The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 160 The Sea Of ​​Fire At The Wedding (4/5)

On this nameless planet, at the westernmost point of the known world, lies a continent called Westeros.

The long and narrow continent of Westeros stretches from the polar ice caps in the north to the south, about 3,000 miles. The Wall is a towering, impenetrable object that spans 300 miles and separates the northernmost region beyond the Wall from the Seven Kingdoms.

The population of Westeros is mainly distributed in the south, and today this land is ruled by the Seven Kingdoms similar to medieval Europe. In Westeros, each of the four seasons lasts for years, even decades.

The current ruler of the Seven Kingdoms is Robert Baratheon. He defeated the original ruler sixteen years ago in a civil war known as "Robert's Rebellion" and the "Usurper's War". The Glian Dynasty gained the support of the Seven Kingdoms and became the king of the Seven Kingdoms.

Despite Robert's victory, the last ruler of the Targaryen dynasty, the youngest son Viserys and daughter Daenerys of "Mad King" Aerys were still safely sent to the southern Narrow Sea by the remaining loyal ministers. On the other side, there is a continent called Essos.

Essos faces the continent of Westeros across a narrow sea, extending thousands of kilometers eastward. It is larger in area than Westeros, but less densely populated. The western edge of the continent is ruled by nine free trade city-states, while the city-state of Slaver's Bay is located in the southern hinterland of the continent. The remaining inland areas, known as the Dothraki Sea, were occupied by tribal warriors known as the Dothraki.

According to the original historical trajectory, in the continent of Westeros, in King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, an extremely ridiculous conspiracy will lead to a chaos sweeping the entire Seven Kingdoms, while in Essos, another one takes revenge on the Seven Kingdoms. The power of the world is also gradually sprouting and rising. Unfortunately, this game of thrones was finally disrupted by a butterfly from outside the world.

The place where the butterfly's wings first fluttered was on the grassland known as the Dothraki Sea.

On the endless Dothraki sea, a grand open-air wedding banquet was being held. The wedding banquet started at dawn and lasted until dark, filled with endless gluttony and conflicts and fighting.

This group of Dothraki men and women were all bare-chested, wearing painted leather vests, horsehair leggings, and bronze sashes around their waists. Male warriors greased their long braids with animal fat from the oil pits to make them shiny black. They feasted on roasted horse meat with honey and pepper, drank fermented mare's milk and Illyrio's fine wine, and laughed with each other across the campfire.

And on a mound in the sea of ​​people, sat the protagonists of this wedding banquet——sitting among them was the man of the wedding, Khal Drogo (tribal leader, Dothraki)

He leads the largest Kaylasa (nomadic tribe, Dothraki language) tribe in the Dothraki Sea. He has more than 40,000 warriors under his command and is invincible in every battle.

He has bronze skin, black eyes and hair, and is a tall man with a graceful figure. Drogo has a long beard and has his hair braided

The braids were long enough to hang down to his thighs, and were tied with small bells. His braid has never been cut, indicating that Drogo never loses a battle.

Sitting next to Drogo is a petite and extremely beautiful girl. She has silver-gold hair and purple eyes. This is a standard Valyrian appearance that is not found in Westeros and Essos. Several people are like her, because she is Daenerys Targaryen, the last descendant of the Targaryen dynasty, the previous dynasty of Westeros, and the youngest daughter of the Mad King. The Targaryens are nobles from Valyria, and only they have such characteristics.

The Valyrian people have a long tradition of taming dragons, and their nobles are called "Dragon Kings". However, in the end Valyria suffered an unprecedented doomsday, and only the Targaryen family fled to West. Luo, and rode a dragon to conquer this place. In the Seven Kingdoms, the Targaryen family is known as the "blood of the true dragon".

Now, Daenerys is wearing a wedding dress, timid and helpless. Her brother Viserys Targaryen conspired with Governor Illyrio Mopatis of the Free City of Pentos to marry her to Khal Drogo in exchange for a Dothraki army attacking West. Luo, after defeating the Seven Kingdoms, placed Viserys on the throne and restored the rule of the Targaryen dynasty.

However, Daenerys did not want this at all. She was afraid of Drogo and did not want to marry this "barbarian" at all. However, out of fear of her brother since she was a child, she finally agreed to this Require.

Viserys sat directly below her, wearing a new black woolen sweater with a scarlet dragon embroidered on the chest. Illyrio and Viserys' new squire, Ser Jorah, sat next to him.

However, being in this vast sea of ​​people, next to her only relative, Daenerys only felt lonely as never before. Her brother asked her to smile, so she tried to keep smiling until her face muscles ached and tears flowed down her face. She tried her best to hide her tears, because she knew all too well how angry Viserys would be if he saw it, and she was even more afraid of Khal Drogo's reaction.

She could only wear a wedding dress, hold a glass of wine mixed with honey, and talk to herself quietly without moving.

"I am the heir of the dragon," she told herself. "I am Daenerys Stormborn, the princess of Dragonstone, with the blood of Aegon the Conqueror flowing in my body."

The sun had just moved a quarter of the way up the zenith when the violent factors and strange values ​​​​in the Dothraki blood began to take effect: the warriors began to walk into the circle of dancers, grabbed the dancers' arms with their hands, and pressed He fell to the ground and got up on the spot like a stallion and a mare.

Sometimes two men caught the same woman, and in the blink of an eye, two arakh scimitars were unsheathed.

This is a weapon that is half sword and half scythe, with a long and sharp blade.

The two warriors immediately started a death sword dance, going around in circles, killing each other, jumping back and forth, the blades were flowing, and they were shouting and cursing. No one intervened.

According to the words of the Dothraki, "Any Dothraki wedding that does not result in at least three lives is considered a failure."

There were more and more battles and deaths, and the banquet gradually reached its climax, but the fear in Dany's heart only increased. In the end, all she could do was to control herself and not scream.

She was afraid that these behaviors were weird and barbaric, like the Dothraki wearing human skin. She was afraid that she would not live up to her brother's expectations, and she didn't know what he would do to her. But what scared her the most was that that night, her brother What he would do to her under the stars after handing her over to the strange giant sitting next to her drinking with a face as expressionless as cruel as a bronze mask.

"I am the descendant of the true dragon." She said to herself again.

Finally, as the sun set, Khal Drogo clapped his hands, and all the drumming, shouting, and feasting ceased. Drogo stood up, then helped Dany to her feet. The ceremony of giving away bridal gifts began.

But she knew very well that when the gift-giving ceremony was over and the sun went down, she would be truly married. Dany tried to put the thought away, but in vain. She could only tighten her body and "try everything not to tremble."

Her brother Viserys gave her three maids - Dany knew that he didn't spend half a penny at all, it must have come from Illyrio's pocket - among them, Iri and Jiqi were Dothraki with almond eyes and dark skin. Doria is a girl with blond hair and blue eyes from Lys.

"Good sister, these are not ordinary slaves," her brother told her when they were brought to her one by one. "Illyrio and I carefully selected them for you... Illy will teach you to ride a horse, Ji." Qi will teach you the Dothraki language, and Doria will teach you Kung Fu."

He smiled lightly, "She is an expert in this field, Illyrio and I can guarantee that.

Governor Illyrio ordered softly, and four stout slaves immediately moved forward quickly carrying a cedar box decorated with bronze.

After opening it, she found that it was filled with the finest velvet and brocade produced by the Free Trade City... and there were three huge eggs lying on it.

Dany almost lost her breath. This was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Each of the three eggs had a different appearance. The patterns on them were so rich that she thought they were covered with eggs, and she had to use both hands to hold one. She picked it up carefully, thinking it was made of fine ceramics, colored glazes or glass, but she didn't expect it to be much heavier than that, as if it was made of hard stone.

The surface of the eggshell was covered with tiny scales. As she turned them around with her fingers, they reflected the setting sun and gave off a metallic luster. One of them is dark green, with various bronze spots revealed as Dany turns the angle; the other is light milky white, with golden stripes; the last one is black, like the midnight sun, but with vibrant dark Red waves and whirlpools

"What is this?" she asked softly, her mouth full of surprise.

"This is a dragon egg from the shadow land east of Asshai." Governor Illyrio said, "It has been fossilized for thousands of years, but it is still beautiful and beautiful."

“I will treasure them forever.”

The gift-giving ceremony was still going on. Suddenly, a gust of strange wind struck, throwing the crowd into chaos. The flags rustled in the wind, and the bonfires and torches were extinguished one after another with the strange wind.

The wind became stronger and stronger, and the sound of flapping wings came constantly. Khal Drogo had seen the largest flying eagle on the Dothraki sea, but none of them could make such a loud noise when flapping their wings.

A shadow of huge amounts passed over everyone's heads.

The noise and shouts died away, and everyone's eyes turned to the sky. A majestic and elegant figure appeared in front of them.

The air became as thick as glue [a kind of fear filled people's souls.

Even the most powerful Khal Drogo was no exception. He and his bloodriders were frozen on the spot.

"'s a dragon!"

I don't know who it was that screamed in terror in this weird silence.

Above all of them, a 5.4 real Dragon flew over, huge amounts of its body blocking the sun. Its scales sparkled like diamonds, and its wings spread twenty feet from tip to base.

"More than a hundred years have passed, has the real dragon appeared again?" Someone in the crowd screamed happily, it was Weiseris.

"Behold, this is destiny," he shouted arrogantly to the people around him. "When I am about to rule Westeros, even the dragon that has disappeared for a hundred years appears again and serves me. I am destined to He is the King of the Seven Kingdoms.”

Not only Illyrio and Jorah, but even the way Drogo looked at him changed.

Before this, no one looked down upon him. Khal Drogo thought he was pushy and ambitious, while Illyrio had always regarded him as a political bargaining chip. The appearance of Dragon changed everyone's views, and they had to re- Consider: Are the Targaryens really their destiny?

However, fate did not favor him.

Dragon opened its mouth and let out an astonishing dragon roar. Then, the scorching flames swallowed up Viserys and everyone around him: Governor Illyrio, Khal Drogo, Khal's bloodriders, Dan Nelis, even three dragon eggs were swallowed up by endless flames.

In full view of all the Dothraki, their Khal and all their leaders perished in the sea of ​​fire. .

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