With the arrival of a new batch of Death Eaters, the battle between the two sides is almost on the verge of breaking out again.

Among the Aurors, the deep and loud voice shouted again.

"The first and second groups maintain the Patronus Charm, and everyone else immediately launches an attack on the intruders. Here, on behalf of the Ministry of Magic in the name of the Director of the Auror Office, I allow you to use the spell without restriction."

The speaker was standing among the Aurors. His brown hair and thick eyebrows were mixed with strands of gray. Behind his gold-rimmed glasses were a pair of sharp yellow eyes. Although his legs were a little lame, he stood up with a sense of stability. Straightforward and chic, people immediately feel that he is a sharp and tough guy.

This was none other than Rufus Scrimgeour, Head of the Auror Office.

This is a typical hawkish necromancer in the Ministry of Magic, who like Bones advocates tough confrontation with Voldemort.

In the original book, after Fudge stepped down and Bones was killed by Voldemort, Scrimgeour succeeded him as Minister of Magic.

However, although he was determined to fight against Voldemort, he was eventually caught by Voldemort and did not compromise under severe torture. He can indeed be called a strong fighter.

However, he was not a qualified minister in terms of his strategy against Voldemort.

In the original book, while fighting Voldemort, he was still suspicious of Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix. Not only did he not cooperate with them, he also tried to send Aurors to track Dumbledore.

In addition, many of his strategies only used manpower to maintain peace in the British necromancer community on the surface, but did not really play a role in fighting the Death Eaters. On the contrary, they could be said to be drinking poison to quench thirst.

It can be said that although he has sufficient ability and attitude, he is just a tactician and has made no strategic achievements.

In short, his strategy misses the mark.

However, now that the leader of the Ministry of Magic is Bones, Scrimgeour, who is only responsible for tactics, performed quite well.

Whether it was the decisive destruction of the ceiling just now, it almost nipped the Death Eater invasion in the bud.

Or his decisive on-the-spot response now, all of which demonstrate his ability as an Auror leader.

Scrimgeour has been an Auror for more than thirty years, and has been the director of the Auror Office for more than ten years. Over the years, he has established unparalleled prestige among Aurors.

Among all the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic, perhaps only Bones's prestige among Aurors, which he has established through his "exhaustive" orders in recent days, can rival him.

So under his order, the next moment, except for a dozen people, the rest of the Aurors launched an attack on the Death Eaters in unison.

This time the Aurors were not using soft attack magic such as the Full Body Binding Charm, the Stunning Charm, and the Disarming Charm.

They retaliated against the Death Eaters decisively, using aggressive poison spells, curses, and even black magic, and shot them at the Death Eaters from their spells.

For a moment, the Death Eaters who were caught off guard could only barely parry, and several of them fell down at that time.

However, the situation still developed in a direction that was unfavorable to the Aurors.

Although Scrimgeour mobilized almost all the necromancers in Azkaban, they were still gradually unable to cope with the constant stream of Death Eaters and betrayal dementors.

In fact, in terms of overall power, the Ministry of Magic still has the upper hand over Voldemort.

However, the Ministry of Magic has too many areas to defend.

Even if he had foreseen Voldemort's plan to attack Azkaban, Bones could not say that all Aurors would be transferred there.

Otherwise, if Voldemort sees the lack of defense in a certain place, abandons the plan to attack Azkaban, and launches a raid elsewhere, it will be self-defeating.

And now, Scrimgeour has realized that Voldemort may really be desperate.

Because, now he suddenly realized that the number of Death Eaters transmitted through the portkey had greatly exceeded him and his men, and among these people, he even saw Fenrir Greyback, the Death Eater. The leader of the werewolves among the Dead Apostles.

As soon as this powerful werewolf leader appeared, he and his men caught the Aurors off guard. Two or three Aurors were pounced on, and some were even bitten.

You know, after a person is attacked by a werewolf, he will be infected with werewolf poison and become a new werewolf.

Moreover, as a ferocious magical creature, werewolves are not only agile, but their fur also has a certain degree of magic resistance. A slightly weaker necromancer cannot even hurt them.

Even well-trained Aurors were entangled by werewolves for a while.

For them, this is simply adding insult to injury.

Scrimgeour himself had to take action himself, and was able to temporarily repel Fenrir.

However, with the appearance of werewolves and the constant arrival of Death Eater reinforcements, he had to command the Aurors to retreat step by step.

Originally, they were encircling the Death Eaters, but now they had to shrink their front line, and the two sides fought a positional battle.

They were like infantrymen in World War II, forming a defensive front against each other and then shooting at each other from afar.

The difference is that Muggle soldiers shoot bullets and cannonballs, while necromancers use colorful spells.

The Muggles defended themselves with trenches and sandbags, while they used the Armor Charm and the Barrier Charm.

Today, the Death Eaters are commanded by brother and sister Alecto Carrow and Amycus Carrow. They are one of the few pure-blood families after Lucius Malfoy and other pure-blood families were wiped out.

Ability and status of Death Eaters with relatively high status.

Therefore, Voldemort had no choice but to recruit taller ones among the dwarfs and let them be responsible for leading and commanding the rest of the Death Eaters.

Definitely, the ones with higher status than them and who did not go to jail are Barty Crouch Jr. and Peter Pettigrew, but they also have their own tasks.

Now, under the orders of the Carrow brothers and sisters, the Death Eaters, whose average quality is lower than that of the Aurors, have launched a brutal attack based on their numerical superiority, vowing to kill all the Aurors guarding Azkaban and rescue their companions. .

"Come on!" Amycus stood behind his colleagues and shouted loudly, "Don't even think about retreating! Unless you want to see the wrath of the Dark Lord! Kill those nasty Aurors quickly!"


As he spoke, he casually used the Cruciatus Curse on a Death Eater who was trying to retreat.

A man in black robe immediately fell to the ground, huddled up and made a painful sound.

The surrounding Death Eaters ducked away in fear, and then attacked the Auror harder.

"This is the fate of deserters!" Amycus said proudly, "Those who want to cheat and cheat, just try it, I will make you regret being born!"

The Death Eaters attacked vigorously, the werewolves constantly attacked the Aurors, and hundreds of dementors in the sky circled around and stared at them with the resistance of the patron saints.

The Aurors retreated steadily, almost to the stairs.

However, once they got here, they never retreated.

Because starting from the next level, there are prison compartments.

Once breached, the Death Eaters were able to rescue some of their companions. Originally, their constant reinforcements had left the Aurors Alexander, and the addition of these new forces would definitely make their situation worse.

However, although his men suffered heavy casualties, Scrimgeour did not panic at all.

As a high-ranking member of the Ministry of Magic and the leader of the Aurors, he knew the current plan and who was standing behind them.

That was someone who could fight against Voldemort.

Even if the Dark Lord comes in person, he is not afraid.

Now that there are enough Death Eaters, the tasks of these Aurors stationed in Azkaban as bait have been basically completed.

Therefore, the ambush on their side should also be able to dispatch thousands. .

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