When Ye Ting took several girls and rushed to Azkaban through the preset portkey, the Death Eaters and the Ministry of Magic were in a confrontation.

He looked around and suddenly discovered that the situation was indeed quite complicated.

At the moment they were on the top floor of Azkaban, and the debris on the ceiling upstairs told him that the real top floor had been destroyed by the battle.

The cracked masonry on the ground, large and small gravels, deep pits on the ground, cracks on the walls, and corpses lying everywhere all tell the story of the fierce battle.

Although the space expansion spell makes the area of ​​Azkaban appear quite large, at the moment, the place is still a little crowded.

Both sides of the battlefield were crowded with people... and definitely non-humans.

At the Ministry of Magic, Ye Ting saw many familiar people.

The leader was none other than his collaborator, Ms. Bones, the director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

Next to her is Rufus Scrimgeour, who leads the Auror team, 11 definitely, and many necromancers who are affiliated with the Ministry of Magic but are not Aurors. These necromancers may be from other departments in the Ministry of Magic. Civilian departments, but they all originally have good strength, enough to play a role in this battle - no, war.

Definitely, there are many necromancers from the Order of the Phoenix.

Not to mention Sirius Black and Remus Lupine, in addition, there are Kingsley and Tonks who are Aurors, and Alastor Moody, the re-employed former Auror, who is prohibited from abusing Muggles. Arthur Weasley of the Objects Office and Mrs. Weasley... definitely, many members of the Order who were not officials of the Ministry of Magic were among them.

However, Ye Ting did not see Dumbledore.

Not counting the dead and injured necromancers lying on the ground, there are already a hundred people in total. Although almost half of them are injured and everyone is disgraced, overall, they are in good condition.

This is all the power that the Ministry of Magic can muster.

On the other side, standing were their old enemies, the Death Eaters.

Compared to the Ministry of Magic, they look much pitiful.

At the moment, Ye Ting could see only a few dozen necromancers belonging to the Death Eaters. The others were all knocked to the ground, and their lives were uncertain. The black robes on the ground were proof of their identities.

The standing Death Eaters are also in relatively bad shape. Except for Crouch Jr. and a few other leaders, most of the other Death Eaters can barely stand still - after all, their average quality is much worse than that of the Ministry of Magic. .

The reason why the Death Eaters have always been able to suppress the Ministry of Magic is that they stand in the dark, take the initiative, are supported by a group of powerful pure-blood families with a long history, and are ruthless and have no scruples.

However, at the moment, all the advantages of the Death Eaters were eliminated by Ye Ting's series of plans.

Standing in the dark, they were now forced by Ye Ting to take the initiative to attack with all their might, and then fell into the ambush of the Ministry of Magic. [As a result, they had to confront the Ministry of Magic head-on without weakening the Ministry of Magic's strength.

They have always taken the initiative. This time it seems that they are taking the initiative, but in fact they just have to take this step.

Those powerful pure-blood families were wiped out in advance, which caused them to lose most of their high-end power.

And their ruthless and unscrupulous advantages cannot be used at all, because in this battlefield of Azkaban, there are no factors that make the Ministry of Magic have scruples: there are no civilians who will be accidentally injured, and the principle of Muggle society is not will be exposed, and the Ministry of Magic has also relaxed the restrictions on spells in combat. Black magic and the Unforgivable Curse can no longer only be used by Death Eaters.

Under such circumstances, as stragglers and terrorists, how could the Death Eaters defeat the regular army?

When the battle in Azkaban began, the fate of the Death Eaters was doomed.

.......It was originally supposed to be like this.

But now, it was the Ministry of Magic who had the upper hand who looked nervous, dignified and fearful.

But the Death Eaters, who seemed almost to be wiped out, were the proud and arrogant ones.

This was because, in front of the Death Eaters, Ye Ting saw a familiar, ugly, noseless face.

Voldemort has appeared in Azkaban in person.

It seems that he has just appeared. However, as the second-generation Dark Lord who once caused great terror in the necromancer world, even if he died once, Voldemort still caused a great shock to the necromancers of the Ministry of Magic.

In other words, it was precisely because of his death that it had a more shocking impact on the necromancers of the Ministry of Magic than before.

After all, who wouldn't be afraid of a demon that even death can't defeat?

For most of the decent necromancers present, rumors of Voldemort's resurrection have been circulating for several months. Testimonies and evidence about Voldemort's resurrection are everywhere, but for them, seeing the resurrected Voldemort with their own eyes, This is also the first time.

Although they had long believed that Voldemort had been resurrected - otherwise they would not be here today, but until they saw the ugly noseless face with their own eyes, they were completely convinced of this fact.

Definitely, it was not only Voldemort who frightened them, but also other people who came to Azkaban with Voldemort, or other "people".

Although these creatures are classified as "people" in the Ministry of Magic, they are not human beings.

These "people" were twenty feet tall, dressed in simple and tattered clothes, and armed with huge amounts of wooden clubs. The floors of Azkaban were just a small courtyard to them.

They are giants, 123 a kind of cruel and low-intelligence humanoid creatures, very aggressive, they live in tribes, and their diet even includes humans.

Because of this, although giants have strong magic resistance, almost all the giants in Britain were killed by necromancers a long time ago [now these are found by Voldemort from the mountains of Europe.

There are now eight or nine giants appearing in Azkaban. Their presence makes Azkaban seem more crowded, and it is their chief Gao Gaoma who leads them.

For the Ministry of Magic, although these giants can be considered a big trouble, there is generally not enough evidence because ordinary Aurors can easily play with giants in their hands.

A small team of Aurors is enough to surround and annihilate an adult giant.

However, when they appeared here, everything was different.

In such a small (for giants) place, with necromancers assisting them, the giants are almost fatal to them, because giants with strong magic resistance and huge bodies can easily tear apart their formations, and they Due to the presence of Death Eaters and Voldemort, it was impossible to launch a siege on the giant.

In the air, hundreds of Dementors were already ready to move, ready to cooperate with their allies and launch an attack.

Everything is quite unfavorable for the Ministry of Magic. .

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