Following Tailan's footsteps, the two of them arrived at Hearthglen smoothly.

It was a valley with a narrow entrance and a wide interior. It was shaped like a pocket of huge amounts on the map.

The surrounding mountains are equivalent to the outer wall of the pocket, firmly protecting the plains in the valley.

For people living in Hearth Valley, the steep mountains are like a natural chasm, which firmly isolates the inside of the valley from the outside world. There is only one road at the mouth of the valley that can lead in and out of the valley.

In the past before the undead disaster spread, the terrain of Hearthglen was a huge amount of hindrance to the residents of Hearthglen, making it difficult for them to communicate with the outside world. For a long time, the number of residents in the valley continued to decrease. Many people would rather move their families to the plains outside the valley than live in such a remote valley.

However, the emergence of the Undead Scourge turned Hearthglen's disadvantages into advantages.

Because of the natural chasm of the mountain range, Hearth Valley has instantly become a natural fortress to resist the undead. The narrow mouth of the valley can be said to be blocked by one man and cannot be opened by ten thousand others. As long as a short distance from Valley Entrance 11 is defended, the security of the entire valley can be guaranteed.

Based on this, the lord Tailan here decisively evacuated most of the people to the valley, and then sealed the valley. This allowed him and his subjects to survive from the claws of the Scourge.

Due to the special terrain of Hearth Valley, after Tailan retreated to Hearth Valley, he led the people under his command to carry out construction projects, open up farmland, and even opened up terraces at the foot of the gently sloping mountain, barely reaching the point of self-sufficiency, and even becoming somewhat wealthy.

At the same time, taking advantage of sufficient manpower, Tyran built the defense line of Hearthglen aggressively, turning the valley into a fortress of huge amounts, even if the Scourge was besieging Hearthglen with all its strength at this moment.

Tailan is also confident that he can defend based on the terrain for at least a year.

Definitely, provided that you don't take into account big killers like Frost Dragon and some terrible spells that can destroy the world.

Seeing such a treasure land that is easy to defend but difficult to attack, even Ye Ting was excited.

This is indeed the place God gave Caliya to start.

As if aware of the admiration in their eyes, Tailan looked at the prosperous Hearthglen and was extremely proud: "As a lord, it is my responsibility to protect the safety of the people in my territory.

The natural disaster of the undead came really suddenly. Fortunately, we still had such a place as a retreat, so it didn't cause too many casualties. ".

"Only nobles like Tai Lanqing who love their people like sons and are loyal and reliable are truly worthy of the honor of being a noble." Caliya praised.

Being praised like this by the queen, no, the princess, Tailan did not make any response.

Ye Ting noticed that the man's chest was straighter and his ears turned red due to excitement.

Although he has some shortcomings in domestic affairs and military affairs, as a noble, Tailan is still a bit too simple.

Obviously, compared to Baron Dalson, which lacks manpower and is surrounded by enemies on all sides, Hearthglen, which has a dangerous terrain and has both soldiers and food, is more suitable to serve as the residence of Her Royal Highness Princess Calia, the head of the new Kingdom of Lordaeron.

And Tailan, who is loyal and not so scheming, can be regarded as an excellent minister - especially for a novice ruler like Caliya who has little political experience.

So, after arriving here, Calia officially positioned Hearthglen as her base - if there is such a thing.

The next day, she issued her first order.

She gathered an army of 600 men, including 500 infantry and 100 cavalry, and launched an expedition against the Barony of Dalson.

The purpose of the operation is not to exterminate the undead, but to evacuate the soldiers and civilians trapped in Dalson Castle and gather them in this safe place. It is also to gather the refugees along the way.

On the road from Andorhal to Hearthglen, the two discovered many traces of living people. Apparently, despite the raging natural disasters, there were still many fish that slipped through the net and were still lingering on this land.

She was unwilling to give up on them or any of her people.

Although she was a princess, Calia insisted on leading the team herself despite Tyran's dissuasion, regardless of the fact that she had come all the way and only rested in Hearthglen for half a day.

The princess's willfulness caused Tailan a headache, but it was precisely because of this that Calia won further respect from the young paladin. He couldn't be more satisfied with a ruler who was willing to put himself in danger for the sake of ordinary people.

However, out of loyalty to the royal family, Tailan was really unwilling to put the last heir of Minai Hill into danger again.

Until on the training ground, Caliya easily defeated Tailan in a duel.

"Is Her Highness the Princess already that powerful?" Looking at the terrifying sword marks on the armor on his chest, Little Fording couldn't help but smile bitterly, "I'm sorry, Your Highness, I was blind.

"It's not your fault, Qing Tailan." Caliya gently helped the paladin in front of her up, and said lightly, "If I didn't have this power, how could I personally judge my sinful brother?"

"Yes, you are so powerful, I believe you will succeed." Tailan said respectfully.

"Still a long way to go."

Calia shook her head: "To achieve this goal, it is not enough to rely on my own strength. Arthas has countless undead minions under his command, and I also need Lord Sander, Lord Tyran, and other sufficient helpers. , and even more need the support of countless people. I am working hard for this goal by sending troops this time."

In front of outsiders, Ye Ting temporarily concealed his deeper relationship with Caliya, and only appeared as a magician, an advisor and an assistant minister.

"It's me who is shallow." After listening to Caliya's words, Tailan lowered his head again, "Then, I have no reason to stop His Highness anymore. I hope His Highness has a smooth journey.

So, less than a day after arriving in Hearthglen, Calia left this paradise in troubled times again.

At the same time, Tailan, who stayed here, also began to complete his mission.

During the Second Orc War, the emergence of the orcs, a foreign enemy, brought the three intelligent races of humans, elves, and dwarfs together again closely, and the relationship between the three races became much closer.

Even today, more than ten years after the Orc War ended, this connection has only become slightly colder with the long-term peace, but is far from severed.

Because of this, sufficient technological and cultural exchanges have taken place among the three ethnic groups.

As allies of the dwarf, humans got more griffins from the dwarf, and there happened to be a few of these creatures in Hearthglen at the moment.

Although this number is not enough for humans to form an air force composed of griffin knights like dwarf, it is more than enough for communication.

And Tailan's mission at the moment is exactly related to this.

With Calia, a descendant of Minai Hill, as the leader and flag, Tyran is no longer prepared to settle for a corner. At Calia's request, he began to write letters to contact other lords and armies in Lordaeron. Together with Calia's handwritten letters, he used the Griffin Knights to send them to other surrounding forces that were still resisting the Scourge.

He believed that with Calia's presence, the remaining local forces in Lordaeron could soon be united to launch a counterattack against the Scourge. .

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