The civil strife caused by the ogres undoubtedly prevented the orc army from fully attacking the alliance's defense line. For a time, the pressure on the alliance was greatly reduced.

Lothar seized this opportunity and decisively began to regroup his cavalry, preparing to take this opportunity to launch a general attack on the enemy.

Although Liadrin, Uther and the paladins under them are still holding the death knight in check and have not returned, time no longer gives the Alliance the chance to wait for them.

To win decisively, the Alliance must launch an attack before the orcs' chaos returns.

"Ready the cavalry!" Lothar shouted. "Blow the charge!"

Lothar's adjutant Turalyon made a signal to the herald, who blew a loud trumpet.

Then, the warriors on horseback began to line up, with Lothar standing at the front on horseback, and Turalyon and other officers also joined in and stood behind the commander.

This time, Ye Ting did not follow them again.

First, in the previous defensive battle, the alliance had weakened the tribe enough. As long as Lothar gave the order for a full-scale attack, the remaining battles would be won without his influence.

Secondly, in the final stage of the war, the alliance could not do everything just by relying on cavalry. When Lothar personally led the cavalry to attack, Ye Ting had to stay behind to command the remaining troops and cooperate with Lothar's cavalry to complete the decisive attack on the tribe.

The shield wall opened a passage for them, and they ran down the hill. The height of the ramp gave the cavalry a very high initial speed. They raised their lances and charged towards the orcs in a sharp arrow formation.

Facing the chaotic orcs, the alliance's cavalry plowed through the enemy's ranks mercilessly as if they were in an uninhabited land, blazing a path filled with blood and flesh.

Soon, they tore apart the tribe's formation and reached the rear. Lothar made a gesture, and everyone reined in their horses and turned back.

On the alliance side, Ye Ting also saw their results, so he issued orders to the two high elf commanders.

"The commander has broken through the enemy formation. The high elf rangers are aiming at all the orcs directly in front, with full firepower, to cover the return of the cavalry.

Although they have a close relationship with Ye Ting, Alleria and Hillvanas would never do anything to offend their superiors on the battlefield. The former nodded solemnly to Ye Ting, while the latter secretly nodded to him. He winked and then immediately issued the order.

Next, the high elf rangers let the human soldiers see the level of the world's top archers.

Although there were only a team of nearly a thousand rangers present, they created the firepower of human archers four to five times their number. Moreover, their accuracy was far better than that of human archers. Soon, migratory locusts appeared. The rain of arrows caused the orc in front of him to fall down.

As Lothar's cavalry continued to charge back, Ye Ting waved again. The rangers stopped shooting and briefly rested on the spot. Ye Ting ordered the herald again. Soon, the soldiers from behind rushed to bring in a large number of arrows to supplement Ranger consumption.

Finally, Lothar's cavalry stepped on the corpses of the orcs and returned to the alliance's defense line. After charging back and forth, these cavalry were already covered in blood, and their horses were panting heavily from exhaustion, and white air filled their nostrils.

Compared with before the war, the number of these cavalry has been reduced by a quarter, and most of these people were lost in the charge just now, but their casualties are worth it. The orc army has long been in chaos, regardless of the governor. No matter how loudly they shouted, they could not assemble in a short time.

Lothar and Ye Ting looked at each other.

"It's time to launch the final offensive." The soldier said roughly.

Magician nodded in agreement.

Soon, the third charge began.

This time Lothar still led the cavalry to attack the orcs first, but this time, after the cavalry broke through the orc array, the human infantry also launched an attack on the chaotic orcs.

The rangers mix among the infantry and use bows and arrows to deal with any enemies that come close to them. However, if the enemy is too close, they will also draw their double knives or long swords and use gorgeous elven sword skills to let the orcs feel the fighting style of ultimate skills.

Compared to the scattered charge formations of the orcs, humans and elves still form a relatively tight formation even if they attack in full force, and tend to use strong cooperation to create more attacks in a small area, giving them a combat advantage.

The orcs, who had been beaten long ago and were stunned, continued to suffer losses and retreated under the pressure of the alliance.

Finally, amid the chaos, a drumbeat came from somewhere in the tribe.

This is the signal for the orcs to withdraw their troops.

Although there were still some orcs who went crazy because of the battle and refused to retreat, most of the orcs fled to the rear like a receding tide after hearing the sound of drums.

The alliance began its final pursuit.

At this time, the battlefield has fallen into unprecedented chaos. Even the alliance can't maintain the most basic formation. Everyone is fighting on their own, chasing the defeated orcs everywhere.

In the rebellious army, Ye Ting only brought his three followers. Soon, he saw Lothar's figure. As the supreme commander of the alliance, his gorgeous armor makes him stand out on the battlefield.

When Ye Ting came to him, he heard the thunderous sigh of his adjutant Turayan.

"We did it!" shouted the young paladin. "We defeated them!"

Seeing Ye Ting's arrival, Lothar nodded to him. They did not continue to chase like the other soldiers, but watched the orc army retreat.

"They are returning to the camp outside Stromgarde," Lothar said softly, "Let's call it a day and retreat.

He didn't decide to pursue them.

"Should we follow them?" Turalyon asked. His blood was still boiling from those charges. He wanted to chase after the orcs and kill them all. "We must run to catch up, so that we can take the opportunity to rescue Stromgarde in one fell swoop.

But the magician on the other side shook his head.

"No." Ye Ting corrected. "We only defeated them temporarily, but they did not escape from us, but returned to their home base and gathered more power to deal with us."

"But we should follow them to inflict more damage," Turalyon retorted eagerly. "Isn't it?"

Ye Ting noticed that the young paladin had a strange provocation and hostility towards him in his tone.

According to his character as a Paladin, he should not have such emotions.

Is it because he is jealous of the Windrunner sisters?

However, before Ye Ting could speak in person, Lothar pointed out Turalyon's mistake for him.

"We can indeed do this." Lothar sighed. “But look behind you.

Turalyon turned around and immediately understood what the two officers meant.

Their troops were shaky because of the end of the battle. Although there were still many soldiers happily chasing the orcs for merit and hatred, he saw more warriors dozing where they originally stood because of their new injuries. Or simply fatigue.

This battle lasted for most of the day. Although I didn't feel it just now, but now, when everything is over, the setting sun pointed it out.

In the battle, they consumed a lot of weapons. There were thousands of charging lances alone. Their bows and crossbows were basically used up, as were many other ordnances. .

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