With the help of Ye Ting's Ultimate Exam Guide, all written exams were a breeze for Zhang Qiu.

Ye Ting feels that if he sells exam preparation materials, he will definitely make a lot of money in the necromancer world.

As for the practical exam, Zhang Qiu is obviously much more confident. Since she was able to transform into Dragon, her ability to master and manipulate magic has greatly increased, and the practical exam is just a piece of cake.

Two weeks passed by, and the O.w.s exam was finally over, followed by the final exams at Hogwarts, and then, on the night when all the exams were completely over, the third event of the Triwizard Tournament was about to be held.

The arrival of the game made the warriors breathe a sigh of relief. No matter whether the results were good or bad, the competition was coming to an end and the big burden on their shoulders could be lifted.

However, in the morning, Harry, the "40" one of the Warriors, ran into trouble.

At breakfast, a screech owl brought Ron the morning's Daily Prophet as usual. After he opened the newspaper, he almost squirted water on it.

"Impossible, it happened to be today, this old cow." Ron stared at the title angrily.

"What?" Harry asked, "Rita Skeeter again?"

"No." Ron wanted to hide the newspaper.

"You wrote about me, didn't you?" Harry asked.

"No," Ron said in a tone of complete disbelief.

But before he could ask to read the newspaper, Slytherin revealed the matter across the hall.

Malfoy also held up a copy of the "Daily Prophet" in his hand and read loudly: "" Harry Potter——disturbed and emotionally dangerous

"Special reporter Rita Skeeter reports: The boy who defeated You-Know-Who is emotionally unstable and possibly quite dangerous. Shocking evidence has recently been revealed of Harry Potter's strange behavior, casting doubt on his suitability to participate Whether such a difficult competition as the Triwizard Tournament is even suitable for attending school at Hogwarts.

The Daily Prophet exclusively disclosed that Porter often had fits at school and told people that the scar on his forehead hurt (the scar was the mark left by a poisonous curse that a mysterious man recited when he tried to kill him). During the divination class last Monday, a reporter from the Daily Prophet witnessed Porter rushing out of the classroom, claiming that the scar hurt so much that he could not continue the class.

High-level experts from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries said that Potter's brain may have been affected by the mysterious man's magic. He insisted that the scar still hurt, indicating that his mind was quite confused...

"Hey, Potter! Potter! How's your head doing? Are you okay? You're not going crazy at us, are you?" Malfoy smiled at Harry.

Crabbe and Goyle were laughing at him. They banged their fingers on their foreheads, made mad faces, and stuck out their tongues like snakes. The Slytherin students all snickered and turned to see Harry's reaction.

Harry smiled pretending to be relaxed, but there was a haze in his heart, because during this period, his scar hurt very frequently, as if... something was about to happen.

Before the end of breakfast, the warriors were told to gather in the conference room. The warriors' relatives were invited to watch the finals and they could meet each other.

Fleur Delacour stood up from the Ravenclaw table and walked into the conference room with Hermione. After a while Krum also lazily went away. Harry sat still, he really didn't want to go. He had no relatives—no relatives who were willing to risk their lives by coming to see him. But just as he stood up, planning to go to the library to study some spells, the door to the meeting opened and Fleur poked her head out.

"Harry, come on, they're waiting for you!"

Before entering the conference room, Harry was still confused. In fact, the Dursleys did not come - ever since Harry's godfather Sirius Black regained his reputation, Harry preferred to stay at No. 12 Grimmauld Place in London. Instead of Privet Drive - Harry felt that if his godfather could be considered a relative, he would rather come to Black.

Just as Harry thought, his "relative" was indeed Black. In addition, Lupine and the Weasley family also came, making the conference room extremely lively.

In addition, in the conference room, Viktor Krum spoke rapid Bulgarian to his dark-haired parents in a corner of the room. He inherited his father's hooked nose. On the other side, Huang Rong was chattering to her mother in French. Moiraine's little sister, Gabrielle, held her mother's hand.

Only Hermione stood alone in the corner, with Ye Ting accompanying her to keep her from being too lonely.

Unlike Harry, although Hermione's parents are here, they are all Muggles. According to the "International Necromancer Secrecy Act", they cannot touch anything related to necromancers, let alone visit the Triwizard Tournament.

At this point, the International Necromancer Secrecy Act does seem ridiculous.

But soon, Ye Ting also had his own things to do. After learning that their daughter fell in love with a boy from Hogwarts, Furong's parents insisted on coming to see Ye Ting.

Ignoring Furong's obstruction, she came to Ye Ting on her own and started chatting with him.

Fleur inherited her Veela bloodline from her mother. In fact, her mother's Veela bloodline was purer than hers. Although this woman was already in her forties, she still looked beautiful.

The chat with the "prospective mother-in-law" made Ye Ting somewhat embarrassed. This was the first time he had such a close communication with the parents of the girl next to him. Even as powerful as him, he was still a little overwhelmed in the face of this situation.

However, Ye Ting soon took control of the conversation. He had been an envoy in the world of Song of Ice and Fire for several years. Now the necromancers in the Ministry of Magic all respect him. Although Ye Ting is still essentially a researcher, but now the status of "father-in-law" and "mother-in-law" really cannot suppress him.

After the conversation, Furong's mother praised Ye Ting in front of her husband and daughter. She thought her daughter had chosen a very good partner.

Definitely, she still knew nothing about the existence of other girls, and Mei 1.0 consciously did not mention it at all.

Finally, sisters Ye Ting and Delacour accompanied their parents for a walk in the castle, spending the afternoon before returning to the auditorium for dinner.

Ludo Bagman and Amelia Bones, the director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, sat at the staff table.

Since Barty Crouch Sr. disappeared, under Ye Ting's instructions. Although Ms. Bones did not understand the reason, she still took the initiative to take over the follow-up work of the Triwizard Tournament. Now she replaced Crouch as the referee and came to Hogwarts early.

Ye Ting definitely has his own purpose in doing this. According to the original work, tonight's game will be the beginning of Voldemort's rebirth, and Ye Ting's plan to defeat Voldemort and take control of the Ministry of Magic will also begin. Ye Ting's collaborator, Ms. Bones, The function is to confirm this matter to the Ministry of Magic. .

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