The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 654: The Legend Of Creation [Second Update]

Unable to get an answer, the gods finally went to ask Gaea.

Although Gaea is named the Earth Mother Goddess, in fact, she is the restraining power of the earth and the instinct for the survival of the planet earth.

She has no prejudice against human beings, who evolved from ancient apes but are transcendent from animals. Today, the world's population is not large, and Alaya has not yet truly taken shape. Therefore, she combines human genes and creation. The stone of power was given to the gods.

So the gods decided to create humans with this.

Originally, this matter was completed by the remaining humans of the previous generation - Deucalion and Pyrrha.

However, under the influence of Ye Ting, the great flood was brought forward too early. Pyrrha would not have been born at all. Deucalion might have died in the flood not long after he was born, or he might not have been born yet. In short, the result of this flood was that no one survived. , the gods can only come by themselves.

Zeus and Hera took matters into their own hands. They covered their heads, and then followed Gaea's orders and threw the stones behind them.

A miracle occurred: suddenly the stone was no longer hard and brittle, but became soft, huge, and gradually took shape. The human form begins to emerge, but it is not yet fully formed, like a rough outline that an artist has just carved out of marble. The moist soil on the stones turned into pieces of muscle, the strong and hard stones turned into bones, and the lines between the stones turned into human veins.

The strange thing is that the stones thrown by Zeus turned into men, while the stones thrown by Hera turned into women.

In short, new humans finally appeared in the world.

This time, the gods learned the lessons of the previous generation, personally guided and taught humans, and demanded their respect and worship.

The god of agriculture and harvest taught humans to plant and harvest so that they would have enough food.

Athena, the god of war and goddess of wisdom, taught humans textiles and many talents, allowing humans to have clothes to cover their bodies.

Art and the sun god Apollo taught humans herbal medicine, art, and poetry, allowing humans to treat diseases and enjoy the beauty of art.

Artemis, the goddess of hunting and the moon, taught humans how to hunt so that humans could fight against beasts and obtain more food.

Ares, the god of war, taught humans how to strengthen themselves and how to fight against others, making humans stronger.

Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, teaches human men and women love, so that human men and women can pair up, support each other, and reproduce.

Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsmanship, taught humans how to forge tools so that humans could create things that facilitate life.

The god Hermes taught humans about travel and commerce, allowing humans to travel far between settlements and trade with each other.

Dionysus, the god of wine, taught humans how to make wine and carnival, so that humans could learn how to relax after work.

Hestia, the Kitchen God, teaches humans to form families so that they can live harmoniously in their families.

In short, the new generation of humans gradually began to spread across the land, forming villages, and then the villages formed cities, and the cities formed kingdoms.

Under the guidance of the gods, human civilization developed rapidly. At the same time, they themselves continued to explore the earth and settled in new places. Their number increased, and eventually their settlements existed throughout the divine domain.

Definitely, due to the teachings of the gods, this generation of humans is much more pious than the previous generation. Every village must enshrine the statues of the gods, and every city has built temples of the gods. Pious humans have worshiped and worshiped from generation to generation. With the gods.

The gods were greatly pleased with this and considered their actions worthwhile.

However, as generation after generation, the number of human beings increased and civilization became more and more developed, the gods gradually relaxed themselves. They no longer enjoyed themselves as they did before - or in other words, they Guiding human beings and allowing them to develop and prosper is not just to make them worship themselves and facilitate their own enjoyment.

During this time, Ye Ting was not idle either.

Pandora is worthy of being a creation of the gods. She can learn magic very quickly, and her perfect body originally possesses strong magician qualifications. In the words of Xingyue World, her magic circuits are both quantity, quality and precision. The degree is top notch.

Moreover, her teacher is Ye Ting, who can be called a humanoid library, so she is naturally at home.

It has been over a hundred years since humankind was re-created. During this period, Pandora was like a sponge, frantically absorbing the knowledge of magic from Ye Ting. Now her level has reached the level of a legend - in terms of the power and destruction of spells. This is true in terms of power, but it does not meet the standards in terms of research and creation of spells.

Although under the guidance of Ye Ting, Pandora is basically proficient in all systems, but relying on the body created by mixing water and earth, forging with divine fire, and cooling by divine wind, she is best at controlling the elements of earth, water, wind, fire, and energy. Spells and spells of the evocation system are her favorites.

In this way, when she fights, she is like those guys in Chinese Western fantasy novels who regard magic as only elemental spells. Raising her hands, she can unleash violent winds, flames, ice and lightning. Although Ye Ting has complained many times that her fighting method is too stupid, she has to admit that her fighting style is too stupid. Magician truth, but Pandora still enjoys it.

In Ye Ting's mind, the most powerful part of Magician should be its ability to control the enemy at the palm of its hand. It is an all-rounder that can cope with any situation, rather than a silly spell turret.

But Pandora, who has an adaptability to elemental energy that even Ye Ting envies, loves to be a fort, crushing its enemies with elemental storms as violent as the torrential rain. Even after being complained about by Ye Ting for a hundred years, Pandora has not changed.

Definitely, even Pandora has reached the level of legend [Ye Piao is naturally no exception.

With Ye Ting's accumulation of knowledge, he has already surpassed the legend, and his learning ability is sufficient. The reason why he has been unable to break through is because he is too greedy for more.

To become a magician in the legendary stage is to establish your own magic theory that is beyond the existing magic theories in the world. Your own magic theory is like an inherent barrier to existing theories - use The storm of your own mind covers reality, thereby achieving extremely powerful power and miracles.

After all, casting spells according to other people's rules will be restricted, but how can your own rules restrict yourself?

Definitely, the so-called broken rules are just superficial rules like the magic foundation, but the deep rules of the world are undoubtedly impossible to be broken.

From this point of view, it is not without reason that magicians in the moon-shaped world regard the inherent barrier as one of the highest achievements of magic.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the so-called personal reality of Super Ability in A Certain Magical Index is based on the same principle, so cultivating Super Ability can be regarded as a shortcut to the legendary realm.

However, this shortcut comes at a price, that is, unless you can really break through the last step, you will lose other possibilities besides personal reality - just like a

-A magician who only has growing legendary abilities and can only use growing legendary spells, but can't learn anything except legendary spells and legendary abilities. .

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