Although Sinsaro is surrounded by mountains on three sides, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but Ye Ting could not attack and let the geographical advantage of being surrounded by mountains on three sides become the deathbed of the Evil Branch Troll.

He only needs to arrange for the alliance to build a barrier outside Sinsaro to completely block the way for the Evil Branch Troll to leave.

With the topography of Sinsaro, building such a barrier only requires enclosing one side.

Then, the Evil Branch Trolls of Sinsaro were completely unable to leave this dead place. The blessed land that originally protected them instantly turned into a tomb where they were buried. They could either choose to desperately attack the alliance's defense line waiting for work, or they could only be trapped in Sinsaro and wait~ die.

If you choose the former, then the alliance is the one on the defensive side with the geographical advantage. Even the suggested wooden city wall can block the now weakened Evil Branch Troll, and drain the last drop of the Evil Branch Troll's blood on this line of defense.

If you choose the latter, the city will not produce food, and the final outcome of the trap will be starvation, especially in this city where all the old, weak, women and children of the Evil Branch Trolls are concentrated - although the trolls can really survive due to their cannibalistic nature. It took a long time, but in the end it was inevitable to die.

However, the above strategy finally became an idea.

There is no way, the main problem is time.

With the threat of orcs, it was impossible for Ye Ting to implement this plan, because if the Evil Branch Troll did not choose to break out proactively, but chose to be trapped in the isolated city, it would still be able to persist for a long time.

At least it won't be a problem for more than half a year.

But by that time, Zeng Ren had already called.

Once the situation on the front line is unfavorable and the orcs break through the defenses of the coastline and Sador Bridge and attack the continent of Lordaeron, the Hinterlands, which has no defense, may become the target of the orcs.

In this way, the defenders responsible for trapping Sinsaro will inevitably be attacked from both sides, and the blockade of the Evil Branch Troll will definitely fail - it is a matter of course that the orcs who are in urgent need of allies will help the Evil Branch Demon.

Ye Ting couldn't tolerate the possibility of failure of the plan, so he had to find another way.

However, given the terrain near Sinsaro, other methods are not impossible.

After the troops arrived at the city of Sinsaro, Ye Ting did not rush to arrange an siege. Instead, he ordered the army to firmly guard the roads connecting Sinsaro to the outside and not let any troll out.

He himself and several magicians rode griffins, flew high into the sky, and observed the terrain near Zinsaro from a high position. Kurdran Wildhammer personally led the team as their escort.

Under Ye Ting's order, the griffin took them flying higher and higher until it was higher than the entire Sinsaro and its nearby mountains.

This is about a few hundred meters high. Although at this height, the roaring wind blowing in the ears brought chills to everyone, but Ye Ting did not take it seriously. He ordered the griffon to circle slowly, and then began to observe The geographical environment of this generation.

Next to him, a thick notebook was floating. As he moved, there was a quill on the notebook that was writing and drawing quickly without anyone controlling it. If anyone looked closer, they would find that Xingsaro The geographical graphics of the nearby mountains are vividly displayed on the paper under the work of the quill pen.

The magician next to him looked at this scene with envy.

Although the magic of manipulating objects in a small range with thoughts is very basic, and spells such as Magician Hand can even replace the hands to make precise movements, however, like Ye Ting, the pen can automatically control drawings through dictation and thought projection. , it is not something that ordinary magicians can do.

At least these high elf magicians have never seen such magic. In their opinion, this kind of spell that can greatly reduce the daily workload should be Ye Ting's unique skill.

However, they did not spend too much time on envy and jealousy, because they also had their own tasks.

The conditions of the mountains near Sinsaro cannot be recorded by just drawing a few pictures. Ye Ting not only asked them to actually measure and draw the shape of the mountain, but also asked them to explore the geology of the mountain and whether there were caves and lotuses inside the mountain.

Although these requirements obviously had little to do with the military, they still complied obediently out of compliance with Ye Ting's orders.

After all, Ye Ting led them to continuously annihilate the Amani trolls and most of the troll tribes in the Hinterlands, and now the only remaining Evil Branch trolls are just hanging on.

This kind of record gave Ye Ting enough prestige - among them, Ye Ting's achievement in causing civil strife among the Hinterlands trolls through tactics was particularly important.

In their minds, these strange requests might be to prepare some new plan.

As high-level magicians, these high elves are all knowledgeable people. At least they have sufficient attainments in mathematics and basic calculations.

…Please give me flowers…………

At the same time, there are also people among them who have a good understanding of geology and ores. After all, many spell casting materials and alchemy materials are derived from various minerals, which results in some magicians needing to master relevant knowledge.

Therefore, these guys, who are considered to be the most high-end talents even on earth, can help Ye Ting do some surveying and mapping work.

They just rode griffins and wandered around Sinsaro for a whole day, and even landed on the mountains near Sinsaro several times for on-the-spot inspections.

This process undoubtedly made the trolls of Zinzaro suspicious for a whole day.

Without air power, in most cases they are lambs to be slaughtered when facing the Alliance's air force. Therefore, Ye Ting's measurement behavior caused great misunderstandings to the trolls.

However, Ye Ting doesn't care about the feelings of these turtles in the jar.

After completing the recording, Ye Ting returned to the camp with these data and many topographic maps and planing plans, and began intense calculations. He didn't even pay attention to the temptations of Alleria and Hillvanas.

Early the next morning, Ye Ting gathered all the magicians and announced his plan.

As soon as he came up, he expressed his thoughts straight to the point.

"I plan to use earthquakes to affect the mountains near Sinsaro and bury the city with rock."

All the Magicians looked at me and I looked at you, and they all expressed great surprise at this plan. However, after thinking about it carefully, they felt that this plan was very feasible.

"However, ordinary earthquake spells should not be able to have such a big impact." A magician put forward his own opinion, "Although normal earthquake spells can knock down ordinary houses, they cannot affect even stronger city walls. "

"I have definitely considered this," Ye Ting nodded, "So we need to cast spells together - I need to use your strength."

"We have the unshirkable responsibility," another older magician responded, and then raised his question, "However, the effects of the earthquake spell are really uncontrollable. How can we make the results of the earthquake as we want? What to do if a mountain collapses in another direction?"

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