As the train rocked rhythmically, Ye Ting helped Hermione and Zhang Qiu put the suitcases on the luggage rack, and then sat down.

Luna looked at them from the upside-down magazine called The Quibbler.

She didn't seem to blink as often as ordinary people, she just kept staring at them.

Suddenly, Ye Ting's backpack moved, and then he opened it. A little white cat got out of it, jumped on the table, and occupied it.

Luna's attention immediately turned to the kitten.

"How did you enjoy your summer vacation, Luna?" Zhang Qiu asked.

As the only person here who knew Luna well, she had to speak to break the awkward silence.

"Yes," Luna said dreamily, still staring at the kitten, "yes, I had a good time."

"You are Hermione Granger," she followed.

"I know that." Hermione said, dumbfounded.

Ye Ting immediately laughed out loud. Although he had read the original work, he was still amused when he actually heard such Luna-style greetings.

Luna turned her light eyes on him.

"You are Ting Ye."

"You actually know me!" Ye Ting was a little surprised.

"All the girls at Hogwarts know you," Hermione said in a sour tone. "Isn't it a given that she knows who you are?"

"No, you are wrong," Ye Ting shook his head and said seriously to Hermione, "She is Luna Lovegood. This girl's thoughts have always been different from ordinary people's. It is completely impossible to guess. If she It wouldn't surprise me if she told me she didn't know who the Dark Lord was."

"You know her quite well," Hermione said quietly, "Have you been observing her for a long time?

——How should Ye Ting answer this?

Ye Ting was stunned by Hermione's words, but before he could answer, Luna spoke first.

"Extraordinary intelligence is a man's greatest asset." Luna said in a sing-song voice.

Then, she held the upside-down magazine high to cover her face and stopped making any sound.

Ye Ting and Hermione looked at each other, and Zhang Qiu suppressed himself from giggling.

In the end, it was Zhang Qiu who made the evaluation.

"This... is probably a compliment to you."

Hermione looked at Ye Ting with even more resentment. Now it was no longer a matter of Ye Ting falling in love with a certain girl, but that the two of them had looked at each other for a long time. She even felt that they might meet each other at any time. further.

But what does she do?

Thinking about it carefully, except for saying a few words, she can do nothing, nothing can stop her - she no longer has that position.

After all, there are already precedents such as Furong, Zhang Qiu, and Penello. The so-called initiators have no successors.

They can no longer go back.

For a time, the awkward atmosphere filled the carriage again, and only the meow of the cat could give people a hint of warmth.

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Ye Zhong decided to find another topic.

He set his sights on Luna's magazine.

Although the magazine was placed upside down, Ye Ting looked carefully and saw the cover of the magazine.

It turned out to be a poorly drawn caricature of Cornelius Fudge, and Ye Ting recognized him by the dark yellow-green hat on his head.

Fudge grabbed a bag of gold with one hand and pinched a goblin by the neck with the other. The caption on the comic reads: How close is Fudge to taking over Gringotts?

Following this are the titles of other articles in the magazine:

Corruption in the Quidditch Federation of Clubs

The fire dragon escapes from Gringotts, the goblin's big mistake.

Is the Dark Lord Returning - A Record of the Split in the Ministry of Magic

Sirius Black: Villain or Victim?

"Is there anything good up there?" Ye Ting asked Luna, "Can you show it to me?"

Luna nodded. As soon as she handed the magazine to Ye Ting, Hermione spoke.

"The Quibbler is a load of garbage and everyone knows it."

From the tone of her voice, it was obvious that she felt deeply about this.

"I'm sorry," Luna said, her voice suddenly less dreamy, "my father was a magazine editor.

"I...oh," Hermione said looking very embarrassed, "Yeah, some of it is quite interesting...I mean, it's still very..."

The atmosphere became even more awkward, and Ye Ting had no choice but to take the book "The Quibbler" and start reading it seriously.

He didn't plan to speak until he arrived at Hogwarts.

As the train continued north, the weather became unpredictable.

Raindrops hit the car window one after another, and then the sun lazily poked its face out, and soon the clouds passed by and covered it again.

Night falls and the lights in the carriage turn on.

At the moment, Ye Ting had already returned "The Quibbler" to Luna. The girl rolled up the magazine, carefully put it into her schoolbag, then turned around and stared at everyone in the box.

Zhang Qiu sat there bored, pressing his forehead against the car window, hoping to see Hogwarts from a distance, but it was a moonless night, and the car windows that were wet by rain were dirty. .

Finally, the train slowly slowed down, and they heard a commotion all around again, as everyone was busy gathering luggage and pets together to get off.

As a prefect, Zhang Qiu wanted to maintain order, so he left first, leaving Ye Ting and Hermione to pack their luggage.

'..Let me hug your cat, please?"

When Ye Ting was about to put Feiju into his backpack temporarily, Luna suddenly said to him and stretched out her hand to him.

Faced with such an abrupt request, Ye Ting looked at Fei Ju and asked her for her opinion.

Unexpectedly, Feiju, who was usually not allowed to be touched by strangers, actually agreed to Luna's request this time.

So, Ye Ting handed Feiju into the girl's hands. Under his gaze, Feiju was held in the girl's arms obediently, without even showing any signs of uneasiness.

She even twisted her body, found a comfortable position, and fell asleep in Luna's arms.

This scene shocked Ye Ting and Hermione.

"Feiju, you have changed..." Hermione said to the kitten in a pitiful tone, "When I first met you, you were so indifferent to me, so unloving and unresponsive. She didn't even let me touch her, but now, why are you so obedient and obedient to her? It's obviously the first time we've met..."

However, when faced with Hermione's question, Feiju just turned his head away, as if he didn't hear what Hermione said.

Ye Ting was also a little baffled by this situation. Apart from himself, Luna was the first person who could establish a good relationship with Fei Ju when they first met and let her sleep in his arms with peace of mind.

From this perspective, it is indeed a magical girl.

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