At the dock of Nanhai Town, the fleet finally docked.

A group of people in armor disembarked first, looking like a group of soldiers. The leader was tall, bald, with a resolute face and a thick beard. His armor had clearly seen countless battles, and he carried a golden rune sword on his back.

He is none other than the supreme commander of the Stormwind Kingdom, Anduin Lothar.

Behind him, King Lois of the Storm Kingdom and his queen, who were also covered in armor, hugged a young prince and Shi Shiran got off the ship surrounded by many guards and entourage. In the crowd, the mayor of Nanhai Town showed a humble smile and stepped forward to greet him.

The communication between the two parties went quite smoothly. King Terenas Menai Hill III of Lordaeron has already given orders for everything. Near Southsea Town, a temporary settlement for refugees from the Kingdom of Stormwind has begun to be constructed, waiting to be settled at any time.

The only thing unexpected was the time of the Stormwind City Keep.

The news that Stormwind City had been breached and that the soldiers and civilians of the Kingdom of Stormwind had to flee the Kingdom of Lordaeron swept across the entire continent of Lordaeron within a day.

Now everyone realizes that the invasion of the orcs is not a small trouble, or even a war between countries, but a dispute between races.

But before the orcs actually attacked the continent of Lordaeron, concerns and retreats still existed.

In order to form a coalition force as soon as possible to counterattack the Kingdom of Stormwind, after arranging the refugee matters, Lois and Lothar rode griffins and headed to the capital of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the city of Lordaeron. The queen and prince followed, escorted by cavalry.

Definitely, as magicians who had experienced that war and were (temporarily) affiliated with Dalaran, Ye Ting and Khadgar also went with Lane.

The distance from Nanhai Town to Lordaeron City is not that close. Even riding a gryphon took everyone three days.

Stormwind City is a tall, majestic city with numerous towers and circular staircases, all made of solid stone. At the same time, it is as bright as a mirror and is not afraid of the sea wind. But now they see another capital city that has its own unique style and is just as lovable.

She is not like Stormwind, the most obvious thing is that she is not that tall.

She is not tall, but what complements that is her elegance.

She is located on the north shore of Lake Lordamre, faintly blended with the silvery white lake light. It's not as dazzling as Stormwind City, but it can make the sunlight naturally emanate from the city instead of overshadowing it. Quiet, peaceful, and even sacred.

"This is a great country..." Khadgar introduced at the side, "If you ask me, if the climate could be warmer, it would be perfect."

They cast their sights into the distance. On the south bank of the lake, another city stood.

Her lines are as graceful as the capital, but this mirror-like city also has its own uniqueness. Her high walls and steeples glowed with the soft hue of violet.

"That's Dalaran," Ye Ting said, "the lair of the Kirin Tor Magician. That's where Khadgar and I came."

"Yes, that was my hometown, before I was sent to be Medivh's apprentice." Khadgar said.

"Perhaps you will have the opportunity to return to your hometown in the future, even if it is only for a short time," Lois said, "but for now we have to focus on the capital."

He kicked his mount, and the griffon slowly took a few steps forward and walked out of the shadowy silver pine forest. Lothar, Ye Ting, Khadgar and the other soldiers immediately followed.

Out of respect for Lordaeron, they let the griffins land before reaching the city and did not fly directly into the city of Lordaeron.

The group of people arrived at the city gate. There were soldiers guarding the city, but the two gates were completely open, enough for two to three convoys to enter side by side. The guards were now aware of their approach early in the morning, and a group of distinctive, red-robed warriors stepped forward.

"Dear Your Majesty Lois, the city of Lordaeron welcomes you," the guard captain bowed, "His Majesty the King has already given instructions, and he will be waiting for you at the Throne Celebration."

Under the escort of the guards, everyone passed through the bustling city of Lordaeron and arrived at the entrance of the palace. The griffon was handed over to his subordinates, and Lois led everyone into the palace.

They passed through the outer gate of the palace and entered a wide courtyard. It is almost like an outdoor garden, with a series of small pavilions on both sides. At the end of the courtyard, a few steps further is a series of gates, all open, leading directly to the throne room.

It was a majestic hall, its vaults high overhead and its corners lost in shadow. The entire room is circular, with arches and columns scattered throughout. Golden sunlight shines in from the faded glass in the center of the vault, illuminating the intricate pattern on the ground: a series of nested rings, each different, with an equilateral triangle inside the centermost one.

Engraved with the golden emblem of Lordaeron.

On the other side of the pattern is placed a round table. Its concentric staircases end in a throne of huge amounts, seemingly made of glowing stone. The surface is smooth and the corners are full of strength and style. A tall figure was reflected on the chair. His golden hair was slightly gray, his armor shimmered, and the shape of the crown on his head was more like a spiked helmet than a crown.

There are also many people gathered here, from citizens to laborers to farmers. Keeping a decent distance, facing the throne. They carried a variety of items, from small pieces of parchment to various foods. However, after Ye Ting and others approached, it seemed that due to their gorgeous clothes and identities, they automatically separated and quietly retreated to both sides.

When he looked at the visitor's face, the man who was sitting on the throne suddenly stood up. He strode off the throne and came to Lois and hugged him tightly.

"..Ah, old friend," the king said loudly, his blue and green eyes full of excitement, "You are finally here. I am glad to see you arrived here safely."

"Yes, a blessing among misfortunes." Lois was also filled with emotion, "But, Terenas, we need to talk alone."

"Definitely," (Mano Zhao) Terenas said, looking at the surrounding subjects, "Please let us talk alone."

Although the wording is very polite, it is still a command. People obeyed immediately, and in a blink of an eye, only a few nobles and guards were left. Lois's entourage also stepped aside, leaving only Lois, Lothar, Ye Ting and Khadgar.

"I'm sorry that I can't help you." Terenas said blaming himself, "Gilneas and Alterac have been refusing, and many nobles are also doubtful about the threat of the orcs. But don't worry, I will do it. Anything I can do to help you restore your homeland. However, before that, maybe you can tell me some actual conditions about the orcs."

"Definitely, old friend, that's why we're here." Lois nodded, and then started chatting with Terenas.

Lois described in detail the complete experience of the war with the orcs, Terenas asked questions from time to time, and Lothar supplemented Lois. .

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