The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 651: The Purpose Of The Goddess [Sixth Update]

Seeing the goddess of love's fruitful expression, Ye Ting breathed a sigh of relief.

But now, after the two of them had been chatting for so long, Ye Ting still had one thing, the most important thing, that he had not resolved.

That is, why did she come here to meet Ye Ting now?

At least, Ye Ting didn't believe that she came to see him on behalf of Zeus and the Olympus pantheon, who was neither destroyed by the flood nor noticed by the gods.

Because although Aphrodite has now joined the Olympus pantheon, her interests are not consistent with those of the gods.

Different from the Eastern heavenly legends, most of these Western divine systems are established based on family units and with family ties and marriage as ties.

For example, in the Nordic pantheon, Father Odin and Goddess Frigga are the top leaders, and their children include Thor Thor, God of War Tyr, God of Fertility Frey and Goddess of Love Freya, etc.

Among the Nine Pillars of the Egyptian pantheon, Ra, the sun god, is the supreme leader. His children, Shu, the god of wind and air, are married to Tefnut, the god of rain. The couple's children are Geb, the earth god, and the sky god. Nut was a couple again, and their four children were Pluto and Osiris, the god of agriculture; Isis, the goddess of life, magic, marriage and fertility; Seth, the god of war, deserts, storms and foreign countries; and Neveu, the patron saint of houses and decedents. Thies even married two couples.

The same is true in the Greek pantheon. The first and second generations of the gods are composed of brothers and sisters of the first and second generations of Titans. The previous generation is the father of the later generation. As a result, the rule of each generation of the gods was overthrown by their own children. . The third-generation divine court was also established by the children of the second-generation divine king Cronus after he overthrew his father, and it was full of relatives.

Among the twelve main gods, the brother-sister couple Zeus and Hera are the king and queen of gods. Zeus's brothers Poseidon and Hades are in charge of the sea and the underworld respectively. Hestia, the kitchen god, and Demeter, the goddess of harvest and agriculture. She is the sister of Zeus, Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, Ares, the god of war, Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsmen, Apollo, the god of the sun and art, Artemis, the goddess of the moon and hunting, and Hermes, the messenger. and Dionysus, the god of wine who succeeded Hestia as the main god, are both children of Zeus.

However, only Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, is not related to them.

Oh no, there is still a bit of blood connection.

When the second-generation god-king Cronus overthrew his father, the first-generation god-king Uranus, he chopped Uranus into pieces with a magic axe. The essence of Uranus's body was scattered into the Aegean ( bbch) in the sea, Aphrodite was finally born among the waves and foam.

However, such a distant blood relationship is of no use at all.

Is it difficult for a goddess like Aphrodite, who was born from the power of Uranus, to be regarded as the daughter of Uranus?

Then isn't she from the same generation as Zeus's father Cronus, Zeus's elder? Aunt?

It's simply impossible.

Therefore, although Aphrodite joined the Olympus pantheon and became one of the twelve main gods, her relationship with others was still awkward.

The other eleven people are all relatives. Who are you?

In the end, in order for the goddess to integrate into the pantheon, it was also the price for the goddess to obtain the position of the main god of the Olympus pantheon. It may even be because Hera wanted to dispel Zeus's delusions, so Aphrodite was married to Zeus's son. , one of the main gods, Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsmanship.

It sounds like a good match, but who is Hephaestus? A famous ugly man and honest man among the gods. He was abandoned by Hera because of his ugliness and lameness at birth. He was opposite to Aphrodite, who loved beauty the most. He is completely the kind of person she hates the most.

How could Aphrodite, who was married to Hephaestus, have any good opinions on the Olympian pantheon?

In this case, the only reason is Aphrodite's personal reason.

So Ye Ting directly confirmed this issue to Miss the God of Love and Beauty.

"You're right," Aphrodite replied cheerfully, "Actually, at first, I just wanted to see what kind of man could make Pandora's child fall in love passionately. I want to see what magical means you have to survive with that child without even the gods knowing about it. Based on this, I will make a judgment on whether to entrust this matter to you."

"So what's the result?" Ye Ting looked at the goddess.

"The result..." Aphrodite pretended to be mysterious and prolonged her tone, but when she found that the man in front of her had an indifferent face and no curiosity about it, she had to frown. .

"Okay, okay, a man who has no interest at all... He was obviously very reasonable just now... Okay, okay, I won't sell it. He is really an impatient man, too impatient. Men will not be liked by women... Come on, I actually said such things to a person like you... Ahem, then please listen, this is entrusted to you by the God of Love and Beauty. The task

——That is, please help me dissolve my marriage with that ugly guy!"


Aphrodite's request almost made Ye Ting choke.

What kind of exaggerated request was this? It was about annulment of her marriage to Hephaestus. He was not a powerful being that surpassed the God King Zeus.

"You... are not joking." Ye Ting put his hand on his forehead, "Are you sure you don't want me to die?"

"Hey, but Romeo is willing to die for Juliet, why can't you do it?" Aphrodite said in surprise.

"So where did you come from, Juliet?" Ye Ting asked,

"It's so heartless. You were so obsessed with her just now." The goddess put on the look of a resentful woman who had been abandoned.

"I've never been in love at all, okay?" the man complained helplessly.

"It's really sad... He didn't admit it after doing it. He's such a heartless man." The goddess' tone became even more plaintive.

"I..." Ye Ting was speechless, "Okay, you win, you can say whatever you like."

Seeing Ye Ting's helpless look, Aphrodite, who pretended to be sad, immediately chuckled.

"I asked you to teach me a lesson with a serious look just now," the goddess said proudly, "Now you know you were wrong."

"I know, I know," Ye Ting said in a perfunctory tone, "As long as the goddess doesn't let me go to Zeus to fight for my life, I can do whatever I want.

"Really?" Cupid was dubious.

"It's really true," Ye Ting nodded and said warmly, "Compared to those gods who are aloof and regard human life as trivial, the goddess is much better. Moreover, after chatting with you for so long just now, I think we can be considered We are friends now, so I am willing to do something for my friends."

In fact, Ye Ting has a deeper reason.

As I said before, since he decided to stand on the opposite side of the Olympus Divine Court, in addition to practicing his "internal skills" hard and increasing his strength, what Ye Ting also had to do was to win over allies.

Although Ye Ting believed that it was useless to win over allies before his strength reached a certain level, his plan could not keep up with the changes.

Now Aphrodite was standing in front of him. After some exchanges, Ye Ting found that she was easy to get along with. She was not condescending and looked down on mortals - at least she could treat Ye Ting as an equal and she had conflicts with Zeus. Naturally, she was A good person to win over. .

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