Like the European Middle Ages, the kings and noble lords of Azeroth all established their country by force.

Therefore, military merit is an important criterion for determining the status of a noble in their evaluation system.

From the perspective of the humans in Azeroth, the orcs, who are crudely dressed, have backward weapons, and still rule in a tribal form, are undoubtedly a barbaric nation.

Therefore, the human nobles who claim to be a civilized race naturally look down upon them, and even regard them as the same thing as the Gurubashi trolls near the Kingdom of Stormwind.

Therefore, in the first battle with the orcs, many nobles of the Stormwind Kingdom regarded this war as a good job to gain military glory, and sent their children into the army one after another.

However, what they faced was a tragic defeat.

Under Lothar's wise leadership, the human army relied on good equipment, strict military formations, and the cooperation of various arms to successfully repel the orcs. However, they also suffered heavy casualties. Including the nobles, almost everyone in Stormwind City today There are people I know who left their lives on the battlefield.

Therefore, every time we talk about that war, it is a painful memory for everyone in Stormwind City.

In such an atmosphere, Ye Ting also followed the local customs and observed a moment of silence.

Then, Ye Ting looked at Anduin Lothar.

"As far as I know, the armaments of the Kingdom of Stormwind are second only to the Kingdom of Lordaeron among the human nations. As a direct descendant of Emperor Thoradin, General Lothar can also be said to be a famous general with a family background. Why? Suffering such a big loss in the war with the orcs? Even the trolls of Gurubashi would not be able to cause Stormwind City's army to suffer such heavy casualties.

In fact, Ye Ting definitely knew what was going on, but now he was playing the role of a messenger who came from afar and didn't know the truth, so he had to pretend to be stupid for a while.

Lothar sighed when Ye Ting asked about this.

"We are still too careless and underestimate these savage orcs. Lord Lever does not know something. We thought that the orcs are just another kind of trolls that we have never seen, but in fact, they are much more powerful than the trolls. These green-skinned monsters are quite bloodthirsty and war-like, and are extremely powerful. Even the strongest guys among humans would have a hard time blocking an orc's attack head-on."

"Really?" Ye Ting nodded, "How about comparing with the troll?"

"Trolls?" Lothar sneered, "Compared to these orcs who can fight us head-on, those Bigfoots can only cause us some trouble in the jungle.

—That is the Loa whom you have never seen the trolls before.

Ye Ting cursed in his heart, but did not say it out loud and continued to listen to Lothar's description.

"I am ashamed to say that although we won this battle, it was a tactical and strategic victory, and we had the advantage of magic. In fact, in terms of frontal combat, the difference between our soldiers and these green-skinned monsters The casualty ratio is almost three to one. If it is the militiamen who take up arms temporarily, it may take ten to twenty people to replace one orc."

Speaking of this, Lothar was still a little frightened.

"So exaggerated?" Ye Ting raised his eyebrows, "So, do you have any orc prisoners? Or corpses. I want to see these monsters in action.

After hearing this request, Lothar looked at King Lois.

King Lois nodded.

"Then, Livda magician, please come with me."

Under the leadership of Lothar, Ye Ting walked through the long corridor, went down the rotating stone steps, and arrived at the Dungeon in Stormwind City. King Lois also accompanied him personally.

In a separate cell deep in Dungeon, Ye Ting saw a green-skinned monk.

Although he knew something about this race in his previous life, this was the first time he saw this race.

This orc is about two meters tall, with rough green skin all over his body. Under the tattered leather armor, there are all kinds of scars. Some are new, and some have been there for a long time.

Compared with trolls, orcs are shorter and stockier, and they also have a pair of tusks (bbeb), which makes them look very ferocious.

From so far away, Ye Ting could smell the orc's stench.

"This is the orc warrior we captured after the battle," Lothar introduced. "During the battle, he killed six of our elite soldiers with a big axe. In the end, he was too injured to escape and was killed. Stayed on the battlefield.”

Upon discovering that someone was coming, the orc immediately grabbed the railings of the prison and squeezed forward crazily. At the same time, it opened its mouth and let out a bloodthirsty roar.

Seeing the sudden rise of the orcs, the nearby guards immediately drew out their sharp swords and pointed them at him.

However, he seemed not to see it. After roaring for a while, the orc began to speak loudly in an unfamiliar language, but no one present could understand it.

Realizing that the orcs in front of him still did not change their ferocity even after being imprisoned, even Lothar frowned. He realized that he still underestimated the enemy's madness.

If every orc were so warlike...

Lothar could no longer imagine it.

On the other side, Ye Ting walked towards the orc with some curiosity, wanting to observe it up close.

Seeing one of his enemies approaching, the orc thought he had found an opportunity, and actually wanted to grab Ye Ting from the gap between the railings.

When the guards saw this, they immediately stepped forward to stop him.

"Sir, please step back and don't let this monster hurt you.

But Ye Ting pushed them away easily.

"Don't worry, I'm a magician, he won't hurt me that easily." After Ye Ting said that, he continued to walk towards the orc.

Perhaps because they understood Ye Ting's words, or perhaps were surprised by Ye Ting's strength, the two guards did not try to stop him again.

Lothar and Lois, who were standing behind, couldn't help but be stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

They saw with their own eyes that the envoy from Dalaran could easily separate two elite soldiers with his strength alone.

How can this be?

Aren't magicians just "freaks" and "nerds" who have no power to restrain themselves?

If magicians have such power, how can they be messed up as warriors?

The two looked at each other, and both saw surprise in their friend's eyes.

"This magician is not simple."

This is their common conclusion.

Ye Ting, on the other hand, ignored what they thought and walked towards the orcs on his own.

Facing the green-skinned monster in front of him that was trying to catch him, Ye Ting just stretched out his hands, pointed at the orc, and muttered something at the same time.

As his hands emitted the radiance of arcane magic, the prison railings immediately began to shapeshift, turning into thick iron chains that wrapped around the orcs like spiritual snakes.

Although the strong orc warrior tried to struggle, he was still unable to defeat the tough iron chains. He was quickly tied up tightly, and his hands and feet were stretched out in an X shape, like a bird waiting to be slaughtered.

Ye Ting took out the Infinity Sword from his pocket, used shapeshifting to turn it into a small knife, and then came to the orc holding the knife. .

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