The thick smoke on the Dothraki Sea has gradually dissipated, and the heat wave on the scorched earth has slowly subsided.

However, the tens of thousands of Dothraki warriors still knelt on the ground, and no one dared to act rashly.

They were afraid of the young man in the scorched earth, because he was transformed from a dragon. This dragon had swallowed up their Kaa with dragon flames, turned all the bandits into charcoal, and killed all the enemies. Someone who dares to escape.

These warriors on the grassland can only kneel on their knees and wait for their fate.

However, this young man who was transformed into a dragon paid no attention to this group of warriors who could sweep the entire Dothraki Sea. His attention was completely focused on the girl in front of him.

For Daenerys, this is a frightening but very new experience.

In the past, she was a timid and unconfident little girl. She only lived in exile and relied heavily on her brother Viserys, who was a cruel person with rough language, prone to anger and abuse of violence.

She has always followed the crowd, always been an accessory of others, and has not been truly taken seriously.

But even so, she still has a belief in her heart that she is the descendant of the true dragon, with the blood of Aegon the Conqueror flowing in her body, and she will one day return to Westeros and sit on the Iron Throne.

Now, she is surrounded by dragon flames, including her brother who considers himself a "true dragon", the most powerful Dothraki Khal Drogo, and Illyrio, who is extremely wealthy and has always used her as a political bargaining chip. All the governors were buried in dragon flames, but she was the only one who escaped unscathed.

But now, the terrifying Dragon transformed into a handsome boy, right in front of her, staring at her.

She had never felt the coming of fate so deeply as she did today.

It feels like I have been chosen by some great being.

Daenerys gathered her courage, raised her head, and stared at the man in front of her as he stared at her.

Then, she heard the greeting and the title from the man's mouth.

The future Dothraki sea nymph Khaleo is the destined ruler of Westeros and the Dragon Queen.

Is this his...expectation for me? Or is it the future given to me by God?

In any case, Ye Ting's greetings in Westeros calmed her down a little, and even gave her an inexplicable feeling of warmth, a tenderness that she didn't expect to find in this dragon.

Daenerys tightened the cloak around her body with her hands, as if this was the only thing that could give her a hint of courage.

"Hello...Hello, Ye." She stammered, but after the words came out, a wave of determination came to her heart, prompting her to speak completely.

"You are a messenger sent by the gods, right?"

Daenerys' question almost made Ye Ting laugh. He shook his head and denied it with some contempt.

"I am not a messenger of gods, and I will never be. I am a human and a dragon, and I only represent myself. I came for my destiny, and the blood of the dragon guided me to come to you."

"Are you here for your destiny?" These words made her a little uneasy, "Is it my destiny?"

"It is your destiny, and it is also the destiny of this world. Ye Ting looked at her purple eyes meaningfully, and said solemnly: "Your destiny will be connected with this world, not only this Dothraki sea, but also freedom. City-states, the entire Essos, even the Seven Kingdoms, and the entire Westeros. Your destiny will be the destiny of this world, you will become the master of mankind

Lord of the Dragons, you will sit on the Iron Throne (the throne of the King of the Seven Kingdoms) and you will be crowned king. "

"Me... me?"

"Yes." Ye Ting nodded, "This is the fate I promised you, and it is also the future you are going to.

Daenerys couldn't believe it. Just half an hour ago, she was used as a prop to marry a "barbarian" leader, but now someone has promised unprecedented power and status in front of her.

But a miracle just came to her. The Dragon appeared again after a hundred years, and the boy transformed from the dragon, which made her have to believe that this was her future destiny.

"Do you still remember your bloodline and your identity?" Ye Ting reminded lightly.

"Yes." Daenerys suddenly woke up, and fear and timidity immediately left her [Ten prides originating from the depths of her blood caused her to speak in an unprecedented tone.

"I am the heir of the true dragon. I am Daenerys Stormborn, the princess of Dragonstone. I have the blood of Aegon the Conqueror flowing in my body."

"Yes, that's it." Ye Ting nodded with satisfaction, "You have indeed inherited the blood of the dragon and are a girl with potential. From this point of view, my choice is not wrong.

Seeing his satisfied expression, Daenerys was also a little happy, so she smiled at him. She hopes that her smile can also satisfy the other person, because she knows that she is beautiful. Governor Illyrio once said that as long as she smiles, all kinds of iron and stone will soften in front of her.

However, she then realized that she was not the carefully dressed bride in a wedding dress, but an ugly girl who had survived the dragon's flames, covered in soot and charcoal, and had no hair.

So she tightened her cloak tightly and lowered her face in shame.

Ye Ting discovered this, he curled his lips in a funny way and comforted himself.

"Girl, you don't have to be ashamed of your appearance at this moment." He touched Dany's cheek and wiped away some black ashes for her, "Fire and ashes never make you ugly, they are your rebirth in the flames. Your testimony is a symbol of your status as the Unburnt One."

"And," he added, taking out a delicate little stick from one of his pockets - the stick gave Dany a mysterious feeling, and she felt a magical power on it touching her body, " How could I let my Dragon Queen meet her first subjects in this form?"

Dany watched him tap her forehead with a wooden stick, and a magical change immediately happened to her: she felt as if a breeze blew over her from head to toe, and then she felt a coolness and warmth. Refreshingly, she found that her whole body was clean, as if she had experienced the hot bath with sesame oil before the wedding again.

This change surprised her. She thought of the legendary wizards of Quels or the Shadowbinders of the Land of Shadows. It was said that they had the power of magic, which made Ye Jian even more mysterious in her eyes.

However, this was not the end yet. She felt her scalp itching, but her demeanor as a princess made her resist stroking her now bald head. However,

She suddenly felt that her hair began to grow. The beautiful silver-gold hair gradually grew longer and longer like wildly growing grass, gradually covering her ears and touching her shoulders, until it hung down to her waist. .

Not only her hair, but also the hair on other parts of her body, such as her eyebrows, her... also returned to their original appearance.

This made her blush a little.

Immediately afterwards, she felt a layer of comfortable and soft fabric begin to wrap around her naked body. The deep purple and white fabric formed an exquisite dress on her body, and finally her white skin was no longer exposed to the air.

Finally, Ye Ting took out a gorgeous and small crown. The crown was made of gold wire with dragon-shaped patterns on it, and each dragon's eyes were inlaid with red gems.

In the center of the crown, there is a blood-red gem the size of a thumb. Dany could swear that he traveled with his brother to the nine free trade cities and saw countless governors who were extravagant and full of jewels, but he never No greater or more beautiful gem than this was seen among them.

~This is the Dragon Blood Crown," Ye Ting smiled slightly, put it gently on Dany's head, and introduced: "I used my own blood to cast magic on it (Li's), and it became a real dragon. When the queen wears it, it can give the wearer the majesty of a dragon. "

Finally, Ye Ting finished dressing her up. He took two steps back, looked her up and down, and showed a surprised expression.

What kind of beauty is she? Although Dany is petite, she has a delicate and beautiful appearance. Her silver-gold hair is as bright as molten silver, and her deep purple silk robe brings out her violet eyes. The gorgeous and elegant crown fully expresses her princess side. At the moment, she possesses a noble, elegant and strong temperament, and is no longer timid and submissive.

"This is the Dragon Queen in my mind." Ye Ting praised, "It's time for your first subjects to take a good look at their future ruler."

The Ice and Fire Scroll is a bit difficult to write, mainly because the scenes in the original work are relatively large and the narrative style is more epic. My writing style may not be good enough to imitate, so I wrote it more slowly, but I still have the best direction in the fourth update.

Please also ask for flowers, comments, and subscriptions. I will write this volume carefully. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t watched Ice and Fire or Game of Thrones. It won’t be incomprehensible.

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