Although the drunk Zhang Qiu changed his usual shyness and became extremely active, because it was his first time and he was drunk, he fell asleep after just one time.

Ye Ting was left alone, holding her but unable to do anything.

He had no choice but to lie on the bed and look at the top of the tent, watching an occasional little leprechaun flying over it with a lantern, passing a flash of light, and listening to the sound of Irish people celebrating on the other side of the camp, he unknowingly fell into Dreamland.

In the middle of the night, Ye Ting suddenly woke up, and his keen perception made him feel that something was wrong. The sounds in the camp changed. The singing stopped, and he heard screams and the sound of people running in panic.

Ye Ting suddenly remembered that after the Quidditch World Cup ended, the Death Eaters made a scene at the World Cup.

He quickly shook Zhang Qiu next to him, put on clothes for her in a hurry, and then went to the other two rooms to wake up Penello and Hermione.

The four of them quickly dressed up and gathered in the living room.

"What's wrong? Why did you wake me up suddenly?" Zhang Qiu asked sleepily. She was the most tired one last night.

"There seems to be some accident outside." Ye Ting said, "You should use Floo powder to go home quickly. It may be a little unsafe here."

"Really, I still want to spend some time with everyone in the morning." Penello complained a little and walked to the fireplace, grabbed a handful of Floo powder, and threw it into the burning fire.

"Go ahead, go ahead," Ye Ting advised, "You guys just go back to sleep and I'll go see what's going on."

Although the three girls were a little reluctant, they still used floo powder to return to Ye Ting's home.

After watching all the girls disappear, Ye Ting walked out of the tent, took out his wand and tapped the tent lightly. The tent immediately shrank automatically, then folded itself constantly, and finally turned into a roll the size of a water cup.

After stuffing the tent into the bag, Ye Ting began to observe his surroundings.

By the light of several fires that were still burning, Ye Ting saw people running towards the woods one after another, as if they were running away from something moving towards them in the camp. The thing shone strangely and made a sound like a gun. Loud jeers, wild laughter, and drunken shouts also moved towards them.

Ye Ting looked around and saw that it was a group of necromancers huddled tightly together. Everyone pointed their wands upward and moved forward together, slowly moving around the field.

Ye Ting squinted his eyes and looked at them carefully. They had hoods on their heads and masks on their faces. Above their heads, four struggling figures floated in the air, twisted into various weird shapes, as if these masked necromancers on the ground were puppeteers, and the people above them were marionettes, being manipulated by strings. Controlled by an invisible rope rising from the wand into the air. Two of the figures were small.

More necromancers joined the advancing team, laughing loudly and pointing at the floating bodies above. As the parade continued to grow, the tents were collapsed. Once or twice, Ye Ting saw a marcher lighting a tent on the roadside with a magic wand. Several tents were burned. The screams grew louder.

Looking up, Ye Ting recognized the bodies floating in the air as four Muggles. They were the camp administrator, his wife and children. One of the marchers below used a wand to turn the caretaker's wife upside down. The woman's pajamas hung down, revealing a pile of fancy underwear. The crowd below screamed and hooted happily as she struggled to cover her body.

"It's so boring"々. "Ye Ting said disdainfully, looking at the smallest Muggle child - the child began to spin like a top in mid-air sixty feet above the ground, with his limp head tilting this way and that. .

Ye Ting is quite disdainful of these necromancers who enjoy bullying Muggles through magic. They claim to be nobler than Muggles, but what they do is to bully the weak and fear the strong. If they really dare to launch a full-scale war against Muggle society, or By controlling the Muggle government through the Imperius Curse, Ye Ting could still look down upon them, but bullying the helpless Muggle civilians... was really boring.

Walking further, Ye Ting saw some acquaintances. Harry, Ron, the twins and Ginny were running out. The same was true for other classmates. Some staff from the Ministry of Magic he knew were trying desperately to rush in, and approached those in the middle. The hooded necromancer encountered great difficulties. It seemed that they didn't dare to cast any magic for fear of causing the Roberts family to fall.

The colored lights that once illuminated the entrance to the gymnasium are now extinguished. Dark figures stumbled through the woods, children were crying, and nervous, anxious shouts and voices echoed in the cold night air around them.

On the side of the road, a group of boys and girls in pajamas huddled together and argued noisily. When Ye Ting passed by, a little girl about eleven years old turned around

Quickly: "Where is Madame Maxime? We can't find her -"

These words caught his attention. He definitely knew Madame Maxime, the principal of Booth Barton, the French magic academy.

So, Ye Ting looked at the girl. The girl had a delicate and lovely face and silver curly hair. Her appearance seemed familiar to Ye Ting, so he walked up and asked in French: "Hello, little sister. ,May I have your name?"

Maybe it was his appearance that gave the girl a great impression, so the girl answered without thinking.

"Gabriel," she looked at Ye Ting with her big eyes and asked pitifully, "Gabriel Delacour, brother, do you know where Madame Maxime is?"

"I don't know where Madame Maxime is, but I can take you to find them," Ye Ting touched the girl's head, "Your sister is Fleur Delacour, right?"

"You know my sister," the girl's eyes lit up, looking at Ye Ting expectantly, "Are you also my sister's suitor?"

Wow! How many suitors does Furong have? Why does his sister think that he is her sister’s suitor when she meets a man who knows her? (Amazing)

"No, I am not pursuing Furong," Ye Ting shook his head and explained, "I only met her once, at the international necromancer chess competition two years ago.

"You are...Brother Ting Ye!" Gabrielle looked at Ye Ting curiously and blurted out his name.

"Hey, how do you know my name?" Ye Ting felt a little strange.

"Because my sister often mentions you." Gabrielle shook her head and said, "Since that competition, my sister has often mentioned your name, and you are an Asian, so it is obvious, right? I have always been very fond of you. I'm curious, because my sister has never cared so much about a boy. But after seeing you in person, I suddenly felt that my sister has such a good taste, and you are so beautiful, big brother."

"Yes...really? But boys can't be described as beautiful." Ye Ting looked at the imposter-sized Gabriel and felt a little headache. The little girl always focused on strange places.

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