After Arianne arrived in Pentos, Daenerys, who had formed an alliance with Dorne, completely lost her worries, and as a result, her power ushered in a rapid development.

She gradually accepted the allegiance of many governors in the Free Trade City. Then, the Church of the Dragon God and the Dragon Blood Chamber of Commerce from Pentos began to station themselves in Lys, Qohor, Norvos, Myr, Tyrosh, and Valan. Tis and Loras, a large number of governors in these city-states have joined the Dragon Blood Merchant Guild and converted to the Church of the Dragon God. In addition, the armies of these cities have also carried out a series of major changes and reorganizations, openly and secretly. Training, and even priests from the Dragon God Church are stationed in these armies.

At the same time, these cities also began to hire a newly established Dothraki mercenary army to help defend the city and escort the caravans. This mercenary army was newly established, and all the warriors in the army were Dothraki retired from Pantos. Lark soldiers, and they are all fanatical followers of the Dragon God Cult.

In this way, Daenerys overtly and secretly controlled the eight Free Trade Cities. The economy, army, and faith of the eight cities were all in the hands of her and the Dragon God Cult. They were only one step away from actual rule. far away.

However, she did not directly declare her rule over these cities, not because she was unwilling, but because Ye Ting pointed out that the current political situation of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros has reached a point where it is about to break out. Like dominoes, the situation of the unification of the seven countries collapsed.

By that time, the Seven Kingdoms, which are deep in the abyss of war, will have no ability to control the situation on the Essos continent. Once the war starts, the ambitious people of the Seven Kingdoms will be like riding a bull with its tail set on fire. The direction of the Seven Kingdoms is completely uncontrollable. After the entire Seven Kingdoms are reduced to a puddle of mud and the war potential is greatly consumed, Daenerys can enter the game from Dorne, sweep across the Seven Kingdoms with a devastating force, and unify Weiss in one fell swoop. Tello.

But now, she must lie dormant and not show her fangs too much, making the Seven Kingdoms too vigilant. Once the Seven Kingdoms realize the threat of Daenerys before the chaos, then they will unite and internal conflicts will turn into External conflicts, in this case, she would have to fight a tough battle across the sea outside her home court, and challenge the entire army of the seven countries. Although she could win, it would probably be a tragic victory. Moreover, it will also gain the hatred of the people of the seven countries during the war, which is very detrimental to future rule.

Zhu Yuanzhang's strategy back then was very good. Build walls high, accumulate grain widely, and become king slowly. Now. But you mean you have to adopt such a strategy.

Although King Robert is now fatuous, the dignitaries of the Seven Kingdoms are not sensitive to the intelligence of Essos. But once Daenerys unified the eight Free Trade City-States in one fell swoop and mastered huge amounts of power that was almost equal to that of the Seven Kingdoms, then no matter how stupid Robert was, he would still be extremely vigilant. And those pretenders to the throne will definitely postpone their actions, otherwise they will only take advantage of others.

Until now, it seems that Daenerys's move has been quite successful. Although she controlled Pentos, became the reincarnation of Azor Ahai, and hatched three dragons. However, King's Landing's reaction to this incident was not great. They only used several assassination methods, but Daenerys, protected by magic, easily escaped.

On the other hand, Daenerys is also taking action, and the Dragon God Church and his chamber of commerce are gradually penetrating Westeros.

As for the Church of the Dragon God, although the belief in the Seven Gods of Westeros is quite strong, the Church of the Dragon God quickly established a firm foothold with its endless miracles. A large number of nobles have abandoned the Seven Gods and turned to the more efficacious Church of the Dragon God.

However, compared to the Church of Dragon God, it was the Chamber of Commerce under Daenerys that reaped a richer harvest.

In the recent period, the Free Trade City-State has established a new organization called the Free Trade Bank.

This organization does not do any business or produce any goods. They have opened stores called banks in all big cities. Any businessman can deposit his gold and silver wealth into a bank in any place, and withdraw his wealth at any other outlet through the credentials given by the bank.

This greatly reduces the inconvenience and risks caused by businessmen carrying too many financial reports when doing business.

Therefore, as soon as the Free Trade Bank appeared, it was strongly welcomed by businessmen.

When such a banking organization first appeared, it would inevitably be suspected by others, but the background of the Free Trade Bank was very unusual. Its shareholders included most of the governors of the entire Free Trade City. Each of these governors can be said to be as rich as the country. If no one of them spends a sum of money, even if it is only one-tenth of their wealth, combining all the wealth together will be a huge astronomical figure.

Therefore, no one will believe that the Free Trade Bank cannot provide money.

In addition, Free Trade Bank is also engaged in loan business.

Anyone can lend a sum of money in a free trade bank with certain collateral, and the interest rate is much lower than that of general usury. The background of Free Trade Bank allows him to ensure that in most cases the arrears can be recovered.

Definitely, on the surface, the Free Trade Bank has nothing to do with Daenerys.

But in fact, all the top executives in the Free Trade Bank are either Daenerys's subordinates, or her die-hard loyalists or fanatical followers of the Dragon God Cult.

In short, the Free Trade Bank is completely in her hands, and even other governors have little say as shareholders.

This is also a means for Daenerys to control these governors.

At the same time, this bank has replaced the status of the "iron gold bank" with its larger amount of funds, more advanced systems, and more perspectives.

The Iron Bank is the most important bank in Braavos - definitely, these primitive banks can only be regarded as charging usury. It is very rich and often lends money to outsiders. Among its reeds are the kings of the Seven Kingdoms.

While all Free Cities have their own banks, the Iron Bank is wealthier and more powerful than all the other banks combined. It has a terrible reputation when it comes to collecting debts. When princes or kings default on their debts, or are foolish enough to disrespect their contracts with the Iron Bank, new princes or kings (with financial assistance from the Iron Bank) spring up. These new princes or kings would then have to recognize the previous debts and repay the money they had borrowed from the Iron Bank to win the throne, lest they suffer the same fate as their predecessors.

Today, of the nine free trade city-states, only Braavos is still independent. It was clear that he was going to fight against Daenerys, and Braavos, as the most powerful Free Trade City-state, its source of wealth mainly comes from navigation and the "Iron Bank". Now the business of the Iron Bank is due to the Free Trade Bank. It suffered a devastating blow, and in terms of navigation, it could only have a temporary advantage at best.

On the one hand, the knowledge possessed by Ye Ting allows Daenerys to quickly build more powerful and advanced merchant ships and battleships. On the other hand, although the "Aquaman" of Braavos has a terrifying fleet, facing Dragon, These wooden fleets are nothing. Dragon only needs to breathe dragon breath in the air, which is enough to annihilate any fleet.

Now the Free Trade Bank has become the creditor of quite a few nobles in the seven countries, including the owner of Robert's car himself.

In fact, under Robert's rule, the treasury of the Seven Kingdoms had long been heavily in debt.

After becoming king, Robert did not want to worry about political affairs, left everything to the royal council, and squandered the money left by Aerys II to satisfy his various material desires.

Just recently, his first "Handle of the King" - the Prime Minister - who was also his adoptive father, Jon Arryn, unexpectedly died of illness, so Robert led a large royal team , traveled a long distance to Winterfell to meet the last person he could trust—Ed Stark, the Warden of the North and the adopted son of Jon Arryn with Robert. Ned had not changed much from the last time they met nine years ago, but Robert had become fat and frail due to indulging in wine and sex, and he was a completely different person.

As his good friend, Ed Stark had to take over the position of Prime Minister. Only then did he realize that the royal family already owed a huge debt of six million gold dragons. His creditors included his Queen Cersei's natal family, the Lannister family, and the seven-million-dollar family. The Tyrell family of the River Bend, one of the kingdoms, the Church of the Seven, Tyrosh's trading house and now the Free Trade Bank.

By lending money to the king, the Free Trade Bank quickly established a presence in the Seven Kingdoms and opened branches everywhere. Through the Free Trade Bank, Daenerys was able to learn detailed information about Westeros, and Able to use wealth to support the struggle for power in Westeros, and even control the future civil war of the Seven Sevens.

And what about King Robert? He didn't know anything about it, he was still addicted to jousting and material enjoyment, and completely ignored his debt situation. In the name of welcoming the new prime minister, he ordered a grand and extravagant jousting meeting.

However, Ye Ting knew that the entire plot of A Song of Ice and Fire actually started from here.

Yes, time has entered 298 AC - by the way, AC refers to Aegon's Chronicle, does Wang Zhao) refer to Daenerys's ancestor, the first Targaryen to conquer the Seven Kingdoms? The calendar used by the maesters and educated men of Westeros in the year Aegon the Conqueror was crowned in Oldtown.

Now, in the Seven Kingdoms, the seeds of chaos have long been planted and will soon erupt. Even King Robert himself and princes like Ed Stark will die under political conspiracy, and then The battle for succession - the "Battle of the Five Kings".

This is Daenerys' chance.

Just recently, Ye Ting's research has come to an end. Through research on Daenerys's bloodline and the bloodline of Taronixia, Alex Tassa, and Ysera, he has found the Dragon Anima. Gus' method.

Therefore, he planned to leave the continent of Essos temporarily and go to King's Landing to have some fun before returning to the world of "Harry Potter".

After all, I came to the world of "A Song of Ice and Fire" and met Daenerys and her three dragons, who represent the dragon family, but did not meet the Stark family, which represents "ice." What.

In addition, he also thought about adding fuel to this huge amount of conspiracy to make the world more chaotic.

There are two more 3000+ chapters and more than 9000 words, so count them as four updates.

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