The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 797 Mechanical Civilization And Talos [Third Update]

Surviving the Sirens' temptations doesn't mean the end of trouble.

After that, the Argonauts came to the island of the Phaeacians, where they were entertained by their king, Alcinous.

However, the Colchis warriors who were chasing Medea from another route finally followed her all the way.

By the way, although the Argonaut is known as the world's first long-distance voyage ship, Colchis is not included in it.

With Mystra Academy here, the development of technology and civilization in Colchis is completely beyond the normal level.

Although the Argonauts have never been afraid of fighting, there are only a dozen of them now, and they are still too reluctant to face the army from Colchis - especially in naval battles. Personal bravery cannot replace ships. Originally, It is quite difficult to control the Argonauts with the number of Argonauts. If there is a war at sea, they will definitely not be Colchis's opponent.

But when the two sides were about to start a fierce fight, King Alcinous intervened to mediate and said he would arbitrate for both parties.

During the truce, the king stated that adhering to the teachings of the God of Love, true love should not be broken up, so he announced that if Medea was still an unmarried girl, she should be returned to her father; but if she had become an adult, wives, then they should not be separated.

Naturally, the Argonauts would not refuse the conditions that the king was obviously biased towards. As for the pursuers of Colchis, before they came, King Aeetes had obtained a gift from Mystra Academy. hint, so the king himself was just pretending to hunt down the Argonauts, and only the gods and heroes were kept in the dark.

In fact, they didn't even think about catching up with the Argonauts. But on the way to catch up, their warships had a smooth sailing. Even if they deviated from the road, they would return to the correct channel due to various circumstances. There were even The nymphs of the sea appeared to guide them - it was clear that it was the Olympian gods who had done this intentionally.

Therefore, in order to end this time quickly, they naturally will not refuse this condition.

Then, the queen conveyed the king's thoughts to the Argonauts.

So that night, the Argonauts held a wedding for Ye Ting and Medea. Aphrodite even appeared at the wedding to make up for her prank.

Therefore, the next day Alcinous declared that Medea could not be handed over to Colchis and would provide protection to the Argonauts.

In this way, the Argonaut once again survived the crisis of being hunted.

Next. The Argonauts arrived at the island of Crete, which was guarded by a mechanical giant named Intalus.

This terrifying mechanical giant is made entirely of bronze.

Definitely, it is said to be bronze, but it is additionally blended with the legendary metal - orichalcum.

Orichalcum, also transliterated as "Oliha Gang", is a mysterious metal in the legend of Atlantis. It is called the most precious magic metal material along with fine gold and mithril cold iron.

Talos is a powerful robot made of bronze with orichalcum added. It was originally a technological product beyond this era.

Its existence is related to the true Greek pantheon.

In fact, although every corner of the earth in the Age of Gods was filled with gods, the origins of these gods were obviously different.

Most gods are native in origin, but there are many exceptions.

For example, the weekly Mayan/Aztec pantheon was originally an alien life that came to the earth hundreds of millions of years ago. Various alien gods were wreaking havoc in the heavens, while the Greek gods were another mechanical civilization that came to the earth.

These secrets were revealed to Ye Ting by Artemis. Among the gods Ye Ting knew, Hecate was a human deity, Aphrodite was born from the essence of Uranos, Athena was too young, and only Only she truly saw the end of that powerful mechanical civilization.

According to her, in the battle against Yuxing 16,000 years ago, mechanical civilization was almost completely wiped out along with other original gods. In this case, they gave up most of their original mechanical civilization and turned to He began to invest in mastering the power of the local gods, and gradually became independent of the local gods.

The so-called rebellion of the Zeus brothers against their father god Cronus is actually a dispute over ideas about the future direction of mechanical civilization - the former agrees to abandon mechanical civilization and become a true god, while the latter hopes to associate himself with machinery. Combination achieves survival.

…Please give me flowers…

If it is the latter or wins, the Artemis, Athena, etc. that Ye Ting sees now should all be giant machines.

As for Aphrodite, she was originally taken from the essence of the first-generation ultimate creation of mechanical civilization: the Lord of the Sky "Uranus".

It is said that Ouranos was the master and ultimate power of the original mechanical civilization, and its existence was originally the same as Mount Olympus today.

Such a powerful mechanical creation can almost be regarded as a space carrier.

As for the birth of Aphrodite, after the destruction of Ouranos, the thinking at the core of its control was transformed from a virtual digital life into a biological soul after being formatted, and then was given the existence of godhood by the world.


Its birth originally originated from the preliminary experiments of mechanical civilization to transform itself into a god.

The difficulty in transforming mechanical life into real life is to endow the absolutely rational mechanical life with emotions.

Because Aphrodite was the first successful example, the divinity she was given was love—in fact, its true meaning is the ultimate emotion.

Definitely, the biggest reason why she can become a god is because of the huge computing power in the brain of Ouranos.

Such a huge mechanical body requires extraordinary computing power. Even if it is not comparable to Mooncell, it is still a very powerful existence. The soul transformed by such computing power, coupled with other reasons, gradually allowed her to become a goddess. ——But perhaps it is the only existence transformed through pure mechanical life. Its pregnancy period is relatively long, far exceeding that of Zeus and others.

It was precisely because of the success of this experiment that Zeus and others later made up their mind to abandon the plan to combine themselves with machinery, and instead devoted themselves to the path of the gods.

However, even so, the technology from mechanical civilization still remains: those powerful weapons and creations are distributed in every corner of the Greek divine domain, and Hephaestus himself is the representative of previous generations in the entire Olympus pantheon. Civilization, but even he can no longer grasp the essence of the original mechanical civilization.

Talos is originally one of the remaining creations of the Olympus mechanical civilization. .

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