With the death of Nagini, the soul fragments belonging to Voldemort in Nagini's body also disappeared into nothingness.

Although this soul fragment was made into a Horcrux, it still had a certain connection with Voldemort's soul.

In other words, the soul originally, as the foundation of life, is a complete whole. Although it can be cut using special methods, no matter how far the time and space are between the soul fragments, there is a stable and immediate connection with each other.

This connection is somewhat similar to quantum entanglement in quantum mechanics - two particles in a quantum entangled state are still related even if they are several light years apart; when the first one is manipulated and the state changes, the other one changes state. Corresponding status changes will also occur immediately~.

Perhaps, the soul is originally composed of special particles and is a quantum-subsystem in a state of quantum entanglement?

At present, Ye Ting has not tried to combine the theories of science and magic, so this is just his guess.

However, no matter what, the destruction of the Horcrux immediately affected Voldemort himself.

This process brought great pain to Voldemort himself.

However, the pain of body and soul is not what scares Voldemort the most.

What really made him panic was the purpose behind Ye Ting's killing of Nagini.

Although Nagini's combat effectiveness has greatly increased after Voldemort's transformation, that is only for ordinary necromancers.

For necromancers of Voldemort's level, Nagini's combat power does not pose much of a threat to them.

Even Dumbledore's Phoenix Fawkes, if it didn't have various magical abilities - tears to heal wounds, resurrection ability to block knives - its combat power alone would not be enough to compare with Dumbledore's own battles of the same level. .

So, why did Ye Ting deliberately divert his attention at the beginning of his battle with Voldemort, just to kill Nagini when Voldemort was caught off guard?

There are many possibilities. For example, Ye Ting is afraid of snakes, or Ye Ting just wants to humiliate Voldemort...

However, most of these possibilities are unreliable.

The only possibility that seemed reasonable to Voldemort was the possibility that he least wanted to believe and least wanted to let it become a fact, and that was...

Ye Ting has discovered Voldemort's biggest secret.

That is the secret about Voldemort's immortality and the secret of Horcruxes.

The fundamental reason why Voldemort is so arrogant now and dares to cause trouble in the necromancer world while the greatest white necromancer, Dumbledore, is still alive is that he has always been confident.

The immortality brought by the Horcrux allowed him to transcend this world and view reality at a higher level.

Anyway, every death is just a temporary failure. No matter what, he has a chance to come back. In this case, what's wrong with trying to commit suicide a little bit?

But now, he had a bad premonition in his heart: his real reliance all along, his capital to commit suicide, and his biggest weakness, may have been mastered.

However, despite the intense pain all over his body and the panic in his heart, Voldemort still remained calm.

He looked panicked, slowly struggled to get up from the ground, and asked Ye Ting weakly.

"What...did you...do to me? Why.........I am.........so...weak..."

Seeing that Voldemort was clearly panicking but had to pretend, Ye Ting laughed out loud.

"Thank you for pretending to ask me this question," Ye Ting said while laughing and walking leisurely around Voldemort, "Looking at your surprised look, in fact, you are surprised by something else. Come on...don't you know why you are so weak now?"

Seeing Voldemort getting more and more panicked but still holding on, Ye Ting's malicious initiative broke the last bit of luck in his heart.

"Let's put it this way, I have long seen through the taboo rituals you held more than ten years ago as the basis for your resurrection."

Ye Ting's cold words were like a bolt from the blue, shocking Voldemort.

He could hardly believe it was true.

If Ye Ting really sees through his secret, then...

Before Voldemort spoke, Ye Ting suddenly spoke.

"Your next sentence is, why do you...know this?"

"Why do you know this? What?"

As soon as he blurted out his inner doubts, Voldemort was fooled by Ye Ting.

This situation of guessing what the other party wanted to say in advance made Voldemort almost feel that Ye Ting was a more powerful Legilimency master than him.

Unknowingly, he broke through the Occlumency of his self-proclaimed necromancer, Legilimency, and gained insight into his inner thoughts.

In an instant, Voldemort's fear of Ye Ting went up to several levels.

In response, Ye Jian just smiled in response.

He wouldn't tell Voldemort, he just guessed what Voldemort was going to say.

‥…Please give me flowers…………

After all, no matter how thoughtful Voldemort is, at the moment when the biggest secret in his heart is revealed, he will be completely unable to control his emotions like ordinary people.

In this case, it is normal to blurt out what you want to ask.

Ye Ting only needs to make a reasonable guess.

This little trick, if Voldemort has time to recall everything about the battle after the battle and think about it a little deeply, with his IQ, he will soon understand it.

However, that also requires him to have a chance to survive until the end of the battle.

But now, Voldemort, who was thinking all about his secret being revealed and filled with shock, was being led by Ye Ting without even realizing it.

Ye Ting, on the other hand, was still slowly circling around Voldemort, avoiding the "precognition and seeing through" just now, and instead slowly revealed the biggest secret in Voldemort's heart.

"Tom Riddle, you are just a poor guy with great power," Ye Ting said sarcastically as he walked away: "Everyone thinks you are the Dark Lord and is afraid of your power, but in my opinion , you are simply a lunatic living in your own world, using a few immature theories learned from Grindelwald and your own magical ability to conquer the world. With you like this, even your thoughts are not your own. Yes, a guy who just relies on his immortality to act recklessly is nothing more than a joke.

"You mudblood...how dare you say such words..."

Voldemort vigilantly followed Ye Ting's footsteps and spun on the spot, keeping Ye Ting within his sight, while angrily retorting to Ye Ting's ridicule.

But deep down in his heart, he had been counting on Ye Ting to speak more, so that he would have more time to relieve the severe pain in his soul.

The severe pain from the destruction of the Horcrux has indeed greatly reduced his combat effectiveness. If Ye Ting takes action directly, he will have no choice but to escape and the current situation will be destroyed.

Ye Ting was just taunting him now. In Voldemort's view, it was because he didn't understand Horcruxes as well as himself, so he didn't see his current state. Maybe the other party was still doubting whether his painful look was Just an appearance.

Therefore, Voldemort must seize this opportunity that Ye Ting does not understand and restore his state. .

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