Wen Ran was thinking about Yan Shiba and was still reading in the room. When I heard footsteps in the courtyard, I immediately put down my book and came out.

Yan Shiba had already entered the room and closed the door heavily.

Wen Ran knocked on the door and heard Yan Shiba talking inside, but did not respond to her. Wen Ran pushed the door open and saw Yan Shiba walking around the room with his head in his hands, mumbling, "I'm not sad...I'm not sad...I'm Yan Shiba..."

Wen Ran sighed and walked over. As soon as he touched Yan Shiba's shoulder, she turned around and hugged her.

"Sister Yan, don't force yourself on emotional matters. Don't be too sad." Wen Ran advised Yan Shiba.

"Who said I'm sad? I'm fine!" Yan Shiba's tone suddenly rose.

"Yeah, it's okay." Wen Ran patted Yan Shiba's back gently, as if coaxing a child.

"No, no, I'm not sleepy at all tonight, let's go for a walk! I'm feeling well and I haven't been out yet!" Yan Shiba said, waving his hand to turn off the lights in the room, and then dragged Wen Ran out. Walk.

Wen Ran suspected that Yan Shiba might be crying, but he didn't want her to see it. He was afraid of losing face, so he didn't expose her and didn't bother to look at her. He just followed her out and said, "Drink the medicine first. Put it on the stove." Keep warm."

"Drink when you come back!" Yan Shiba shook his head.

While talking, the two of them had already left the room, left the yard, and walked towards the gate.

Wen Ran didn't know where Yan Shiba was going, but it didn't matter. Although she had never had this kind of "lovelorn" experience, she expected it would be uncomfortable. After all, Yan Shiba has liked Chengyun for a long time, and she always talked about him before Chengyun came back. As a result, her relationship ended on the day they reunited.

Chengyun had just left the lake at this time and saw Yan Shiba and Wen Ran from a distance, wondering where they were going. But thinking that Yan Shiba's body had not fully recovered, and Wen Ran's mediocre martial arts skills, he was a little worried. After hesitating for a moment, he decided to follow them silently to protect them. After all, Yan Shiba's emotional instability at this time was caused by him.

In fact, Yan Shiba's words tonight surprised Chengyun. He thought that Yan Shiba would pursue him very forcefully and would not refuse, but he didn't expect that he didn't need to say anything. Yan Shiba had already thought it through.

In this regard, Chengyun's biggest feeling is: gratitude.

Nowadays, they can be regarded as a family. Chengyun hopes to live in peace with Yan Shiba and avoid any misunderstandings and conflicts, which will trouble him.

This is good now, it makes Chengyun feel relaxed. As for Chengyun being moved after hearing Yan Shiba's special confession and deciding to try to get along with her, there is no such thing. If you don’t feel it, you don’t feel it. If it doesn’t fit, it means it doesn’t fit.

After leaving the Su Mansion, Yan Shiba took Wen Ran and started the runaway mode without any purpose. It's true to say that she has thought it through, but reason and emotion are two different things after all. Reason tells her to let it go, but she is still a mess emotionally, making it impossible for her to calm down and stay well, and she needs to do something to vent.

Walking on a deserted street late at night, the cool breeze blows on my face. As I walk, my body slowly warms up and I seem to be sweating. Because I walk very fast and don’t pay attention to the changes in the surrounding environment, I feel like I am in a maze. I don’t know where it comes from, and I don’t care where I’m going. The contact between my feet and the ground makes me feel like I’m still alive... This feeling is between dreams and reality. At first, it becomes more and more like a dream, but later on , when the fine sweat on the forehead was dried by the cool breeze, and when the legs gradually began to feel sore, they slowly returned to reality. By that time, the physical fatigue will make people feel calmer.

Yuanming Pavilion.

Before going to bed, Gu Ling mentioned the conversation between Yan Shiba and Cheng Yun at the pavilion by the lake.

Su Liang was stunned for a moment, "The showdown is tonight? What's the result?"

"Yan Shiba is leaving first. It should be fine." Gu Ling said. If Chengyun leaves Yan Shiba first to chase him, something is wrong.

Su Liang sighed, "This has always been a problem for Chengyun. He should make it clear to Yan Shiba. I don't think Yan Shiba will act recklessly now, but it's not easy to let him go. "

As Su Liang planned to go see Yan Shiba, Gu Ling pulled her back and lay down, "I heard that Ran is here, nothing will happen to her."

Su Liang thought for a while and said, "That's right. She is very close to Wen Ran now. If she really wanted to find me, she would have come here long ago. So let's do it. Let's talk tomorrow."

It was already late at night when Yan Shiba decided to go home.

When she and Wen Ran walked back hand in hand, they were no longer running away, but taking a walk.

As they walked, Yan Shiba suddenly laughed and waved their hands high like children, "Xiao Ranran, I have decided!"

Wen Ran asked what was decided.

Yan Shiba's tone rose, "Go to hell with any man! It's not like I can't live without a man! I have to try to be a good person and a lovable person! What do you think?"

Wen Ran smiled, "That's right. Things like fate are hard to come by. We women can't live for men, and we can't live and die for men. It's so undignified. What men can do, we can also do. Do."

Then Yan Shiba said, "I really want to drive Gu Ling away. Let's live with the ghost girl, haha!"

Wen Ran coughed lightly, "That won't work, they are a match made in heaven."

"I know! I've watched them all the way to where they are today. After all, I'm even their matchmaker!" Yan Shiba said with a sense of regret as he talked about the past.

"How did you meet?" Wen Ran was a little curious. She only knew a little bit about it.

Yan Shiba became interested, "When we first met, it was a thrilling ups and downs! Let me tell you about it!"

The two of them walked home as they talked, without mentioning Chengyun again.

Chengyun always kept a distance and followed silently. He didn't hear clearly what they were saying, but he could feel from the speed of his footsteps that Yan Shiba was back to normal. In this way, he felt relieved.

When they got home, Yan Shiba directly took Wen Ran to sleep with her. The two talked all night long about their pasts, and they talked until daybreak before falling asleep.

During breakfast, Su Liang only saw Cheng Yun, not Yan Shiba, and Wen Ran didn't show up either.

Wen Ming found it strange that Wen Ran always got up very early in the past and would drag him along for morning exercises.

"I'll go take a look!" Ji Xiaoshu said and was about to rush out.

Chengyun hugged Ji Xiaoshu and said, "No need to go. I know."

Su Liang chuckled, "What happened last night?"

Ji Xiaoshu had a gossipy face, "Did Aunt Yan want to molest Uncle Chengyun last night, and Uncle Chengyun resisted, started a fight with her, and finally knocked down Aunt Yan and Aunt Ran?"

Wen Ming's mouth twitched, and Cheng Yun held his forehead, "Xiao Shu, am I that kind of person in your eyes?"

Ji Xiaoshu laughed loudly, "You're kidding! Uncle Chengyun is so kind, why would he hit someone? Tell us, what's going on?"

"They went for a walk last night and came back very late, so they might still be sleeping at this time. But I'm sure they got home safely." Chengyun looked serious.

"Are you walking with them?" Su Liang asked.

Chengyun coughed lightly, "I was afraid something would happen to them, so I followed them quietly."

Su Liang nodded, "Yes, he has the potential to become a good man."

"How about Uncle Chengyun and Aunt Yan?" Ji Xiaoshu asked quickly, "Are you getting married? Or have you broken up?"

Chengyun frowned, "We've never been together, we're not getting married, and we're not breaking up. Xiaoshu, don't talk nonsense."

Ji Xiaoshu sighed, "That means there is no chance?"

Chengyun nodded, "We decided to be friends."

Zheng'er patted Chengyun's hand and said, "Uncle Xiaoyun, I wish you and Aunt Yan both find a good relationship."

Chengyun was a little embarrassed, "This...is fine..."

Ji Xiaoshu chuckled, "Uncle Chengyun, just say thank you! But don't say that you will never fall in love with anyone or get married. If you get slapped in the face in the future, it will be so embarrassing!"

Chengyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Well, thank you Zheng'er, thank you Xiaoshu, thank you all for your concern."

So, they didn't care about Yan Shiba and Wen Ran. Everyone had their meal first, and after dinner, they all went about their own business.

Lao Bai and Wen Ming were studying several prescriptions in newly obtained ancient books with Su Liang, while Cheng Yun was responsible for taking care of Gu Xiaonuan.

The weather was nice today. Chengyun held Gu Xiaonuan and played outside for a while. When he returned to Yuanming Pavilion, he saw Zheng'er and Ji Xiaoshu sitting on the ground, playing with the pile of jewelry and jade.

Gu Xiaonuan likes shiny things, and when he sees them, he goes over to play with them, but Chengyun is a little worried, "Will Nuan Nuan put these in his mouth and eat them?"

Zheng'er shook his head, "No, my sister is smart and never eats randomly! Uncle Xiaoyun, come and help us, we will make a treasure tree!"

Chengyun then sat down with Gu Xiaonuan in his arms. He first sorted the box of precious stones and jade crystals according to color and material, and put them in different wooden boxes.

When Wen Ran and Yan Shiba got up and packed up, they came to Yuanming Pavilion. When they entered, they saw Gu Xiaonuan putting pearls on Chengyun's hair. Chengyun also lowered his head and cooperated with her to play with it. His head was decorated very "gorgeously" ".

Yan Shiba was happy when he saw it, "Nuan Nuan, I want it too!"

"Aunt Yan, Aunt Ran!" Gu Xiaonuan called sweetly, waving her little hand for them to come over and play together.

"Aunt Yan, Aunt Ran, you go to eat first." Zheng'er said.

After the two finished the breakfast left for them, they joined in the process of making treasure trees. Wen Ran couldn't help but sigh, "Playing with these, I suddenly feel like I'm rich."

Zheng'er picked out a very beautiful pearl, "I think this is very suitable for Aunt Ran. It can be used as a pearl hairpin."

Wen Ran liked it very much at first sight, took it over, and asked with a smile on his face, "Are you going to give it to me as a gift?"

Zheng'er nodded, "Master Wife said these are all for us."

Yan Shiba curled his lips, "Without me?"

Ji Xiaoshu picked up a ruby ​​and compared it to Yan Shiba's eyebrows. "You can make a chain and hang it here. It will definitely look good."

Wen Ran affirmed Ji Xiaoshu's aesthetics.

Chengyun said out of nowhere, "Do you have mine?"

Yan Shiba glanced at him and couldn't help but complain, "You eat meat first and then talk about wearing jewelry."


Zheng'er pointed at Chengyun's head, "My sister has already been chosen by uncle!"

Chengyun coughed lightly and asked him to wear pearls all over his head? How can I meet people then?

When Su Liang saw Yan Shiba again, she was playing Feifei with Gu Xiaonuan in her arms, smiling brightly. Zheng'er said that Cheng Yun had gone to help Wen Ran light the fire and was making lunch.

"How is it?" Su Liang asked Yan Shiba.

Yan Shiba looked arrogant, "I confessed my feelings, but I also told him that I like him and it has nothing to do with him!"

Su Liang gave a thumbs up, "You have grown up."

Yan Shiba rolled his eyes at Su Liang, "Get out!" He laughed again after saying this, "It's strange, I felt very sad last night, but when I woke up today, I felt like I could love whoever I wanted. Go to hell with all men! Mine The good times are yet to come!”

Su Liang smiled, "That's right."

"When I saw Chengyun today, I had no other feeling except wanting to beat him up." Yan Shiba said, "It will take a few days. I'm still a little weak now. I might not be able to fight. Sooner or later we have to fight." !”

Su Liang understood that Yan Shiba's persistence in wanting to fight was probably similar in nature to ending the relationship between the two after a hug. It was just a formality, but very important. They are not suitable for hugging. The former witch and the former monk bid farewell to their identities when they met. Yan Shiba chose reason and self-esteem, but he had to find some other ways to regain some status.

Five days have passed since Mo Yan's gift was delivered to the Su Mansion. Su Liang has not made the medicine that can control people's minds as recorded in ancient books, because the two medicinal materials required for it have been lost for a long time, and they don't have them either.

But based on that prescription, Su Liang and the two masters studied and improved the original formula of the truth-telling medicine they made, and made a new truth-telling medicine.

It hasn't been tested yet, so we can't guarantee how effective it will be, but it can be considered a breakthrough.

Because of the risk, when Su Liang went to the palace to visit Duanmuzhen, she mentioned to Duanmuchen that she needed to borrow a death row prisoner from the sky jail, and he might return a corpse.

Originally, most of the prisoners on death row in the sky jail would not be beheaded in public with great fanfare. Most of them were poisoned with Bai Ling or beheaded directly in the prison.

Duanmu Chen said it was no problem and gave Su Liang a token to mention someone.

Su Liang and Gu Ling went to the Tiandou Prison and specifically asked the officials inside what crimes the several death row inmates had committed. Then they selected one who was responsible for several lives and took him back to the Su Mansion.

Although I don't know much about this death row prisoner, I can see that he is in good condition after taking the medicine. There is no possibility that he can deliberately lie after taking truth serum. Nangong Lin and Nian Ruxue have both tried it before, and there is no problem in telling the truth when controlled by drugs.

So, the death row prisoner took truth serum, and then Gu Ling asked him several questions, including whether he had any other crimes that he had not confessed to. I actually asked some questions and found out that he had killed people many years ago and had kidnapped and trafficked women and children from good families. This was something that the government had not found out before.

Gu Ling then asked in detail about the information of the people he had killed and the information and locations of the abducted women and children.

A quarter of an hour passed, and the death row prisoner was still alive. An hour passed, and the man was already awake, and he did not remember what he said after taking the medicine, but he was not dead.

Wen Ming took the death row prisoner's pulse and said it was normal. Lao Bai also said that there were no signs of poisoning.

Su Liang was very happy, thinking that this time it should be successful, and the "side effects" of the truth-telling medicine could be avoided.

The death row prisoner stayed in the Su Mansion until that night. After making sure that he would not die from the truth serum and there was no use keeping him, Gu Ling asked Qi Yan and Zhu Zan to send him back to the prison. As well as the information he recorded about the confessions of death row prisoners, he asked officials from the Ministry of Punishments to continue to investigate and give an explanation to the victims so that the women and children who were abducted could go home as soon as possible.

Before going to bed that night, Su Liang sighed, "It would be great if I could catch Sheng Yue now and ask him if he still has any secrets hidden."

"There will be a chance." Gu Ling kissed Su Liang gently.

Asking for a monthly ticket (*^▽^*)


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