The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 1203 Leaving Quel’Thalas [First Update]

For the high elves, Anveena's appearance has had a complex impact.

On the plus side, the well-behaved Anveena not only perfectly inherited the responsibilities of the Sunwell, but also prevented the supply of magic power in Quel'Thalas from being cut off by the Scourge. As the incarnation of the Sunwell, Anweina was born with powerful magic. Her natural control of magic gave her high spellcasting ability and the potential to become a powerful magician. Now she has the help of Biluohua. Xia Zheng is learning and improving day by day, and I believe that in time he will become another strong man in Quel'Thalas.

At the same time, Anweina also attracted a large number of high elves with her cute appearance. In this dark age, her appearance really filled the inner shortcomings of many high elves, soothed their uneasiness, and made Kui The Eldorei's mental state has been reversed.

It can be said that the high elves can quickly recover from the undead natural disasters, and they should be most grateful to these two women - Hillnas who led them forward and Anweina who soothed their hearts.

But on the other hand, Anveena's existence has also brought instability to Quel'Thalas - at least that's what the royalists think.

In the war with the Scourge, the people of Quel'Thalas lost too much. Innocent people were killed. The soldiers suffered heavy losses when they blocked the undead's front. In order to protect the Sunwell, they even more The magicians and their king who lost their emperor.

However, during this process, their prince, Kael'thas, the sole heir of Sun King Anastarian, did not stand with them.

As the prince of the high elves, Kael'thas does not stay in the country for a long time like the human crown prince. High elves have a long lifespan, and the rule of each generation of kings can last for thousands of years. In this case, the crown prince of the high elves does not need to stay in the country to practice as a ruler. He has enough time to give full play to his abilities. influence elsewhere.

This is the case with Kael'thas. He has always been the spokesperson of Quel'Thalas in the magical city of Dalaran. High elves are humans' teachers in magic. Because of this identity, the relationship between Dalaran and Quel'Thalas is far closer than that between the human kingdoms and the elven kingdoms. There is always a seat on the Kirin Tor Council of Six in Dalaran that belongs to the high elves, and Kael'thas has been in this position for a long time.

Kael'thas naturally has a reason for doing this. In recent hundreds of years, his existence has brought closer magical exchanges between Silvermoon City and Dalaran. However, at the same time, the crown prince's long-term absence has also caused many problems. Erdorei was dissatisfied, thinking that their prince did not take his people into consideration.

In fact, these dissatisfactions were nothing to Kael'thas. Although Anastarian is old, his rule can still last for hundreds of years. In the process

Kael'thas has enough opportunity to return to Quel'Thalas, take over his father's responsibilities step by step, and increase his influence if peace can continue.

Unfortunately, the undead natural disaster is coming.

The sudden arrival of the Undead Scourge and Anastarian's sudden death were a huge blow not only to Quel'Thalas as a whole, but also to Kael'thas's own prestige. The expected transfer of power with a sufficient buffer period came to nothing. To make matters worse, the bad impact caused by Kael'thas' absence in Quel'Thalas was infinitely magnified.

Nowadays, a trend of thought has emerged among the surviving high elves, believing that their prince does not care about the fate of the high elves, he only cares about his own magic research. Such Kael'thas is not worthy of being the leader of Quel'Thalas, and the high elves do not need such a prince - what they need is a conscientious leader like Hillvanas.

There were not many elves with this idea at first, but it quickly spread under the guidance of a caring person.

In this process, a candidate was added to the "leader that the high elves need", and that was Anweina.

It is worth mentioning that most of the time Anweina appears in front of the public, she is led or held by Hillvanas.

As a result, the elves were associated with Hillvanas, and many people believed that under the leadership of the two of them, the high elves would be able to get out of the haze of the past and rise again.

Although under the influence of tradition, most high elves still hold the most basic respect for the Sunstrider royal family, but this military disaster has dealt such a heavy blow to Quel'Thalas that the general awe cannot offset it at all. In the eyes of the royalists, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of "rebellion" in Quel'Thalas.

Definitely, now is a critical period for rebuilding Quel'Thalas. The conflict between the two sides did not immediately arise. However, once Kael'thas receives the news and returns from Dalaran, then there may be a conflict in Quel'Thalas. Big mess.

But all this has nothing to do with the mastermind behind the scenes.

After the reconstruction of Quel'Thalas was on track, Ye Ting left the land of the high elves and embarked on the road back to his base camp, Alterac.

Although he got the information from Hillvanas that the Barov family was not killed by the undead disaster, Ye Ting still wanted to go there to see for himself, because the Barov family was the core of Ye Ting's power in the Eastern Kingdom. Developments over the decades need to be confirmed for yourself.

But more importantly, since he returned to this world, he naturally had to give an explanation to Janis, Ilucia, Garona, and the people who were waiting for him.

The death of the king, the fall of the prince, the rise of the Scourge, and the collapse of the kingdom, all of this is undoubtedly a huge blow to Lordaeron and the entire human world.

More than ten years ago, the opening of the Dark Portal and the outbreak of the Orc War changed the entire human society. These effects have not been much improved until more than ten years later: the Kingdom of Stormwind was almost destroyed, and it still has not recovered its strength; Storm Garder's poor geographical location and the attack of the orcs have now fallen into decline; Alterac perished because of its betrayal of the Alliance; Gilneas failed in its struggle for hegemony and began to pursue an isolation policy and settled in a corner; Kul Tiras was isolated overseas. The sea is strong but the land is weak; Dalaran is more of a magician guild than a country

It can be said that the Kingdom of Lordaeron has been the core of the entire human world for a long time.

Now that the core suddenly dies, what follows is chaos, collapse, and individual fighting.

Starting from Lordaeron, the capital of the kingdom, the plague of the undead spread at a rapid rate, sweeping across the entire Lordaeron. The lords who lost their king fought on their own, and the people were devastated, displaced, and each other. Beacon smoke is everywhere...

Under this situation, the original Alterac was also affected. Many villages and cities turned into ghosts, and many noble castles were captured by the undead. Only the Barov family firmly defended their home base. Kyle Daron County, let it become the remaining paradise in a world ravaged by natural disasters.

All this is because there are too many strong men in the small county of Keldaron: two magicians with six rings or above, a legendary assassin, a legendary ranger and an adult black dragon.

This is not the configuration that a noble lord should have at all.

It is precisely by relying on so many strong men and originally powerful manpower, material and financial resources that the Barov family is able to repel waves of undead invasions and ensure that their territory is safe-even the disguised infiltration from the Dread Lord. Easily defeated.

And just today, in the core of Keldalon County, the castle in the middle of Lake Daronmere, the magic alarm sounded again.

The alarm reminded that an intruder had broken into this place. .

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