The Eagle of Eastern Europe

Chapter 144 A Different Wallachia

After finally formulating weights and measures, it was natural to promote them nationwide. Peter ordered to use this as a sample to make containers and promote it throughout the country. This move was no less than currency unification.

The merchant group is naturally the most welcome, as this can reduce the trouble caused by different weights and measures and is more conducive to the development of transactions.

Civilians are also very welcome, so they don't have to worry about being short of money when buying things, and it is much more convenient to pay taxes to the country and rent to landlords.

The currency is unified, weights and measures are unified, roads are being repaired, and everything is developing in a good direction.

Sometimes Peter felt that none of this was so real. It was incredible that Osman, who was on the rise, was defeated twice in a row and was still under the rule of Lightning. I don’t know if it’s because the settings are too high, or if it’s just good luck?

But now, let’s rest with the people, even if it’s ten years or five years. After all, strength is accumulated.

Castriotti, who was about to become Duke of Alber, came to Bukul Yesti, and this battle also doubled his territory. Becoming a vassal of Wallachia was also the result of his careful consideration. After all, the Balkans now belong to him. The Ottomans have lost their glory of the past, Serbia itself cannot protect itself, and Hungary is far away. Only Wallachia Asia is the best choice.

Mircea personally canonized him, and Castriotti knelt at his feet to express his surrender. The whole process went smoothly and the two parties were harmonious.

With his joining, Wallachia had an outlet to the Adriatic Sea and could face the Mediterranean Sea. There are benefits both economically and militarily. Maybe I can use this as a springboard to return to Italy in the future.

In addition to accepting the canonization, Castriotti also brought taxes to be paid this year when he came to the capital this time. Then he will make plans to continue to expand his territory. This is how the county is. It recognizes your power, but you also have to recognize my power. Only in this way can it last.

----Dividing line----

In the Ottoman capital Bursa, Bayezid is educating his son Suleiman. His screams could be heard throughout the palace.

"Sultan, please calm down," Ali Pasha advised Bayezid.

"Calm down your anger. Tell me how to calm down your anger. Twice, the empire lost to Wallachia twice. The efforts of our ancestors were in vain, and this second time, it was actually caused by this brat who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth."

As Bayezid spoke, he whipped Suleiman with a whip. At this time, there was no good piece of flesh left on the Ottoman prince's body.

"Sultan, no one will always win. Just like Constantinople, how powerful his country was hundreds of years ago, but now it only survives under the protection of the city wall."

"Sultan, you just need to be patient now."

"Patience?" Bayezid didn't want to hear these two words the most. He was asked to be patient before, but what happened.

"Grand Vizier, if you don't want to be the vizier, I can replace you with someone else."

"I'm just here for the country."

Ali Pasha looked righteous, as if he could sacrifice himself for Osman. But Bayezid's anger subsided a little, he told the grand vizier.

"You ask me why the successor of Wallachia is not my successor? He is so great. Whether it is military or political affairs, he can take care of everything in an orderly manner. If the empire is placed in his hands, he will definitely realize the dream of his ancestors. , Allah will also bless you.”

Bayezid found out clearly that the reason why Wallachia has become more powerful in recent years is inseparable from the co-ruler named Peter. During his tenure as governor of Moldova and Bulgaria, he vigorously promoted military construction and economic development. The Wallachian army that repeatedly defeated him was trained by Peter.

"Sultan, no matter what you say, he will not be your child. He is the heir of Wallachia and the enemy of Ottoman."

"I know"

Bayezid just thought about it. Now he and Wallachia can only fight to the death. It’s better to think about how to defeat the enemy.

"Now, we can only attack to the east to make up for our losses in the west."

Bayezid expressed his thoughts. Since the West is not good, then change to the East. By capturing the land in the east and making up for the territory and population in the west, we can restore our strength to the greatest extent possible.

Ali Pasha had no better way and could only acquiesce to the Sultan's idea. The remaining land in the Balkans must also be tightly guarded and must not be lost again.

"What a pity, what a pity..."

Bayezid looked at the bruised Suleiman and left angrily. He needed to calm down the fire in the harem.

----Dividing line----

Peter was working and received a letter from Buda. It turned out to be a letter from Queen Mary. It seemed that traveling by water was quite fast.

Mary hoped to cooperate with Wallachia to depose Sigismund from the Hungarian throne, which would give the people of Transylvania tax exemption for five years and improve their status.

"It's another promise, I'm afraid I'll go back on it again."

Peter looked at the letter and said with some self-deprecation.

"Are we really going to help the King of Hungary?"

"We will help, but not now. I want her to beg me to come and ask the people of Transylvania to support her."

Peter felt that now was not the time, and the fight between the two kings had not yet been made public. The right time to come out would be when Mary had only one breath left.

Wallachia can look up and look at Hungary. Its territory and population have exceeded Hungary. If it is a one-on-one battle, Hungary has no chance of winning.

In terms of political structure, Hungary is an aristocratic republic disguised as a kingdom, while Wallachia is a initially centralized country. Wallachia is superior in terms of mobilization and material allocation capabilities.

If it were a short-term war, Hungary might suffer a disastrous defeat, but Sigismund also had the countries in the HRE behind him, which allowed him to regain a diplomatic advantage. The two sides form a delicate balance, and how to maintain the relationship between the two countries is what the rulers need to think about.

Peter's promotion of weights, measures and currency caused waves across the country. There was some confusion for the first few days, but it soon calmed down because it was so good to unify weights and measures. The transaction speed has been greatly improved and the market has gradually expanded.

The Danube, Prut, and Transnistria are the three main rivers in Wallachia. The towns along the banks have developed industry and commerce, and a large number of commodities are traded and exported along the rivers. The government earns a lot of tax revenue from it, and the preferential treatment for farmers and merchants stimulates productivity, and Wallachia's wealth is being continuously produced.

Among exported goods, wine increased from 120,000 lei in 1390 to 560,000 lei, beeswax increased from 200,000 lei to 420,000 lei, and total exports increased from 1.4 million lei to 3 million. The annual trade surplus was 300,000 lei. Ten thousand, plus other taxes, is enough.

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