The Director of Music Department

80. Reality is crueler than movies

It was only released on the second day, and the box office did not increase but fell on Friday, which means that there is a problem with the movie, and it is not a small problem.

"If nothing goes wrong with "White Blood Cell", it is no longer a threat to us, so next week we need to continue to strive for expansion." Wang Yifan approached Chen Hanming and said.

"Don't worry, we have already communicated with the theater chain since yesterday. People in the theater chain are not stupid, and they will not make money." It exceeded expectations, and it still won the box office championship with "Stranger Call" and "White Blood Cell", which is full of gold.

Saturday and Sunday are coming, and Saturday is always the day with the highest box office sales among the three days of the weekend, because there are no work days before and after.

With the fermentation of good word of mouth, "Grateful Heart" reached a new high in the daily box office, breaking through the 30 million mark, and got a daily box office of 30.02 million. The total box office reached 83 million in three days of release! Breaking through 100 million in the first weekend is just around the corner.

The box office of "Strange Call" has also rebounded. It received 12.2 million daily, pushing the total box office to 130 million. The final box office is likely to break through the 200 million mark. , has exceeded expectations.

Although "White Blood Cell" stopped its decline on Saturday and Sunday, the box office did not rebound much. It reported 16.32 million yuan that day, still ranking second, but its reputation is getting worse and worse.

Naturally, Wu Han and Huanyu would not be satisfied with this situation, so they resorted to their trump cards.

On Saturday night, the talk show with the highest ratings in Huaguo, Beijing TV's "Interview with Li Yi" was broadcast.

Wang Yifan didn't pay much attention to it at first, but Chen Hanming specially called and asked Wang Yifan to take a look at this issue of "Interview with Li Yi".

When Wang Yifan turned on the TV and tuned to Beijing TV Station, "Interview with Li Yi" had already broadcast more than halfway.

What Wang Yifan saw was a tearful couple.

He also saw Wu Han sitting on the side.

"Director Wu, why didn't you announce that "White Blood Cell" is based on real events?" Li Yi asked.

"You also know that this is a human tragedy. I didn't want their scars to be torn again." Wu Han said.

"Then why did you make it public this time?" Li Yi continued to ask.

"Let me answer." At this time, the middle-aged man with red eyes took over the conversation.

"We hope that our affairs will be known to the public, and we hope to avoid such tragedies from continuing to happen, and call on caring people in society to give a love to those children with leukemia." The middle-aged man choked up.

"I have a question. I don't know whether I should ask it, but I can't help but want to ask it." Li Yi said hesitantly.

"You ask, since we decided to stand up, there is nothing we can't answer." The middle-aged man said.

"At the beginning, you kidnapped that person's parents, but the operation failed in the end, so what happened later?" Li Yi asked.

"Doing this is a desperate act of desperation. If I had other options, I would not do it. If the operation fails, I can only blame my poor child for his bad life. I didn't hurt anyone." The young man smiled wryly.

"Director Wu, many viewers don't understand the ending of your movie and think you are too cold-blooded. What do you say?" Li Yi turned to Wu Han and asked.

"It's not that I'm cold-blooded, but on the one hand, this is a real event. On the other hand, I want to tell everyone through such an ending that in many cases, tragedies happen regardless of people's will, so we are more Life should be revered and respected, and if we have the opportunity to save a life, please don't hesitate. Otherwise, it may lead to tragedy." Wu Han said with a wry smile.


I have to say that Wu Han's move was really exciting.

Wang Yifan will not question the authenticity of the couple's identity and the authenticity of this matter.

The first issue of "Interview with Li Yi" is over.

Wang Yifan's cell phone rang again, and it was Chen Hanming who called.

"What do you think?" Chen Hanming asked.

"Excellent public relations. If there are no accidents, the box office of "White Blood Cell" will rebound tomorrow." Wang Yifan said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's really exciting. Do you think it will affect "Grateful Heart"? Do you need to do something?" Chen Hanming asked.

"There will definitely be an impact, but it won't be too great. However, although his move is very exciting, it still lacks the most important thing." Wang Yifan said with a smile.

"Hahaha! Don't worry, there will be a good show tomorrow." Chen Hanming smiled.

"Be fast, before they react, otherwise, if they fix this loophole in advance, they might really bring "White Blood Cell" back to life." Wang Yifan reminded.

"Don't worry, I'll make arrangements for him right away, and I will definitely make arrangements for him clearly." Chen Hanming said confidently.


On Sunday, Huanyu began to make efforts, and public opinions reported that "White Blood Cell" was adapted from real events.

""White Blood Cell" is adapted from real events, and the prototype couple appeals to the society to pay more attention to leukemia patients."

"The prototypes of the male and female protagonists of "White Blood Cell" are even more tragic. The tragic ending is only a counter-proof. Life is precious!"

"The hero and heroine prototypes of "White Blood Cells" appeared in "Interview with Li Yi"..."

Not only that, but also in the film, the prototype of the kidnapped parents also appeared in an interview with the media: "They are also poor people, and we have forgiven him."

I have to say that Huanyu and Wu Han really prepared very well this time. The most controversial prototype in the film who refused to donate bone marrow also showed his own experience.

"I regret my original decision. I shouldn't refuse to donate because of fear. I am a negative example. I hope everyone will never learn from me."

Moreover, there have been many questionnaires on the Internet.

"Would you like to donate bone marrow?"

"If your bone marrow match is successful, would you be willing to donate?"

"If you were a father, what would you choose to do?"


For a while, the topic of "White Blood Cells" was hot, and it was reflected in the box office. On Sunday, the box office of "Grateful Heart" fell slightly, but it still sat firmly on the championship throne. 100 million, and the total box office has reached 109.8 million.

The box office of "White Blood Cells" finally rebounded sharply on Sunday, and the daily box office reported 22 million.

The key is that public opinion and the word-of-mouth evaluation of the movie "White Blood Cell" on the Internet began to gradually pick up.

"Although the ending is a tragedy, reality is often crueler than movies."

"The world is impermanent, respect life! Although the ending of "White Blood Cell" is cruel, it is more real."

"I've drank too much chicken soup for the soul, and occasionally I need some poisonous chicken soup."

PS: Come on, finish this bowl of poisonous chicken soup, don't forget to vote before drinking it!

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