The Director of Music Department

Seventy-one. More sad than sad

In order to make up for the tuition fees, Ah Xue went to work by herself. While picking up junk, her mother also borrowed money everywhere, but there was still a lot of shortfall.

One day, when Ah Xue came home, when she was cleaning the room, she discovered her mother's secret, several receipts for selling blood.

Yao Juan dragged her tired body back home, but Ah Xue told Yao Juan that she didn't want to study anymore.

As a result, Yao Juan, who has always been fond of A Xue, slapped A Xue for the first time.

She told A Xue that this was her father's last wish before he died. A Xue took out her mother's blood selling receipt and cried that she had lost her father and did not want to lose her mother again.

In the end, the mother and daughter made a three-prong agreement, and Axue agreed to go to college, and Yao Juan promised Axue not to sell blood again.

In order to save money, Ashe University has not returned home once in four years! She works outside, and even in order to save phone bills, she sends letters home every month to tell her mother about her situation, and her mother replies every month and pays the living expenses to her account on time!

"Axue, this month's living expenses have already been charged to your card. Mom is fine. Remember to study hard at school. Don't save too much. It's cold, so remember to add clothes for yourself... .”

"Mom, it's good to see you. I'm fine. My classmates take good care of me. The school cafeteria has cheap and affordable meals. I've found a work-study job. Don't send me living expenses anymore. Next year I can apply for student loans, scholarships..."

What follows is the content of the letter from the two of them.

Although Ah Xue told her mother not to send any more money every time, her mother still saved Ah Xue's living expenses on time every month.

The interaction between mother and daughter's letters is very plain, but you can see the mother-child relationship between the mother and daughter.

The background music also gradually became more relaxed and cheerful.

Four years passed in a blink of an eye, and Ah Xue graduated. In the past four years, she has not returned home, but she has written letters to her mother every month, and her mother will save Ah Xue's living expenses every month. Keep them all.

Finally, Ah Xue could go home. In order to surprise her mother, she didn't tell her mother.

The melody of the music became extremely brisk, just like Ah Xue's mood at this time.

After she got out of the car, she ran back to the only earthen house in the whole village, the only small house - that was her home, where was her mother whom she hadn't seen for four years!

But when Ah Xue came to the door of the house, the brisk melody stopped immediately.

Everyone in the movie hall couldn't help but feel a little bit of a thump in their hearts.

Looking at the rusty lock hanging on the door, she panicked.

"No, my mother still writes back to me every month and pays for my living expenses!" Axue said to herself.

"Yes, maybe it's because I moved, it must be like this." Axue gave herself another reason.

She opened the lock with the key, and her heart sank more and more.

The camera gave a close-up of Ashe's house, the tables and chairs were covered with dust, and there were spider webs.

Axue turned around and ran out like crazy, and found the neighbor's house.

"Sister-in-law Ah Qing, where is my mother? Where has my mother gone?" Axue looked at Aunt A Qing nervously and asked.

"Hey, your mother passed away three years ago." Mrs. Ah Qing looked at Ah Xue and said.

"No, you're talking nonsense, it's impossible, my mother still pays me my living expenses every month!" Ah Xue growled hysterically at Mrs. A Qing.

"You must be joking with me, right? My mother still writes to me every month, yes, she still writes to me? If you don't believe me, take a look." Axue put down her backpack as if she had grasped a life-saving straw, From it, she took out the letter from her mother that she had just received last month.

Then, she looked at Mrs. Ah Qing hopefully, hoping to get something from her, yes, I was joking with you.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Ah Qing dashed her hopes.

"She entrusted the nurses in the hospital to write those letters. Living expenses..." Mrs. Ah Qing told the truth with a sigh.

The scene changed, three years ago.

"Your disease can still be cured as long as you actively receive treatment." The doctor said to Yao Juan.

" much will it cost?" Yao Juan asked.

"It's hard to say, I always need more than 100,000 yuan." The doctor said.

The camera turned and Yao Juan came to the place where blood was sold.

Mrs. Ah Qing's voice sounded: "Your mother sold her kidney."

"It was she who asked the nurse to reply to your letter on time every month, and she remitted the money from selling the kidney to you every month before she died..."

Axue couldn't bear it any longer, she burst into tears, desperate, remorseful, painful, she hated herself why she didn't come back to take a look, the farewell four years ago turned out to be a farewell forever.

In front of the tombstone, Ashe caressed the photo of her mother, looked at the name of her mother that had been painted in red, and cried again.

The music of "Grateful Heart" sounded.

"I came by chance, like a speck of dust..."

The picture flashed back, it was the parents picking her up from the shade of the tree, feeding her, teaching her to walk, seeing her report card, smiling with relief, the voices and smiles of her parents seemed to be vaguely in front of her eyes... .

"Grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, giving me the courage to be myself

A grateful heart, thank fate, I will cherish the flowers blooming and falling..."

The style of the first story of "Grateful Heart" is a bit straightforward, but it still continues the shooting style of the MV, and many places are left blank.

But some emotions don't need to be sensational, they can easily touch the softest part of people's hearts.

However, many people in the theater frowned. After all, they were not ordinary audiences, so they naturally thought more. If "Grateful Heart" is a complete feature film, then this kind of sad ending, of course All right, but remember, this is only the first of three stories.

The first story is so sad, and the second story "Dawn" is destined to be a sad story, so the connection of the movie and the experience of the viewers will become worse.

However, they continued to watch patiently and with some expectation, to see how Wang Yifan would solve this problem.

In fact, Chen Hanming and Ou Deman also frowned at this moment.

Although it can be advertised as a tear gas bomb, no one likes to be sad all the time. Therefore, normally speaking, a movie with a turning point is a good movie that is more acceptable to the audience.

So will the movie take a twist?

The second story "Dawn" begins.

At the beginning of the movie, a picture of a duck appeared on the big screen.

Everyone was stupefied when they saw it. What the hell is this?

However, this duck looks quite bearable, ah bah, it's not the duck's problem, but, what the hell is this? We were at the movies and you gave me a huge duck screensaver?

Even if it's a turning point, it's too damn big, isn't it?

PS: This is definitely not out of context, right? I just sent my dad to meet his old colleague in the maintenance section more than ten years ago. When the two met, they had tears in their eyes. People of our age really can’t understand their age The emotions of people, eh!

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