The Director of Music Department

Thirty-five. Released (3)

To be honest, Wang Yifan himself was not as calm as he appeared on the surface. In fact, he was also a little nervous.

After all, he didn't just copy the box-office hit movies from his previous life, but found another way, and what he produced could be regarded as a music MV movie.

In fact, the story of "Lilac Flower" is still relatively weak. Whether it can be accepted by the audience is still unknown.

Although he sneaked out to watch a show just now, he felt okay, and the attendance rate in the movie theater was not bad, over 50%. Although it was a prime time, the attendance rate was generally high, but the audience at the scene The response cannot be faked.

At the end of the film, Wang Yifan saw that many people had red eyes. Although most of them were female audiences, it also showed that the film at least managed to touch some people's emotions.

Wang Yifan opened the audio-visual website. is a relatively early community website in Huaguo. In the early years, was only a community forum website founded by film and television enthusiasts. However, with the gradual prosperity of the entertainment industry, also accepted financing, and gradually developed into one of the best in China today. A comprehensive cultural and entertainment community platform. has always been adhering to the concept of freedom and openness. In addition to the official information on movies, books, music and other works, other works, whether it is descriptions or evaluations, are provided by users. The first platform for online entertainment reviews.

Wang Yifan clicked on the movie section, and the first page was the most recently released movies.

Wang Yifan quickly found the familiar poster cover of "Lilac Flower".

Movie rating: 8.3 points (828 reviews)

This score is not high for a movie that was first released, but it is not low either.

Of course, the current rating can only be said to be the beginning. As the number of viewers increases and the number of people rating increases, the final score must fluctuate greatly.

But this score is enough to explain some problems.

However, Wang Yifan was more concerned about the comments below. After looking at the comments, there were nearly a hundred comments, which was a good ratio.

"I didn't want to watch it at first, but it turned out that there was only such a romance movie in the same period. The female ticket was not interested in other movies, so I went to watch it. As a result, my eyes were full of tears when it came out. It was really good."

"It was passed by Zirong Amway. The picture is very beautiful, especially the interaction among the lilac bushes. It is very emotional. However, it is a pity that it is a tragedy. I cried."

"Overall, the plot of the movie is very simple and a bit plain. However, the two songs and one piano piece are classics. Although the ending is a bit sensational, overall, it is still a bit mild and plain."

"I cried a lot. I have been looking forward to the story behind "Lilac Flower". After reading it, it is really touching. This is a poignant story. The song is good and the movie is not bad."

"Wang Yifan is a singer who crosses the border. To be able to shoot this level, at least tell a very complete story very seriously, it is already very good. New directors, the most annoying thing is those who play tricks and show off their skills. "Lilac Flower "The story is very good, it is worth recommending."

"After watching the movie and then listening to the song, you will find that it is a completely different feeling. Sure enough, a song with a story has a soul."

Most of the comments are positive. In fact, not only film critics, the media, but most netizens are more tolerant towards the works of new directors.

On the other hand, some netizens who were on the audio-visual network began to become curious about the film after seeing these comments.

"Really? Is it that sensational?"

"I have a blind date tomorrow. Thank you for recommending this movie. If the girl on the blind date is good, I will take her to watch this movie."

"Is it true that a singer can be a director? The movie will not be a music video, right?"

Enthusiastic netizens quickly responded below.

"It is true that the painting style in some places is very MV style, but this does not affect the integrity of the story, but the picture looks more beautiful."

Looking at these comments, Wang Yifan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, at least there were no such large-scale black fans. However, thinking about it, Wang Yifan couldn't help laughing at himself. He still overestimated himself. "Lilac Flower" has a total of 500 movie theaters, even if there are competitors, "Lilac Flower" is definitely at the bottom of the list.

However, this is also related to the schedule. The schedule in September is lukewarm. If it is October, it may be a group of demons dancing wildly, because word of mouth is still very important in the early stage of a movie's release, and it is relatively easy to be manipulated. Like to hurt each other and slander each other.

Fortunately, "Lilac Flower" and Wang Yifan are still only a little transparent in the movie circle, and they probably haven't been put in the eyes of others.

Turning off the audio-visual network, Wang Yifan picked up the cup and wanted to drink some water, but found that the water had been drunk, so he stood up and prepared to go out to get some water to drink.

As a result, when he reached the door, Wang Yifan stopped because he heard his father talking on the phone outside.

"Old Xu, yes, my old Wang, did you go to the movies tonight? What? I gave it to your daughter, oh, it's okay, it's okay, yes, it was taken by my son, please help promote it in Moments Just a moment. Thank you."

"Old Feng? Have you seen the movie tonight? What? No time to watch it? Give it away? It's all right. Yes, it's a movie made by my son, so can there be fake ones?"

"Mr. Ou, did you go to the movies tonight? Have you watched it? How was it? It's okay? Yes, it's my son Yifan, do you think it's good? That's great, help me to recommend it, it's my child's first time making a movie, Lots of support."

For some reason, Wang Yifan only felt his eyes a little sore when he heard his father on the phone asking them to recommend his movies to the publicity one by one. At this time, I heard my mother talking outside again.

"Hey, do you think we can really help Xiaofan by doing this?" Mom asked.

"He is our son, no matter whether we can help him or not, if we don't help him, who can help him?" Wang Gan's voice came.

"You guy, don't you dislike your son doing this? Why are you offering to help now?" Mom teased.

"It's not that I don't like him doing this, I just can't stand him being a hammer here and there, but there's no way, who made me his father?" Dad said.

Click! At this time, Wang Yifan opened the door.

Mom and Dad were shocked.

"Yifan, why did you come back?" Mom asked in surprise.

"It's been a while since I've been back, Dad, Mom, thank you." Wang Yifan said with tears in his eyes.

"Your child, your parents don't have any skills, so they can only help you in this way, but you still have to rely on yourself." Mom said with a smile.

"Since you chose the path yourself, then walk on it. Don't be like before, wanting to do this for a while and wanting to do that for a while." Wang Gan said with a straight face.

"I see, Dad!" Wang Yifan cried and laughed at the same time.

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