The last day of February.

Early in the morning, there was lightning and thunder, and heavy rain began in the sea near Xingluo Island. The entire island was shrouded in rain. From a distance, it looked like a big hole opened in the sky, and a waterfall poured down.

Xie Jun originally led people to patrol the coast, but the wind and rain were so strong that his vision was blurred and he could no longer see the situation on the sea clearly. The cabins built on the beach were blown away by the wind. After bracing the wind and rain to strengthen the boats at the pier, He went to the woods to take shelter from the rain but was afraid of being struck by lightning, so he could only rush back to the city lord's palace to ask Sheng Yue if he could withdraw his team and go back first.

After Mo Yan left, Sheng Yue moved to a forbidden area. When Xie Jun saw him, he was making paper airplanes.

After listening to Xie Jun's report, Sheng Yue said calmly, "Call everyone back and wait until the wind and rain stop before going out."

"Yes, thank you very much, Mr. Sheng." After saying this, Xie Jun left in a hurry and rushed into the wind and rain again.

"Come here." Sheng Yue said, and soon an old man with gray hair appeared in front of him. After listening to the order, he quickly left.

The violent storm did not subside until nightfall.

When Xie Jun took people to the beach again to check the situation, it was completely dark and it was raining lightly. Looking at the sea in the distance, it was so dark that only the sound of rain and wind and waves could be heard.

"With this damn weather, are you going to have to keep watching outside tonight?" the grandson of an elder said dissatisfied.

Although Xie Jun was the captain, he did not dare to interfere too much. After hearing this, he just said, "The rain should stop soon. Mr. Sheng said that the next few days are a critical period, and there may be enemies coming, so we should not take it lightly." "

"What enemy? Didn't the island owner go to see his granddaughter? What other enemies are there?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

Xie Jun shook his head, "I don't know. We shouldn't know these things, so we should not say more."

"Feng Ming must know, but is he already dead in the dungeon?"

Xie Jun frowned, "Get down to business!" Hua Luo arranged for the people on duty tonight to be divided into three teams, including him. Each team was responsible for their own area. If there was any abnormality, a signal would be sent out immediately.

"What's the use? I'm guarding this broken island and can't go out. Who will come?" Someone just separated from Xie Jun and couldn't help complaining, "I have never been outside in my whole life. What the hell is this life like?" How long will it take? Since the island owner’s granddaughter is now in control, why not just come out and live with his granddaughter, and we can also have glory and wealth!”

"Stop talking, the master's decision is not for us to comment on! Be careful of spreading it to Mr. Sheng's ears!"

"That bitch named Sheng is very proud now. I really regret not killing him when he first came to the island!"

"My eldest young master, you don't have to be afraid if you have a backer. I'm afraid I might die accidentally, so please don't say a few words."

"Hmph! I think there are only a few days of peace on this island!"

Xie Jun held an umbrella in one hand and a lantern in the other. He walked to the place where he had a secret conversation with Feng Ming that night and stopped. He knew that Feng Ming was still alive, and he also knew why Feng Ming was arrested. He even had the idea of ​​​​finding a way to rescue Feng Ming and then escape together. But after thinking about it, Xie Jun still felt that it was not safe. He had no confidence in himself, so he gave up.

"Captain, are you still going that way?" someone asked from behind.

Xie Jun came to his senses, glanced at the sea, turned around and said, "Let's go."

The people on duty on the coast were either dissatisfied or worried, but no one dared to go back to sleep. They could only walk back and forth in circles in the rainy night.

Little did they know that the enemy they were wary of had already sneaked into the island before resuming patrol in the evening.

Qiu Cong, Lao Mu and Cheng Yun took a detour in order to avoid encountering Moyan when they arrived. They originally expected to arrive before noon today, but unexpectedly they were caught up in wind and rain.

The sea was very rough at that time, and their boat was almost capsized several times. But as tomorrow is the first day of March, they can no longer waste the opportunity. Secondly, I was in the middle of the sea and wanted to turn back. The nearest place I knew was the island where Qiu Cong once lived, but I couldn't reach it in one day. It was further away than Xingluo Island. No matter where I went, I couldn't avoid the wind and rain.

So, the three of them unanimously decided to continue moving forward despite the wind and rain. Fortunately, Qiu Cong had lived at sea for many years and encountered several storms. Finally, he brought Lao Mu and Chengyun to Xingluo Island safely.

When they docked, the biggest wave of wind and rain had just passed, and there was no one on the coast. After they quickly landed, they let the boat drift away with the waves. This is to prevent the boat from being discovered. Anyway, by the time they leave, they will have already alerted the enemy. Then they can grab a boat from the dock of Xingluo Island.

Lao Mu was carrying a large bag on his back. It was a backpack designed by Su Liang. It had straps to support the waist and a waterproof layer inside. The explosives they brought were in this bag.

After the three people landed, they quickly hid in the dense forest. They knew there were landmines in the forest, so they imitated the time when Gu Ling broke into the island, not walking on the ground, but walking on the trees.

The plan was a sneak attack, and darkness was the best cover.

The three of them stayed in the forest for about half an hour, resting. During this period, they saw Xie Jun leading people through the woods to the seaside. Gu Ling told them not to take the initiative to find Feng Ming.

It was almost time, and Lao Mu, who had been to the island before, was responsible for leading the way. The three of them kept their distance and were vigilant, secretly approaching the center of Xingluo Island.

They have all seen the topographic map of Xingluo Island that Gu Ling brought to Kasyapa City. It has the detailed distribution of buildings on the island drawn by Su Liang. It is not difficult to find where the forbidden area is.

Apart from the storm that almost capsized their boat, so far, everything was going well. The three of them carefully avoided people and approached the forbidden area. After observing the surroundings quietly for a while, they sneaked into the forbidden area quietly. Not long after, they saw a lamp burning in Mo Yan's room and someone inside. Move around.

Could it be that Mo Yan is still on the island... As soon as the three of them came up with this idea, they saw the door open, and an old man in gray clothes walked out of the room, holding something in his hand, and went deep into the forbidden area.

According to the portrait Gu Ling showed them, this person's height and appearance did not match Mo Yan.

The goal of the three of them was also the cave deep in the forbidden area, not Mo Yan's room.

Regardless of whether Mo Yan is there or not, they are here and they still have to act according to the original plan.

Lao Mu made a gesture, and the three of them continued to go deeper into the forbidden area.

There was a faint light coming from the cave, and Lao Mu watched coldly as the old man who had come out of the Moyan Room entered the cave and quickly came out and left.

Not surprisingly, there are people in the cave.

Lao Mu guessed that the people inside such an important place were either Mo Yan, who had not left the island, or Sheng Yue, who Gu Ling thought was likely to be left behind to guard the forbidden area. No matter who it is, they can be blown up directly.

But according to Yuan Ying, who has been deep into the cave, the entrance to the cave is nearly a hundred meters away from the water pool that Mo Yan values ​​​​most. If explosives were placed outside the cave, it would be difficult to destroy the pool.

Therefore, they had to go in, and the closer the explosives were to the pool, the better.

This is also decided, Lao Mu goes. Originally, Cheng Yun asked him to go in because he was Gu Ling's substitute and would have a chance to speak whether he met Mo Yan or Sheng Yue. But Lao Mu rejected it. The reason is also very simple. Those who enter must kill people with guns without hesitation, but this is a bit difficult for Chengyun. He has returned to secular life and started eating meat, but he has not broken the habit of killing. It may be broken soon, but he can't bet on it. He himself is really not confident about it. In this situation, if he hesitates for a second, he may be killed by the enemy.

In this way, Lao Mu, who has the calmest mind among the three and is good with guns, is the best candidate.

There was no sound in the cave. After Lao Mu gestured to Qiu Cong and Cheng Yun, he cautiously approached the entrance of the cave. He wore a ghost mask on his face, carried a pack of explosives on his back, held a gun in his hand covered by his sleeves, and had three hidden weapons and five poisons on his body.

Holding his breath and concentrating, Lao Mu walked in close to the wall. He tried his best to avoid even his own shadow falling on the ground and being noticed by the people inside. Before he went in, he had already made a mental preparation: if he met Mo Yan, don't hesitate to shoot him immediately. If he was delayed by a second, he might be captured by Mo Yan and trapped in the magic weapon. If you encounter Sheng Yue, kill him immediately, he is not one of your own. After killing the people guarding the restricted area, quickly place explosives and fuses, then leave and light a fire...

Lao Mu walked quietly step by step, and the light in the cave became brighter and brighter.

When he was about to turn the corner, Lao Mu held his breath and stopped, listening carefully. It was still quiet inside, without any sound.

Lao Mu tightened his grip on the gun in his hand. According to the picture drawn by Gu Ling, he will soon be able to see the deepest pool of the cave. Anyone who appears in sight will be killed immediately!

However, the next moment, when Lao Mu's shadow appeared in the bright light, he raised his gun, but his expression was startled, and he immediately let go and retreated into the shadow.

But just this time, Lao Mu had been discovered.

"It must be Senior Mu." Sheng Yue's voice came from not far away.

Lao Mu's eyes were cold and he gritted his teeth, trying to calm down. The reason why he didn't take action when he saw the people by the pool just now was that what he saw was not Mo Yan or Sheng Yue, but a group of children!

I don't know if those children were drugged or asleep. There were about seven or eight children, ranging in age from two or three to seven or eight years old, all lying quietly by the pool!

Not to mention that Lao Mu didn't expect it, even Gu Ling didn't expect to encounter such a situation!

"Senior Mu, there is no one else here. You can come out and talk. I won't do anything to you." Sheng Yue's voice came from behind a stone screen next to the pool.

Lao Mu took a deep breath and did not show up. He was still hiding, but he spoke, "Mr. Sheng, what are you doing?"

Sheng Yue's voice was calm, "Senior Mu has already seen it, so there is no need for me to say more. Mo Yan asked me to stay and guard the forbidden area. I think it's almost time for you to arrive."

"Have you forgotten that you and my disciple agreed to cooperate?" Lao Mu said coldly.

Sheng Yue replied, "I haven't forgotten, but the cooperation we agreed on does not include destroying the forbidden area. I don't know how much Senior Mu knows about Gu Ling and Su Liang's secrets, but I told them clearly that I want What. If they remember their cooperation with me, they will not choose to destroy this place because it is also important to me.”

Lao Mu now knows everything and understands what Sheng Yue is talking about. However, the so-called cooperation meant mutual use. At that time, Su Liang and Gu Ling needed Sheng Yue to help convey the information to Mo Yan and return to the island to destroy the He clan. Because Sheng Yue and Mo Yan were not of the same mind, Su Liang and Gu Ling chose to keep him.

And what Sheng Yue said right now is not wrong. He told Su Liang and Gu Ling that he wanted to travel to the world where his mother lived in her previous life.

But for now, it doesn't matter what you say. Just like Lao Mu had planned to kill Sheng Yue when he saw him, Sheng Yue also knew very well that Su Liang and Gu Ling would definitely choose to destroy the forbidden area, but this did not make him waver in his plan. Even before tonight, Sheng Yue had the opportunity to choose to truly stand with Su Liang and Gu Ling. But as he told Feng Ming, he has no friends or enemies, only what he wants to do.

Those children were all born on the island. Maybe they won't be good people when they grow up, but they are just ignorant children now and have not done anything evil. They cannot be buried with Sheng Yue just because they were born on Xingluo Island.

Lao Mu couldn't do it, and it was impossible for Gu Ling to do such a thing in person.

Sheng Yue had already won this round.

Lao Mu did not put down the gun in his hand. He pressed against the stone wall of the cave and asked Sheng Yue, "Where is Mo Yan?"

"Why didn't you ask where Feng Ming was?" Sheng Yue asked.

As soon as this statement came out, it was a direct indication that Feng Ming had been exposed.

Lao Mu frowned, "You can say whatever you want!"

Sheng Yue really said, "Feng Ming is in the dungeon. Senior Mu should know exactly where the dungeon is."

"What do you mean?" Lao Mu asked coldly, "Do you want me to save Feng Ming? What is your purpose?"

"Purpose? I am friends with Su Liang and Gu Ling." Sheng Yue said.

Lao Mu snorted coldly, "Stop talking nonsense."

"Haha, I don't have any purpose. I just think Feng Ming is a talented person. It would be a pity to die. You are all here, why not take him away." Sheng Yue said, "Just think of it as my gift to Gu Ling and Su Liang. Well, I hope they can show mercy to me when we meet in the future.”

"You know what you have done." Lao Mu said coldly.

"Senior Mu, are you talking about these children? Don't worry, they will be fine, they are just asleep. But if you don't leave, they can only continue to sleep in the cave, and it will be bad if they are infected by the wind and cold. I think Senior Mu can't bear to see it Until innocent children get sick." Sheng Yue said, "As for using these children to guard the forbidden area, it was not my idea, it was Mo Yan's. If Gu Ling and Su Liang killed me back then, I am not the one who makes the decision today. "We can't leave, and these kids will really get hurt."

"Why didn't you catch us?" Lao Mu asked with a frown.

"I said, I am friends with Su Liang and Gu Ling, and I don't want to embarrass you. As for how to explain to Mo Yan afterwards, it is my business." Sheng Yue said, "Senior Mu and your friends outside, please leave as soon as possible OK. You can go rescue Feng Ming, but don't alert others, otherwise I won't be able to protect you."

Lao Mu appeared again with his gun raised. He looked at the pool, the children sleeping beside it, and the stone screen blocking Sheng Yue. He gritted his teeth and said, "You can take care of yourself!" After saying that, he quickly ran out.

When Qiu Cong and Cheng Yun saw Lao Mu coming out, they thought he had succeeded.

Qiu Cong polished off the flames and got ready, but saw Lao Mu coming to his side and holding his hand, "No way, let's go!"

Qiu Cong was puzzled, but he agreed to listen to Lao Mu this time and knew Lao Mu's temperament. It took him much longer to go in than expected. Something unexpected must have happened, so the three of them left quickly. the scope of the forbidden area.

Going to the dungeon to rescue people is much easier.

It was late at night, and they could use poison without anyone noticing.

Feng Ming was already asleep, but he was surprised when someone came to rescue him.

The three of them brought Feng Ming out of the dungeon without causing any commotion, and then quickly left the city lord's mansion.

When he learned that a boat was needed, he changed his name to Feng Ming to lead the way. He knew that there was a hidden dock because there were few patrols on the south bank.

Everything went smoothly next. Feng Ming led them to successfully avoid the people on duty on the coast, found a suitable ship, boarded it and left Xingluo Island.

After walking several hundred meters on the sea, Qiu Cong asked Lao Mu, "What's going on? Why can't it be done? That old bitch Mo Yan is in there, and he caught you and then released you? This is impossible!"

Lao Mu shook his head and sighed deeply. He stood at the stern of the boat and looked at Xingluo Island, which was getting further and further away in his sight. "Mo Yan is not here, it's Sheng Yue. He captured a group of children in the cave and guarded the pool. We won't leave. What else can we do?" It can't be blown up. Once it alerts other people on the island, it will inevitably be a situation where they will be besieged, and they won't be able to leave even if they want to.

Qiu Cong yelled, "That bitch! Xiao Liang and Xiao Gu should have killed him back then!"

Lao Mu shook his head, "Don't forget that he took the initiative to send him to the door. He knew that Xiao Gu and Xiao Liang would not kill him at that time, because the biggest threat at that time was Mo Yan. And he was right, that person in the cave tonight This situation, if it hadn’t been for him, certainly wouldn’t have been a good one.”

Chengyun sighed, "What exactly does he want?"

Seeing the silence of the three people, Feng Ming quickly said, "There's something! I met Duke Sheng during the day today... Sheng Yue!"

Lao Mu frowned, "What's wrong?"

Feng Ming said sternly, "It seems now that Sheng Yue expected that you guys were coming and would save me. He told me something. I was a little confused at the time, but now I understand that he meant to tell me. Let me tell you again!”

"What's going on?" Chengyun asked.

"Sheng Yue said that the Mo Yan who went to the appointment on the first day of March was fake!" Feng Ming frowned and said, "The real Mo Yan has already left the island, and probably went to the capital!"

When the three of them heard this, their expressions changed suddenly.

Lao Mu quickly calmed down, "Why is Sheng Yue telling you this? Why didn't he just tell me directly?"

Feng Ming thought thoughtfully, "In my opinion, he wants to tell us that everything is under his control, so that the master should not underestimate him."

Chengyun looked confused, "Is Sheng Yue an enemy or a friend?"

"He is not with us, nor with Mo Yan, otherwise he would not let us go and reveal important information to us." Lao Mu stared, "In short, he is not a madman who likes to kill people, which is a good thing. We have to rush back as soon as possible, Mo Yan is fake, nothing can happen to Xiao Gu, but it’s not safe at home!”


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