The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 128 Time Travel Theory And Divination Lesson (1/6)

In fact, Ye Ting also did some research on magic that could travel through time, but he soon gave up because such magic was actually quite useless.

In fact, any behavior that travels through time will eventually become part of history, because the single-line history is the basic rule that constitutes the world. Within the world, there is no way to break through this rule. Forcibly doing so will only cause Could be the collapse of the world.

However, there is indeed a way around all this - and that is to start from outside the world.

Based on Ye Ting's continuous research on time and space, combined with his experience in the space-time tunnel, Ye Ting came to a conclusion, that is: the timelines of different worlds are completely out of sync.

The time and space tunnel is a Wangyang sea that transcends all worlds. There is no concept of time and space, and all worlds float and sink in this sea.

Within the world, time is one-way, history is established, and all "750" are constantly moving toward the future. But in the space-time tunnel—or what can be called the Sea of ​​Chaos—the entire history of all worlds is completed, observable and influenceable.

In other words, in the Sea of ​​Chaos, the entire time and space of the world is like a finished video. Viewers can choose any frame to start browsing the video, and can choose to speed up, slow down, play in reverse, etc., and even playback the video. Modification and editing are not impossible - if such viewers really exist.

With Ye Ting's Ability, although he cannot be such a viewer, he can select any frame of the video in the Sea of ​​Chaos to enter that world, resulting in the entire video being completely different from the original.

However, even so, Ye Ting cannot change the history of Harry Potter's world, because Ye Ting originally had his "personal history".

Every individual has his or her own personal history, and for those who have the ability to enter the Sea of ​​Chaos and travel across the world, personal history is the shackles on them, restricting them and preventing them from doing whatever they want.

Just as within the world, the history of the world is a given, for these travelers - no, for any individual, their original history cannot be taught.

Every time they enter a world, this world will be connected with their personal history. And even time travelers cannot change their own history. In other words, for every world they travel to, the time point they choose when traveling is particularly important, because everything in the future of this world after this time point is a time travel. The traveler's original future needs to be created by himself; and the history before this point in time can no longer be changed by the traveler, because changing the history of this world is changing his own history, and the ending will either "change" and become "history" Part of it is either destroyed before causing "change", making it impossible for change to occur.

Another question is, how many beings have the ability to enter the Sea of ​​Chaos?

Perhaps, before Ye Ting, there was none.

In other words, even if there are many powerful people who have broken through the world and successfully entered the Sea of ​​Chaos, none of them will be able to successfully enter other worlds.

Because, basically, there is no way in or out of the sea of ​​Chaos.

The illogical turbulence of time and space cannot be resisted no matter what, and the only way to get involved is to be destroyed. Whether it is a god or a demon king, whether a warrior or a magician, there are no exceptions - except for Ye Ting, a unique ordinary person.

Having said so much, it is actually because Ye Ting has already started research on time and space travel.

Although the progress is not very fast, due to Ye Ting's wisdom and his ability to understand time and space, he is certain that results will definitely appear within a year.

In the current Hogwarts, there are not many courses that interest Ye Ting, but out of respect for the professors and in order to enjoy the fun of being a student, Ye Hui follows other young necromancers into the classroom.

But his respect only ends there. In most classes, he does not take into account the professors' content and focuses on his own research and learning. The professors are also happy to do this. After all, he makes a person whose level is no less than his own. Listening to one's own class is also quite stressful - if anything goes wrong, it will be oneself who makes a fool of himself.

Ye Ting has little interest in most of the elective courses this semester - divination and arithmetic are of no use to him, because for a time traveler like him, all futures deviate from the established timeline, so precognition is basically equivalent to true vision. Blind; in his eyes, Muggle Studies is just about the necromancer's ridiculous prejudice against Muggles...

Only ancient runes and protecting magical creatures are of some interest in his eyes. The former is because Professor Bathida Babuling is indeed a rare master of ancient runes. In this regard, Ye Ting can have certain exchanges with her; The latter is purely out of interest. As a lover of dangerous creatures, Hagrid can indeed let him see some interesting magical creatures.

However, the divination class that Ye Ting disliked did bring him some fun...

In Professor McGonagall's shapeshifting class, Professor McGonagall was teaching them about the Animagus and when talking about the history of the Animagus, she proudly mentioned that his student, Ye Ting, became The Animagus, the first magical creature in history. Then, in full view of the public, she transformed into a tabby cat with traces of glasses around her eyes.

However, the little necromancers responded very little, which made her very dissatisfied.

"Seriously, what happened to you today?" Professor McGonagall said, accompanied by a slight pop. She had returned to her original shape and looked around at the students, "It doesn't matter, but my shapeshifting didn't win applause from the whole class. This is the first time."

Everyone's heads turned to Harry again, but no one spoke. Then Hermione raised her hand.

"Professor, we just had a divination class, we read tea leaves, and..."

"Ah, definitely," said Professor McGonagall, suddenly frowning, "There is no need to say any more, Miss Granger. Tell me, who among you will die this year?"

Everyone stared at her.

"Me," Harry finally said.

"Understood." Professor McGonagall said, staring at Harry with her small round eyes, "Well, Potter, you should know that West Bill Trelawney has predicted a student every year since she came to this school. Death. So far none of them has died..."

There was a sneer from the audience.

"Oh, Mr. Ye, I just talked about you," Professor McGonagall looked at Ye Ting, who was laughing, and asked gently, "It seems that you are somewhat opposed to the 1.5 opinion, so what do you have in mind?"

"I think Professor Trelawney's prediction is quite accurate," Ye Ting's words caused an uproar. Hermione looked at him in shock, because just an hour ago, Ye Ting told her that he did not choose divination class because of his He feels that the future is completely unpredictable and that his future will be created by himself, but now...

However, Ye Ting's next words made her laugh.

"As we all know, people will always die, either today or tomorrow, maybe when you are old. However, as long as people will die, then Professor Trelawney's prediction is accurate, isn't it?"

The class burst into laughter.

Professor McGonagall also laughed, and then she said to Harry with a very matter-of-fact emphasis: "I see that you are in extremely good health, Potter, so don't blame me if I don't let you off lightly with your homework today. .I promise, if you die, you won’t have to hand in this assignment.”

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