"Kreacher, come here, I have something to ask you," Ye Ting ordered Kreacher in a serious tone.

Kreacher walked timidly in front of the three of them, his long nose wagging in front of his chest.

"I want to ask you, Regulus Black, did you ever bring back a golden locket?"

Hearing this, Kreacher, who was still timid at first, suddenly became excited. He trembled, swayed, closed his eyes, and just didn't speak.

Seeing his reaction, the three of them immediately understood that Kreacher seemed to know something.

"Kreacher, do you remember what your master just said?" Fleur reminded sternly, with disgust in her eyes - she was still worried about the house elves calling her bloodline - "Are you going to Disobeying the master’s order?”

For house elves, "master's orders" are more effective than anything else. Kreacher gasped for air, his withered chest rose and fell sharply, then he opened his eyes and let out a blood-curdling scream.

"Locket! Master Regulus's locket. Master Regulus did bring back a locket... Kreacher made a mistake. Kreacher failed to carry out the master's order!" "Nine forty." The next moment, Kreacher rushed to the side wall, constantly banging his head against the wall. Hermione was startled by his actions, but she immediately pulled out her wand, and a stream of pink liquid erupted from the tip of the wand. The ribbon tied Kreacher tightly, thus stopping his self-mutilation.

"Kreacher, I order you not to move!" she said loudly, "You must first fulfill your master's orders and answer our questions. Before that, you are not allowed to do anything!"

The elf froze immediately. He lay straight on the cold stone floor, tears pouring out of his sunken eye sockets.

"Hermione, let him get up!" Fleur whispered.

Hermione pulled gently, and force was applied to one end of the ribbon, causing Kreacher to stand up.

"Tell me about Regulus' locket," Ye Ting said, "Where did it come from? What does Regulus have to do with it? Kreacher, tell me everything you know about that locket. , and Regulus’s relationship with it!”

Hermione loosened the ribbon in cooperation, and the elf immediately sat down, curled up into a ball, put his wet face between his knees, and began to rock back and forth. When he spoke, his voice was low and muffled, but could be heard clearly in the quiet, echoing room.

"Master Sirius ran away, and it would be better if he left, because he is a bad boy, and his unruly behavior broke my mistress's heart. But Master Regulus has self-respect, and he knows that the name Black and his What does pure blood mean? For many years, he often talked about the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord wanted the necromancer to no longer have to hide, but to come out and rule Muggles and their descendants... Master Regulus At the age of sixteen, he joined the Dark Lord's organization. He was so proud, so proud, so happy to be able to serve...

"A year later, one day, Master Regulus came to visit Kreacher in the kitchen. He said..."

The old elf shook faster.

.....He said the Dark Lord wanted an elf.

"The Dark Lord wants an elf?" Hermione asked, looking back at Fleur, who was equally confused.

"Oh, yes," Kreacher said bitterly, "Master Regulus contributed to Kreacher. This is an honor, Master Regulus said it was an honor for himself and Kreacher. Kreacher must do it. Everything the Dark Lord wanted him to do....and then go back - home.

Kreacher shook faster, his breathing turning into sobs.

"So Kreacher went to the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord didn't tell Kreacher what to do, but took Kreacher to a cave on the seaside. It was a big cave, and there was a big black lake in the cave... "

Hermione and Fleur immediately thought of the cave they had been to before, and everything clicked.

"...There is a boat..."

There must be a boat, they knew that boat, a green boat like a Ghost. So, this is how Voldemort tested the protection measures of the Horcrux: with the help of an insignificant life, a house-keeping elf...

"There is a stone basin on the island, filled with magic potion. The Dark Lord asked Kreacher to drink it..."

The elf was trembling all over.

"Kreacher drank, and while drinking, he saw many horrific scenes... Kreacher's internal organs were on fire... Kreacher called Master Regulus to save him, and called the girl Master, but the Dark Lord just laughed... He forced Kreacher to drink up the potion... He threw a locket into the empty basin... and added more to the basin... Full of potions.”

"Then the Dark Lord got on the boat and left, leaving Kreacher on the island..."

The three of them looked at each other, and the two girls finally understood the effect of the potion. Fortunately, they modified their vaginas at that time.

"Kreacher needed water. He climbed to the edge of the island to drink from the black lake... Many hands, Deadman's hands, came out of the water and dragged Kreacher down..."

"How did you escape?" Hermione asked.

After that experience, she discovered that Muggle weapons were very useful against the Inferi, but Kreacher was just a house elf.

Kreacher raised his ugly head and looked at the three people with his big bloodshot eyes.

"Master Regulus said he wanted Kreacher to come home," he said.

"I know——but how did you get rid of the Inferi?" Fleur also asked again.

"Master Regulus said he wanted Kreacher to come home," Kreacher repeated.

"I know, but——" Fleur wanted to ask again, but Hermione spoke up.

"Gee, obviously it's not," he Apparated! The magic of an elf is different from the magic of a necromancer, it's like they can Apparate or Apparate at Hogwarts and we can't. "

A hibiscus of silence lingered over these words. How could Voldemort make such a mistake?

Just as he was thinking of this, Hermione spoke again, her voice cold.

"Definitely, the Dark Lord was dismissive of the behavior of house elves, just like all purebred necromancers who treat elves as beasts... He would never have thought that the elf might have something he didn't. magic."

"The highest law for a house elf is the master's command," Kreacher said singsongly. "The master told Kreacher to go home, and Kreacher went home..."

"So, you did what you were ordered to do, huh?" Hermione asked gently. "And you didn't disobey orders at all?"

Kreacher nodded and shook faster.

"Then what happened after you came back?" Fleur asked, "When you told the master what happened, what did Regulus say?"

"Master Regulus is very worried, very worried." Kreacher hissed, "Regulus told Kreacher to hide and not leave the house." Then after a while... one night, Master Regulus went to the cupboard and found Kreacher. Master Regulus looked strange, not like his usual self. Kreacher could see that he was very confused... The master asked Kreacher to take him to the cave, where Kreacher and the Dark Lord went. That cave...

"He made you drink the potion?" Fleur asked disgustedly.

Kreacher shook his head and burst into tears. Hermione covered her mouth: she seemed to have guessed something.

"Re-Master Regulus took out a locket from his pocket, just like the Dark Lord's," Kreacher said, tears streaming down the sides of his long nose as he called Kreacher to hold it. Hold it until the stone basin dries, then change the locket..."

Kreacher's sobs became thick and harsh, and the three of them had to concentrate to understand his words.

"He ordered - Kreacher to leave - to leave him alone. He told Kreacher - to go home - not to say anything to the mistress - what he had done - but to destroy - the locket. Then he After drinking—drinking the potion—Klee cut off the locket and watched...Master Regulus...being dragged underwater...and then..."

"Oh, Kreacher!" cried Hermione, crying, kneeling beside the elf to comfort him. The elf immediately stood up and hid behind him with obvious disgust.

"The mudblood touches Kreacher and Kreacher doesn't allow it. What will the mistress say?"

Then, before anyone could retort, Kreacher suffered retribution. His nose became 5.7 longer again, now hanging down to his waist, so he immediately fell silent and looked at them in fear.

"So, you brought the locket home," Ye Ting continued to ask, determined to understand the whole story, "Did you try to destroy it?"

"Kreacher couldn't leave any trace on it." The elf said sadly, "Kreacher tried all the methods, all the methods, but none of them succeeded... There is such a mark on the box. What a powerful magic, Kreacher believed that it could only be destroyed from the inside, but it couldn't be opened... Kreacher punished himself, tried again, punished himself, and tried again. Kreacher failed to carry out the order, Kreacher can't destroy the locket! The mistress is going crazy with grief, because Master Regulus is missing, and Kreacher can't tell her what happened, can't, because Master Regulus forbids - forbids him from speaking to the family - -My family talks about things in the cave..."

Kreacher burst into tears. Hermione looked at Kreacher with tears streaming down her face, but she didn't dare to touch him again. Even Fleur, who had no good feelings for Kreacher, looked a little sad.

Ye Ting stepped forward and hugged Hermione, hugging her with great difficulty before the girl stopped crying. .

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