The Death Knell

Chapter 710 Holy Spear

In fact, registration and other things are just difficult for masked people to accept, but for ordinary people, it is very beneficial.

At least if something goes wrong, the responsibility is clear and can be easily traced.

For example, if a superpower incident occurs, you can deduce who has been here based on the traces left when surveying the scene. Zheng Xian only needs to search for information to find the suspect and send members to restrain him. deal with.

Even if nothing happens, this is an invisible constraint that can make supermen a little more awake and not careless.

This is also the reason why the Chinese Empire is far stronger than other countries in the Marvel world. Not only do the people live and work in peace and contentment, but even the superpowers are very honest.

As a person with superpowers, you do not need to join the mysterious department, but you must register, obey the state's arrangements, and regularly go to designated locations for review, just like a car review.

Even now, if Su Ming asked Zheng Xian how many superpowers there were in the Celestial Empire, he would be able to give an almost accurate number in one breath, and he would keep more detailed information in his mind.

In this way, the Celestial Empire has great control over people with super powers, forming a force hidden in society.

This model will make the United States sleepless in the future. After the Avengers killed people in the bombing, they also wanted to take the opportunity to implement a similar registration bill, and the result was a civil war.

How can those heroes in the United States, who have been brainwashed by liberalism since childhood, stand this? National conditions are different, and copying China's measures will not end well.

But after all, if a civil war breaks out in the United States in the future, Su Ming will definitely side with the anti-registration faction.

After getting a 'famous quote' from Charles, Su Ming immediately determined that it was the Holy Shield Brotherhood that was behind the scenes, and the situation suddenly became much more complicated.

At this point in time, there are actually only two forces that dare to say that they are protecting the earth's barrier.

One is Kama Taj. Kama Taj is a force that specializes in dealing with threats from other dimensions and various accidents in the magical world. It was established about 800 years ago.

Su Ming knew very well that he was not responsible for the assassination and provoking the war.

Before the establishment of Kama Taj, there was a force dedicated to dealing with alien threats, and that was the Holy Shield. Kama Taj was established only to check for leaks and fill in the gaps, and to deal with the lack of magical protection on the earth.

In 2000 BC, the Holy Shield fought against the alien Zerg and saved the existence of the earth.

Even Apocalypse was once a member of the Holy Shield Brotherhood, but after the demise of the Zerg, it was time to resolve internal conflicts again.

The person who established the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield was Imhotep. He was the leader in defeating the Zerg. The weapon he used well was to hold a shield in his left hand and a spear in his right hand. Both of them were Celestial weapons.

Unfortunately, although he is a powerful warrior, he is an ordinary human being with a limited lifespan.

Apocalypse came to power in Egypt and turned against the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood of the Shield went underground and ushered in its first schism in the future.

In the long history of changes, the ancients of the Celestial Dynasty returned to the East with their divine spears because of various concepts that were inconsistent with others, and re-established the Holy Spear Society. The leader at that time was Zhang Heng of the Han Dynasty.

The Aegis Brotherhood moved to Rome, which was more prosperous at the time, and settled underground. Many of them used technology and magic to make their lifespans longer.

But always living underground will make them lack control over the situation on the ground.

So after entering modern times, they established a subordinate organization, or a cover, to replace them on the ground.

This organization is called the Greater Zodiac, and its twelve leaders each take a zodiac sign as their symbol and work together to continue to combat threats in the universe.

However, the general trend of the world is that if things are divided for a long time, they will be united, and if they are united for a long time, they will be divided. The Great Zodiac, which was in charge of the global underground forces, gradually split into a large number of scattered small forces.

For example, New Zodiac, SSR, Hydra, Leviathan, and Hand.

But the purpose of establishing this organization was fulfilled. Although the Zodiac fell apart, the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield remained unscathed and hidden.

Among these forces, there are all spies of the Holy Shield, such as Howard and Nathaniel. As the most outstanding scientists of this era, they perfectly meet the recruitment conditions of the Holy Shield Brotherhood.

As for the Holy Spear, which was the first to split from the Holy Shield, they have been developing very smoothly and have not experienced too many turmoils. At most, Zhang Heng died during the Ming Dynasty and the second generation leader Zheng Xian took over.

Now, they are no longer called the Holy Spear Club, but the relevant departments. In the future, they will also be called the Divine Spear Bureau.

Really speaking, Spearhead is much stronger than SHIELD. There are several godly thugs at the Heavenly Father level.

However, Zheng Xian is an old man with narrow eyes, and he does not hesitate to keep a low profile and bide his time. He disguised an organization with a history of thousands of years as a peer of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Anyway, he is just a harmless little white rabbit. He does not interfere with the affairs of other countries and does not participate in major events on the earth. SHIELD only cares about this three-acre land of heaven. Even if the brains are shot outside the gate, Zheng Xian will not do it. Pretend it's completely invisible.

Likewise, those who are fighting outside your door should not come in because they will kill you if they come in.

But how could Zheng Xian's little calculations be hidden from Su Ming?

After confirming that the Holy Shield Brotherhood was responsible, Su Ming immediately came to recruit foreign aid. After all, compared with these organizations that have been passed down for thousands of years, Kama Taj's foundation is still a little thin.

Whether you are negotiating or planning to start a fight, there is always an advantage in using a piece of tiger skin as a banner.

As for his plan, it was obvious that Zheng Xian had not guessed it yet; Zheng Xian was also unaware of Shengdun's plan.

Now let's see how to get him to the car.

While waiting for the tea to brew, Su Ming and Zheng Xian went around in circles using various diplomatic rhetoric.

When the correspondent brought the tea, they both quickly drank a few sips, but their mouths were really dry.

Both of them spoke very harshly, and neither of them tried to trick anyone out of their words.

"Huh... Director Zheng, I just went to Attilan before, and you made me suffer." Su Ming put down the teacup gently.

Zheng Xian raised his eyebrows: "Oh? How do you say this?"

"Oh, that's it...forget it, it's okay, let's not mention it." Su Ming pretended to say, but suddenly seemed to remember something and became cryptic.

"Haha, it's okay."

Although Zheng Xian was a little curious, but Su Ming didn't say anything, he couldn't do anything, he just felt itchy in his heart.

"And about the mutants, it's really... forget it, you have a lot of mutants under your command, so it's better not to talk about it." Su Ming brought up a new topic, but cut it off himself. .

"Oh? The living environment of mutants abroad is indeed not as good as ours." Zheng Xian seemed to feel something, and shook his head slowly: "Actually, the foreign governments are making too much fuss. Superpowers always have more benefits."

What Zheng Xian said was simply that he could stand and talk without pain in his back. Of course he could suppress the mutants from the Celestial Empire. Not to mention the Heavenly Court or the Eight Immortals, just inviting a few people from Kunlun could solve the problem.

Who does the United States rely on? Now the superpower on the surface is just a torch bearer, and his brain is not fully developed at this time.

Do you expect Steve to keep the mutants in check? No chance.

Su Ming smiled at him without saying a word. The smile made Zheng Xian panic and stopped: "That's not the problem. Forget it, you will know later."

Zheng Xian wanted to grab the other person's neck and shake him wildly, making him spit out all the information, but he couldn't do that: "Oh, haha, then I'll wait and see."

Looking at his expression, Su Ming felt reassured.

For an agent leader like Zheng Xian, what weaknesses would they have?

That is the extremely strong curiosity, they always want to pursue the truth.

However, Su Ming always spoke half of the words and slipped away when he got excited, which disturbed Zheng Xian's mood. This was to pave the way for what he would say next.

He didn't tell the two stories before, but if the third story is told, he should pay attention to it.

"By the way, there has been a lot of turmoil in the Holy Shield Brotherhood recently, did you know?" Su Ming pretended to refill the teacup casually, picked it up and took a sip slowly.

The office was filled with smoke, the burning of cigars, and the steam of tea.

Zheng Xian winked at the person at the door, and the person immediately left the office and closed the door, perhaps to inquire for information.

Zheng Xian looked at Su Ming with a smile: "I would like to hear the details."

"It's almost dinner time, why don't we go to the table and talk?" Su Ming changed the topic again.

If he were not the Supreme Mage, such a naughty person would have been shot by Zheng Xian, but at this time he could only pretend that nothing happened, and said with a smile: "I blame my negligence, Mr. Wilson is a man of heaven, so naturally we have to talk. We should talk at the wine table. In this way, we are going to eat roast duck at noon today. It would be a pity not to try this when we come to the imperial capital."

Su Ming put down Erlang's legs and patted his knees: "Then I'm going to be more respectful than to obey. The drink will be Maotai. I heard it is a state banquet drink?"

Zheng Xian also stood up, his eyes were still slits: "Mr. Wilson has really heard a lot of things. If it weren't for your appearance, I would have thought you were from China."

"Haha, there is reincarnation in the Chinese teachings. Maybe I was a Chinese in my previous life?"

"That makes sense, please."


The two of them walked out of the office very politely, returned to the ground directly from the underground bunker, and got into the car that had been prepared at some point.

Perhaps at first glance it seemed that Zheng Xian had exposed all the secret bases and allowed Su Ming to visit the underground fortifications, which seemed very cordial.

But Su Ming knew that Zheng Xian and the others' real base was a ring-shaped city in the clouds, which should be floating overhead right now.

The relevant departments are the most populous special agencies in the world. Even in the future, after Thanos snaps his fingers, the Spear Bureau will still have a team of 150,000 agents, which is terrifying.

The underground bunker that Su Ming entered before had only three or two big cats and kittens. Although the underground building was large in scale, there were only a few people there, and one could tell that it was just a cover.

This whole set of underground facilities is just a trap and a trap. Zheng Xian likes to fish by himself the most.

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