you are not very intelligent? Not good looking? Then let’s cut the frontal lobe!

For a time, various small clinics for cutting frontal lobes sprouted everywhere. Barbers with some ideals and ambitions also learned this craft, and their incomes greatly increased. Everyone was happy, and this was a benefit to mankind.

So for next year’s Nobel Prize in Biology or Medicine, it’s already certain that the inventor of frontal lobotomy will win. He invented a miracle therapy that can cure all diseases. If he doesn’t win, who will win?

Holloway mentioned these nonsense once when chatting with Su Ming, because he felt that inserting iron rods into other people's brains felt like killing people, and he wanted to hear what the most murderous mercenary thought.

What does Su Mingneng think?

Many medical methods in this era seemed to him like cult rituals. He could only tell Holloway not to use this therapy to treat patients. To obliterate a person's consciousness is actually to kill someone. He also talked about the 'human body alchemy technique' Bad joke.

Unexpectedly, the vampire clan is now advancing with the times and focusing on this?

If they capture mutants or aliens, perform lobotomies, keep them in basements or sewers, breed them, and milk their blood like cows every day, it is indeed a sustainable path to development.

It is quite in line with scientific laws to get rid of ordinary humans who have a bad taste and insufficient nutrition and choose mutants and aliens for cultivation.

There are many scientific geeks in the Vampires. In the comics, they are one of the main sources of various biological and chemical weapons. They are almost as equal as Aim's "Pioneer Technology". Various families have launched various plans, the more famous ones are the 'Necrosis Plan', 'Necrosis Plan', and 'Black Death Plan', all of which are large-scale projects targeting the entire United States.

It's strange to say that there are currently 2.5 billion people on the earth, of which 1.2 billion are in Asia. North America as a whole has a population of less than 300 million, but vampires just can't get along with the United States.

"Did Dracula know about this?"

Su Ming asked about this, because even if Dracula dies in the comics, he can know what his enemies are doing and plan the next time.

As soon as he is resurrected, there is almost no need to prepare or wait. He can immediately come to your door to carry out his revenge plan.

"Dracula's death and resurrection have always been a mystery. Even after death, he can choose the place where he will be resurrected. No seal or prop can trap him. He will find a way to kill himself and then resurrect outside the seal. This Time went very fast... Van Helsing killed him once and sealed him twice. In the last battle, he even used black magic props at the cost of his own life, but he still failed."

Quincy rubbed his face and talked about the current difficulties. He couldn't kill him or trap him. The Immortal Lord was really very difficult.

As for whether Dracula knew what was going on in the outside world during his death, Quincy is inclined to 'know' the option, but cannot prove it.

Su Ming has considered sealing. Sealing something that cannot be killed is always the first choice, but Dracula is an exception. He has the ability to shapeshift, is resistant to magic, and is also a blood race, capable of both magic and martial arts.

He can control his own blood to explode his heart and brain to commit suicide, which is almost impossible to stop unless he is suddenly thrown into a cage where time stops, such as the Speed ​​Force plane.

Sudden freezing might be possible, but then you have to guard against the harassment of endless vampire descendants, which is simply asking for trouble.

If you really need to fight, the only way is to let Dracula's mind become your own cage. This is the only cost-effective way.

But the Dracula Hunter Squad is not worth such an investment.

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