The Death Knell

Chapter 746 Elimination Method

"Who are you?"

The jukebox in the corner was still playing jazz, and both of them had a faint halo under the lights of the bar. Bobo saw Cindy first, and then Su Ming.

But something was wrong. Not only did he have two eyes, but he also lost the sense of strength when he moved his hands and feet.

Bobo immediately suspected that it was an artificial person or a clone, and then began to think about the reason for the other person's appearance.

Cindy glanced at Bobo and shrugged. Sure enough, Su was still surprised that he actually brought her to find an orangutan? Can this orangutan still talk?

But she had seen too many crazy things, and at a time like this all she needed to do was drink.

She sat in front of the bar and touched the wood in front of her. There seemed to be traces of fire here, but it was well repaired, but there was a faint smell of burning.

In other words, the place where she is sitting once belonged to a charred corpse.

Fortunately, she didn't care about this. Drinking while sitting among the corpses had its own flavor. She took off her helmet, straightened her short hair, and tapped the bar with her slender fingers: "Whiskey on the rocks."

Tracy, who was working as a salted fish at the bar, squirmed: "There is no ice. The power was cut off during the renovation, and the ice melted."


Su Ming grabbed Bobo directly. Although he was very weak now, his limbs were still intact and all his fighting skills were there.

A grappling hand, followed by an elbow choke, and the other hand began to drill the orangutan's temple with his fist.

"You can't even recognize me. You are so incompetent as a secretary. Look at the diamond!"

Bobo, who originally planned to touch the weapon, gave up his struggle.

This unavoidable and superb martial arts, the practice of drilling into his head with one hand but secretly tapping Morse code on his shoulder with the other hand, was indeed a death knell. He began to pull the thin arm with his furry paws.

"I was wrong, I'm going to die, help."

After arguing with Bobo for a while and proving his identity, Su Ming let go of the orangutan. After all, it would be difficult for this guy to tell the truth if he had doubts.

Bobo bent down and picked up the detective hat that fell on the ground: "Death Knell, have you gone to South Korea for plastic surgery?"

As he spoke, he also made gestures on his face, pointing to the location of his right eye.

Su Ming touched his right eye. Although he now had two eyes, his vision had dropped several times compared with before, and was only at the level of ordinary people.

"What a surprise. This right eye is a piece of junk. It just looks good."

He sat next to Cindy and ordered a glass of wine. After all, there was only wine here. Then he very generously called the Upside Down and made some ice for the two of them.

Cindy pulled out the Ice Arrow stuck on the bar, broke off a section, crushed it in her hand and sprinkled it into their glasses. After taking a sip, she sighed happily.

"I'm Cindy Wilson."

Bobo began to grin. His eyes wandered between Su Ming and Cindy, and the black hair on his head was scratched to a mess: "Your surname is Wilson, how are you related?"

Cindy smiled and patted the orangutan on the shoulder, with such force that Bobo kept spinning on the bar stool: "I come from Earth Minus 11 of the Dark Multiverse. I am Deathstroke."

Su Ming stretched out his hand and pressed down on the rotating bar stool, asking Bobo to stop: "Instead of talking about useless things, let me ask you, did you notice any changes last night?"

"What happened outside?" Bobo scratched his head, showing some confusion: "I planned to leave before dinner last night, but when I reached the teleportation gate, my hair stood on end, and I immediately stepped back."

"That's right, I didn't go to the main world. The Hall of Justice is gone. The superheroes have become ordinary people. The entire earth has been overwritten by something. It's too... ordinary now."

Su Ming picked up the wine glass and looked at the irregular ice cubes floating inside, which shone like stars under the light.

Bobo also motioned to Tracy to get him a beer, but the bartender was busy using magic to fill the holes on the bar and didn't even bother to pay attention to him.

There was no other way, so the orangutan had no choice but to climb onto the bar, walk to the beer tap and pour himself a drink. He turned to look at the two death knells and shrugged his shoulders comically.

"Okay, so are the changes in the earth caused by magic?"

"No, although Circe still has one-fifth of Hecate's strength, she can't do anything with the Upside Down pressing on her head." Su Ming shook his head, first denying this: "Even if someone else fights, she can't do anything." With the risk of being eaten by the Upside Down, the reality will be overwritten, and the wizard will only create a world where magic is respected, instead of the current earth where technology is the mainstay and everyone is equal."

"Where's Constantine? According to my experience, if there's a big problem, it's usually that guy's fault." Bobo touched his chin and simply sat cross-legged on the bar.

"It's not him this time. He also fell into the trap. I was active on Earth for a few hours yesterday and found out about his situation. Can you believe that he is now old-fashioned and serious. He is a public intellectual on the Internet and consults others on legal issues for free. Do you run your own law firm?”

Su Ming turned the cup and answered calmly.


Bobo squirted, and he quickly covered his mouth with his paws, took out a handkerchief to wipe his clothes: "This world is so crazy, I can't even imagine it."

"That's because you haven't seen the photo taken outside the court in formal attire on his personal homepage." Su Ming added.

"Cough cough cough......"

Just hearing this made Bobo cough out his tongue and his face turned red.

Su Ming finished the wine in his glass and watched the ice slowly melt: "Zatanna is raising rabbits in the zoo, the wizard boy is in elementary school, Ye Ying has become a policeman, the banshee has become an entertainer, and the magic world is completely over. .”

"...Then, it's either magic or technology. There are many possibilities..."

Hearing this situation, Bobo also became more serious. Even Hecate and the Upside Down Man did not bring down the magic world. Now everything changed in just an instant last night.

The situation is getting serious.

"Yes, Apocalypse, Genesis, Senagon, Manhattan, five-dimensional people, ten-dimensional people and other technological creations can all do similar things, not to mention there are wishing machines and other unknown origins. It’s a super prop.”

Su Ming was also tired. There was only a limited amount of information that could be analyzed from the information he ventured to investigate yesterday.

"Therefore, there is no hope in pursuing the case. It is more practical to deduce the identity of the suspect."

Bobo lowered his head and bit his thick lips, then turned around slowly and said, "Maybe the Laughing Bat can do it, but none of us know what the upper limit of that lunatic is."

"Yes, there is also the Speed ​​Force and God, which can also change the earth. I haven't even had time to say this yet." Su Ming nodded and sighed: "But I checked Barry's news yesterday. He turned into a fat man. As a stay-at-home writer, let alone running, it’s a little difficult to move, and the situation is similar for several other speedsters.”

"Ahem...what the hell is this?" Bobo coughed a few more times, but he suddenly understood something: "Have all heroes or villains been targeted? What they were once good at Have you become bad at it?”

"That's it." Su Ming looked at him with certainty, with a calm expression on his face: "So no matter who changes the world, this person must have a full understanding of heroes and villains. He should be from Earth. And he also knows a lot about the magical world.”

"Is that so? Do you think it could be..." Bobo made a gesture like a bird flapping its wings with both hands, but just by looking at the black hair on his hands, you knew he was talking about a bat.

Su Ming shook his head and said helplessly: "According to my investigation yesterday, Wayne Group went bankrupt a few years ago. Batman is disheartened and is retiring at home, and he and Ah Fu are living on their laurels."

Bobo nodded slowly. Batman stopped being Batman. This was a huge change and the suspicion was eliminated.

"So, he's not a jester either."

Cindy interjected and vetoed one person. When it comes to Batman, it's impossible not to mention his 'fan girl'.

Su Ming agreed with her statement. The jester is the clown from Earth Minus 11: "No, although I don't know what the clown's real name is, so I haven't found out about him, but just think about it and you will know that if the clown is overthrown With the ability to write about reality, the world will never be so normal.”

After Bobo heard this, Mao also had a wry smile on his face. It was indeed the case.

If it were a clown, he might create a world where pies laugh and eat people, or a world where animals speak human words and perform funny tricks on the moon every day...

It can't be so normal.

Cindy finished her third glass of wine. She had been listening to the exchanges between humans and animals and analyzing the intelligence.

A warm light shines on her head, but she has nothing to do with warmth. As a mercenary, she is cold most of the time.

If Su Ming still has some emotions and habits of ordinary people, she is more professional, a professional killer.

Although she didn't recognize many of the names mentioned by Orangutan and Su, she could probably guess what kind of person they were. After all, all she had to do was think in the opposite direction.

She snapped her fingers for another drink and wiped her fair chin:

"I listened for a while and I thought this guy who was changing the world was motivated by what he saw as good... Whether it was eliminating the magical world or eliminating superheroes and villains, he was making society mundane, Protect the survival of ordinary people.”

Su Ming nodded. This was similar to his analysis, but it might be slightly incomplete.

Bobo thought for a while, dipped his paw in some wine and drew a picture on the bar: "The person who did this should be a second- and third-tier superhero? He has a simple view of good and evil, and likes to protect civilians, but he doesn't know about the origin wall. Regarding the rupture, I didn’t know that the multiverse only had half a year to live.”

Su Ming shook his head slightly: "It may also be a second- or third-tier villain. He suddenly realized his conscience and accidentally obtained some props that could overwrite reality, so he took the opportunity to wash his hands."

Cindy took a sip of wine: "But there is a premise. He knows Batman's true identity and everyone's secret identity."

The circles drawn by Bobo are also completed, as long as the above conditions are intersected...

The three of them were silent for a while. Sure enough, if smart people come together to analyze, the effect is much better. The pool of suspects has now been narrowed considerably as more and more intelligence with varying viewpoints has been compiled.

Excluding the Seven Giants of the Justice League, excluding the Legion of Doom, Gotham villains, and the main enemies... there are actually not that many people who know Bruce's true identity.

Eliminate these people and find the only person who remains unchanged in the great changes in the world. He is the culprit. Counting the distance between Clark and Lois, let's look at Diana who was forced to be together with him.

This suspect is also a cpc party with evil taste. From a psychological point of view, only people who have longing for heroes will make such allocations.

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