The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 774: The Final Destruction Of The Dragon Tooth Soldiers [First Update]

Sharp arrows shot out from the jet black ornate bow.

The strong force of the bow string gave the arrow an extremely fast initial velocity, and the sharp arrow broke through the air, causing a sharp howling sound.

Under the influence of the strong wind, the air-piercing arrows arrived in front of the enemy in just a moment, and penetrated into the target's brain like chopsticks inserted into tofu.

The arrow entering the brain creates a storm, instantly turning the target's brain into a ball of paste.

"the last one."

Seeing the dragon fang soldier hit by the arrow fall down, Atalanta put down the "Bow of the Sky" in her hand.

Relying on her agile skills and kiting tactics, Atalanta successfully slaughtered the last forty-four Dragon Fang Soldiers without any damage to herself.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Atalanta served as the final blow for the second time, ending many more tests in Colchis.

Although this does not mean that the Argonauts passed the test due to her alone, it does prove that Atalanta is indeed a very powerful hero.

At least among the Argonauts, no one dares to talk about her female identity, because no one among them has to admit that if it weren't for Atalanta, they might have died a few more times in every test. personal.

In the eyes of all of them, Atalanta is a strong man first and a woman second.

And what about Atalanta?

After completing the feat of killing forty-four Dragon Tooth Soldiers in a row, this little wildcat-like girl just seemed to have completed some daily work. She walked back to Ye Ting with a leisurely pace like a cat, and then had a look on her face. Looking at him expectantly.

It's like...

A well-behaved cat asks its owner for credit.

"Well done."

Ye Ting touched the girl's golden-green hair with a pleased expression.

"That's for sure. There is no opponent that this arrow cannot defeat."

The girl's answer was quite arrogant, as if she didn't care about the compliment.

But judging from the way her eyes narrowed happily, the girl was definitely very happy with Ye Ting's praise and head pat.

Sure enough, he has a cat-like personality.

Perhaps it was because yesterday's sacrifice had made the Argonauts somewhat accustomed to such an ending.

After declaring victory in the second trial, they felt neither joy nor sorrow.

Today's Argonauts' reaction has tended to be...numb.

That's right, it's numbness.

Even when Aeetes came up to announce to them that they had passed the test and could go to the sacred grove to take away the Golden Fleece, they did not react too excitedly.

Such a reaction is not abnormal.

After all, they sacrificed too much in order to pass this test.

Originally, because of offending the Amazon female warriors, the Argonauts sacrificed their lives from more than fifty people to only about thirty people left.

This sacrifice was a major blow to them.

If it weren't for the secret encouragement and help of the gods, they might have returned to Greece and ended their journey.

But now in Colchis, they were hit hard again.

The Argonauts, who numbered more than thirty, were now only in their early twenties.

This number is already less than half of the original number of people who set out.

In other words, most of them died in a foreign country for the goal of the Golden Fleece.

Moreover, the remaining twenty heroes don't know whether they can get the Golden Fleece or whether they can all return home safely.

Because they all know that the real test of their goal of getting the Golden Fleece has not yet begun.

There is a Dragon in the Holy Forest of Colchis who guards the Golden Fleece day and night. If they want to get the Golden Fleece, they must first get rid of the Dragon.

Although Ye Ting assured them that Medea fell in love with him, so she sided with the Argonauts and would be responsible for holding off Dragon for them tomorrow.

But no one can guarantee that accidents will happen.

after all.

That's Dragon.

As long as something unexpected happens to Medea, if they want to take the Golden Fleece from Dragon's hands, they are destined to make a lot of sacrifices.

Jason even pessimistically believes that it is a question whether there will be double digits among the Argonauts who can finally return to their hometown.

The fear of Dragon cannot be compared with that of a "sacred cow" or a "dragon tooth soldier".

Today, Jason is extremely regretful. He regrets that he went around pulling people in and organizing this Argo trip without figuring everything out.

If he had known that the trip to Argo would involve the goddess of magic and Mystra Academy, which he had never heard of in the past, he would never have done this.

Now he has completely understood that both the "Sacred Ox" in the first test and the "Dragon Tooth Soldier" in the second test were actually the work of Mystra Academy and the goddess Hecate.

Although the king of the Kingdom of Colchis is the Son of God, are there many kingdoms dominated by the Son of God throughout Greece?

The strength and foundation of the mere Kingdom of Colchis are at best similar to those of various kingdoms in Greece.

If there was only one Kingdom of Colchis, it would never be able to come up with such powerful trump cards as "Sacred Cow" and "Dragon Tooth Le" to test them, the most elite heroes in Greece. B.

However, it is too late to know all this now.

Originally, he felt that he shouldn't continue like this, and shouldn't let his companions continue to sacrifice because of his ambition.

But everything could no longer be stopped by his will.

For all this, more than 3597 Argonauts have sacrificed their lives. If the remaining people cannot achieve their common goal, wouldn't all the previous sacrifices be in vain?

And those heroes who died will also be like a joke.

Therefore, adhering to the legacy of the victims, they must go all the way to the dark side.

At the moment, Jason's heart was swallowed up by endless guilt.

He didn't understand why he, they, the Argonauts, had reached this point.

Is it because of my own ambition?

Is it because of the Oracle of the Gods?

Is it because of overestimation?

In the end Jason blamed it all on fate.

It was the unpredictable fate that caused him to be born as the son of Aeson, the king of Thessaly, but also allowed Pelias to seize the throne of Aeson.

It was the unpredictable fate that allowed him to learn the skills of playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting from Chiron, the "teacher of heroes", but it took away his other more important talents.

It was the unpredictable fate that made him give an order, and the crowd responded, gathering fifty Argonauts to glory, but he lost troops and generals along the way, and finally fell into the misery of losing his companions for half a day.

Yes, he thinks so.

Today, Jason is still lamenting the fickleness of fate and its toying with him.

Everything is a matter of fate.

But soon, he would no longer think so. .

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